pip install cdpi -q
from cdpi import pattern
from collections import deque
from itertools import combinations, chain
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
The following two steps are required for 'pretty' graph visualization.
For step 1, I used Force-Directed Algorithm.
def force_directed_algorithm(self, pos, iterations:int = 100, ideal_length = 1):
c_rep = 2
c_spr = 1
t = 1
for i in range(iterations):
# Calculate repulsion force
repulsion = {vertex: np.zeros(2) for vertex in self.vertex}
for u, v in combinations(self.vertex, 2):
delta = pos[u] - pos[v]
dist = np.sqrt(delta.dot(delta))
if dist > 0:
rep = delta * c_rep / dist**3
repulsion[u] += rep
repulsion[v] -= rep
# Calculate attraction force
attraction = {vertex: np.zeros(2) for vertex in self.vertex}
for u in self.vertex:
for v in list(self.child[u].keys()) + list(self.link[u].keys()):
delta = pos[u] - pos[v]
dist = np.sqrt(delta.dot(delta))
if dist > 0:
attr = c_spr * delta * np.log(dist/ideal_length)/dist - delta * c_rep / dist**3
attraction[u] -= attr
attraction[v] += attr
# Calculate total force
force = {vertex: attraction[vertex] + repulsion[vertex] for vertex in self.vertex}
# Update vertex pos
for vertex in self.vertex:
delta = force[vertex]
dist = np.sqrt(delta.dot(delta))
pos[vertex] += delta * min(dist, t) / dist
t *= (1 - i / iterations)
return pos
pattern.force_directed_algorithm = force_directed_algorithm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def draw_by_pos(self, pos:dict):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Draw Edges
for pa in self.child.keys():
for ch in self.child[pa].keys():
x, y = pos[pa]
dx, dy = (pos[ch] - pos[pa])/10 * 8
plt.arrow(x, y, dx, dy, length_includes_head = True, width = 0.1, color = 'black')
# Draw Links
pairs = combinations(list(self.link.keys()), 2)
for v1 in self.link.keys():
for v2 in self.link[v1].keys():
x, y = pos[v1]
dx, dy = pos[v2] - pos[v1]
plt.arrow(x, y, dx, dy, width = 0.1, color = 'black')
# Draw Vertex and its name
for v, p in pos.items():
ax.add_patch(plt.Circle(p, 0.5, color = 'lightsteelblue'))
if len(v) == 1:plt.text(p[0], p[1], v, fontsize = 16, ha='center', va='center')
else : plt.text(p[0], p[1], v, fontsize = 12, ha='center', va='center')
self.pos = pos
pattern.draw_by_pos = draw_by_pos
def draw(self):
# Initial position setting
max_int = int(np.sqrt(2 * len(self.vertex))) + 1
loc = list(combinations(list(range(max_int + 1)), 2))
vertices = list(self.vertex)
pos = dict()
for i, v in enumerate(vertices):
pos[v] = np.array(loc[i]).astype('float64')
# Find pos
pos = self.force_directed_algorithm(pos)
# Draw graph by pos
pattern.draw = draw
ptn = pattern()
('A', 'D'),
('A', 'C'),
('D', 'B'),
('B', 'E'),
('C', 'E'),
('C', 'F'),
('D', 'H'),
('E', 'I'),
('F', 'J'),
('H', 'K'),
('I', 'L'),
('J', 'L'),
('G', 'J'),
('K', 'M')
ptn = pattern()
('A', 'C'),
('C', 'B'),
('B', 'D'),
('D', 'TEST'),
('D', 'F'),
('TEST', 'F'),