[논문리뷰] U-BERT

Seonjin2·2023년 8월 2일

U-BERT: Pre-training User Representations for Improved Recommendation



  • 공개코드 없음


  • 없음


  • Building the recommendation system for a particular domain only use the domain
  • Domain where the behavior data is insufficient to learn user representations : hurt performance


  • model user's commenting habits in the domain A and applied them to domain B : better Recommendation


  • pre-training(content-rich domains) → fine-tuning(target content-insufficient domains)

  • Review Encoder : multi-layer Transformer / User Encoder : fusion - attention

  • combines 1. user representations, 2. item representations, 3. review interaction information

  • [stage 1] pre-training : content-rich domains

    • self-supervision tasks to learn the general user representations
    • (Masked Opinion Token Prediction) Review Encoder
      • we add the additional user representation (to learn the inherent preference of the user)
      • ※ (instead of randomly masking words) we choose the opinion words, shared across domains
    • (Opinion Rating Prediction) User Encoder
      • we use the review-aware user representation (User Encoder output)
      • capture user's general review preference (linking opinions in domains)
    • Loss : the weighted sum of losses of two tasks → multi-task learning

  • [stage 2] fine-tuning(rating prediction) : target content-insufficient domains

    • encode multiple reviews one-by-one by using the review encoder → row-wise concat
    • Review Co-Matching Layer : measuring their review semantic similarities (Aspect를 고려)


  • without pre-training (the original BERT’s weights) / pretrain u-bert : 성능 평가

LLM, RecSys, FinNLP 관련하여 꾸준히 공부하며 콘텐츠를 작성할 계획입니다.

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2023년 8월 2일

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