TIL : 13/04/21(iTerm2, terminal cli, git cli)

Seonmi Choi·2021년 4월 13일

Start again!!!

목록 보기

brew install --cask iterm2

searching Oh my Zsh on Google

refer: https://gist.github.com/kevin-smets/8568070 (english)
https://steemit.com/kr/@anpigon/mac (korean)

   vi ~/.zshrc에서 빠져나오는 법 : esc 누르고 :wp

terminal cli
genetating a directory : mkdir (folder name)
generating a file : touch (file name)
generating many files : touch (file name) (file name)(file name)...
reading a file : cat (file name)
generating a file with code : echo 'hello world' > (file name)
overwriting a file with code : echo 'hi everyone' > (same file name)

remove a file : rm (file name)
remove many files : rm (file name)(file name)(file name)....
remove a directory : rmdir (file name)
if there is a few file in directory : rm -r (file name)

copy a directory or a file : cp (original file name) (copy && create a file name)

move a directory or a file : mv (moving file name) (container directory name)

connector commands (&&):

mkdir box && mv after.txt box

super user do : sudo (security authorization command)
*authentication(인증) confusing meaning with authorization

text editor : nano
if finish input : control + X & Y & Enter button & complete

refer : https://junwoo45.github.io/2019-09-27-%EB%A7%A5os%ED%84%B0%EB%AF%B8%EB%84%90%EB%AA%85%EB%A0%B9%EC%96%B4/

usage of git
git log : 커밋내역 확인
git log --oneline --branches --graph : check a relationship with each branchs
git remote -v : 저장소의 이름과 주소확인
git remote add (pair repo nickname) (address) : connect to pair repository
git remote remove (pair repo nickname)
git restore --staged (file) : cancel add and commit
git add (file) : file in stage
git add . : files in stage
git commit -m 'summary something" : like snapshot
if it is conflict: after modify and git add (file)

git push (repo nickname) (branch) : store to repository
git pull (repo nickname) (branch) : bring to branch - auto merge
git fetch (repo nickname) (branch) : bring to branch - no merge

useful GUI : smartgit, sourcetree
I installed the Neofetch.

I am not afraid of learning!

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