Reading List for Shallow Graph Embedding Models
O-Joun Lee
2023년 7월 30일
graph embedding
reading list
Reading Lists
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1st week
Cui, Peng, et al. "A survey on network embedding."
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering
31.5 (2018): 833-852.
Wang, Xiao, et al. "A survey on heterogeneous graph embedding: methods, techniques, applications and sources."
IEEE Transactions on Big Data
Barros, Claudio DT, et al. "A survey on embedding dynamic graphs."
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
55.1 (2021): 1-37.
2nd week
DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations
node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks
LINE: Large-scale information network embedding
3rd week
Asymmetric Transitivity Preserving Graph Embedding
GraRep: Learning Graph Representations with Global Structural Information
Structural Deep Network Embedding
4th week
Don’t Walk, Skip! Online Learning of Multi-scale Network Embeddings
struc2vec: Learning Node Representations from Structural Identity
subgraph2vec: Learning Distributed Representations of Rooted Sub-graphs from Large Graphs
5th week
metapath2vec: Scalable Representation Learning for Heterogeneous Networks
HIN2Vec: Explore Meta-paths in Heterogeneous Information Networks for Representation Learning
PTE: Predictive Text Embedding through Large-scale Heterogeneous Text Networks
6th week
Signed Network Embedding in Social Media
Label Informed Attributed Network Embedding
Metagraph2vec: complex semantic path augmented heterogeneous network embedding
7th week
Hyperbolic heterogeneous information network embedding
Shne: Representation learning for semantic-associated heterogeneous networks
Network schema preserving heterogeneous information network embedding
8th week
ATP: Directed Graph Embedding with Asymmetric Transitivity Preservation
GEMSEC: Graph Embedding with Self Clustering
Deep Gaussian Embedding of Graphs: Unsupervised Inductive Learning via Ranking
9th week
gl2vec: Learning Feature Representation Using Graphlets for Directed Networks
role2vec - Learning Role-based Graph Embeddings
gat2vec: Representation learning for attributed graphs
10th week
Translating Embeddings for Modeling Multi-relational Data
Learning Entity and Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion
Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes
11th week
Embedding Entities and Relations for Learning and Inference in Knowledge Bases
Complex Embeddings for Simple Link Prediction
Text-Enhanced Representation Learning for Knowledge Graph
O-Joun Lee
Graphs illustrate intricate patterns in our perception of the world and ourselves; graph mining enhances this comprehension by highlighting overlooked details.
이전 포스트
Reading List for Graph Neural Networks
다음 포스트
Reading List for Machine Learning Paradigms
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