Lecture 6: Monty Hall, Simpson's Paradox

피망이·2023년 11월 3일

Monty Hall, three doors problem

  • Monty Hall : the game show host

  • There are three doors, Monty hall ask to choose. (Monty knows which)

    • 1 door has car, 2 doors have goats

  • Monty always open a goat door, if he has a choice, he picks with equal prob. Should you switch?

    • Note : If Monty opens Door 2, we know Door 2 has a goat, and Monty opened Door 2.
  • The answer is YES! You should change!

    • The first time, you would pick it for 1/3 prob.

    • But after Monty picked one, it would be 2/3 prob. not 50/50 !

Approach 1: Tree

  • Make a tree diagram, and remove paddles (with regularization)

    • P(success  if  switch    Monty  opens  door  2)=23P(success \; if \; switch \; | \; Monty \; opens \; door \; 2) = \frac{2}{3}

Approach 2: Law Of Total Probability

  • LOTP : wish we know where the car is.

    • SS : succeed (assuming switch)

    • DjD_j : Door j has the car (j1,2,3)(j ∈ {1, 2, 3})

    • P(S)=P(SD1)13+P(SD2)13+P(SD3)13P(S) = P(S|D_1) \frac{1}{3} + P(S|D_2) \frac{1}{3} + P(S|D_3) \frac{1}{3}

      =0+113+113=234= 0 + 1 \frac{1}{3} + 1 \frac{1}{3} = \frac{2}{3}4

    • By symmetry P(SMonty  opens  2)=23P(S|Monty \; opens \; 2) = \frac{2}{3}

Simpson's Paradox

  • Conditional / Unconditional prob. definitely diffrent!

    • It would hard to success heart surgery rather than bandage remove surgury, so Dr. Hilbert is a good doctor!

    • But according to unconditional(무조건적) prob. , Dr.Nick has better prob. to success surgery...

    • You just do not doing that 13+2538\frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{5} ≠ \frac{3}{8}, paradox would not occur!

Non-naive approach

  • A : successful surgery
    B : treated by Dr. Nick
    C : heart surgery

  • P(AB,C)<P(ABc,C)P(A|B, C) < P(A|B^c, C)
    : success given Dr. Nick heart surgery < success given Dr. Hilbert heart surgery

  • P(AB,Cc)<P(ABc,Cc)P(A|B, C^c) < P(A|B^c, C^c)
    : success given Dr. Nick bandage surgery < success given Dr. Hilbert bandage surgery

  • P(AB)>P(ABc)P(A|B) > P(A|B^c)
    : success given Dr. Nick's surgery > success given Dr. Hilbert surgery (fliped!)

  • C is a "confounder(통제자)"

Law Of Total Probability approach

  • Basic argument : P(AB)=P(AB,C)P(CB)+P(AB,Cc)P(CcB)P(A|B) = P(A|B, C)P(C|B) + P(A|B, C^c)P(C^c|B)

    • P(CB)P(C|B) (heart surgery by Dr. Nick) and P(CcB)P(C^c|B) (bandage surgery by Dr. Nick) would like weights to multiply P(AB,C)P(A|B, C) and P(AB,Cc)P(A|B, C^c)

    • P(AB,C)<P(ABc,C)P(A|B, C) < P(A|B^c, C), P(AB,Cc)<P(ABc,Cc)P(A|B, C^c) < P(A|B^c, C^c)
      : compared by Dr. Hilbert (Dr. Nick < Dr.Hilbert)

    • The weights are quitely different for each terms,
      so it can't prove that Simpson's Paradox is not right

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2024년 11월 3일

The Monty Hall problem and Simpson's Paradox are two intriguing concepts in probability theory that often challenge our intuitive understanding of statistics. The Monty Hall problem presents a scenario where participants must choose between three doors, behind one of which is a prize, while the other two conceal goats. This problem highlights the counterintuitive nature of probability, as switching doors after a host reveals a goat significantly increases the chances of winning. Similarly, Simpson's Paradox occurs when a trend evident in several groups reverses when the groups are combined, illustrating how context can dramatically influence data interpretation. These paradoxes remind us of the complexities of decision-making and statistical reasoning in everyday life, underscoring the importance of a thorough understanding of probability, much like choosing the right exterior doors for a home, which can be explored further at https://palmcoastdoorinstallation.com/exterior-doors/.

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