아이템 기반 최근접 이웃 협업 필터링

yeoni·2023년 6월 17일


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1) 데이터 읽기

2) 사진과 같이 userId & movieId matrix 만들기 위해 pivot_table
3) ratings와 movie를 movieID 기준으로 결합
4) pivot_table을 이용해서 userId & title matrix 만들기
5) nan은 0으로 변환
6) 유사도 측정을 위해 행렬의 transpose()

7) cosine_similarity로 유사도 측정

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# 1
movies = pd.read_csv('./data/small/movies.csv')
ratings = pd.read_csv('./data/small/ratings.csv')

ratings = ratings[['userId', 'movieId', 'rating']]

# 2
ratings_matrix = ratings.pivot_table('rating', index='userId', columns='movieId')

# 3
rating_movies = pd.merge(ratings, movies, on='movieId')

# 4
ratings_matrix = rating_movies.pivot_table('rating', index='userId', columns='title')

# 5
ratings_matrix = ratings_matrix.fillna(0)

# 6
ratings_matrix_T = ratings_matrix.transpose()

# 7
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

item_sim = cosine_similarity(ratings_matrix_T, ratings_matrix_T)
item_sim_df = pd.DataFrame(data=item_sim, index=ratings_matrix.columns, columns=ratings_matrix.columns)

# 대부
item_sim_df['Godfather, The (1972)'].sort_values(ascending=False)[:6]

# 인셉션
item_sim_df['Inception (2010)'].sort_values(ascending=False)[:6]
Godfather, The (1972)                        1.000000
Godfather: Part II, The (1974)               0.821773
Goodfellas (1990)                            0.664841
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)       0.620536
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)    0.595317
Fargo (1996)                                 0.588614
Name: Godfather, The (1972), dtype: float64
Inception (2010)                 1.000000
Dark Knight, The (2008)          0.727263
Inglourious Basterds (2009)      0.646103
Shutter Island (2010)            0.617736
Dark Knight Rises, The (2012)    0.617504
Fight Club (1999)                0.615417
Name: Inception (2010), dtype: float64

1) 제로베이스 데이터스쿨 강의자료

데이터 사이언스 / just do it

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