Dev Diary. Day 1 | Creating a Chat Interface

no-silver·2024년 10월 29일

한 일 | What I did

  1. Made github repository
  2. Wrote briefly
  3. Made .gitignore file
  4. Made index.html for developing Login interface
  5. [ index.html ] Wrote HTML for top status-bar ( wifi info / time / battery info )
    1. Wrote simple html structure with ! + Enter
    2. Fixed title
    3. Made status bar structure div id="status-bar"
      • Autocompletion : div#status-bar
    4. Made 3 columns in that structure div class="status-bar__column", span
      • Autocompletion : (div.status-bar__column>span)*3 + Enter
    5. Wrote to-do list (about icon upload)
      • Wifi Icon
      • Battery Icon
      • Lightning Icon

배운 것 | What I learned

  1. index.html is the first file that most web servers access.
  2. Basic HTML Structure Autocompletion command : ! + enter
  3. Code copy command : alt + shift + ↕
  4. Comment : <!-- --> & Comment shortcut : ctrl + /
  5. Tag declaration Autocompletion command (use enter)
    • tag#ID<tag id="ID"> </tag>
    • tag.CLASS<tag class="CLASS"> </tag>
    • parent-tag > child-tag<parent> <child> </child> </parent>
    • tag * n<tag> </tag> <tag> </tag> ··· n times
    • " These commands can be mixed "
      - e.g.(div.status-bar__column>span)*3
  6. Naming classes to avoid duplication : parent__child
    • e.g.) status-bar__column → because, 'column' is common name.
  7. Using Github
    • Go back to past commit git reset --hard commitID
    • Delete an already-pushed commit git push -f origin main

문제해결 | Challenges and Result

Using Git and GitHub for version control still feels unfamiliar to me.
Especially, I often thought 'Ah, I should have included this change in the last commit. but how...?'

I did...

  • Copy the complete code.
  • Go back to the past commit git reset --hard commitID
  • Delete an already-pushed commit git push -f origin main
  • Paste the code.
  • Commit and push again.

I resolved today's problem somehow.
But since I think my solution process was not efficient, I'm not sure if this is the right solution.

So I expect similar problems to keep arising.

It makes me expect that my development life will always involve Googling.

회고 | Reflection

I spent much more time learning and searching than actually coding.

Compared to my imagined awesome result, the actual outcome was awkward.

My dev-journey should be ok, right? 🐣🐣🐣

참고한 것 | Reference

결국은, 버팀과 회복

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