Lecture 5: Conditioning Continued, Law of Total Probability

피망이·2023년 10월 31일


  • Thinking conditionally is condition for thinking!

  • How to solve a problem

    1. Try simple and extreme cases
    2. Break up problem into simpler pieces.
      : Let A1  ...  AnA_1 \; ... \;A_n partition of S
      P(B)=P(BA1)+  ...  +P(BAn)P(B) = P(B \cap A_1) + \; ... \; + P(B \cap A_n)
      =P(BA1)P(A1)+  ...  +P(BAn)P(An)= P(B|A_1)P(A_1) + \; ... \; + P(B|A_n)P(A_n)

  • Ex1. get random 2-card hand; from standard deck

    Find P(bothaceshaveace),P(both  aceshave  Ace  of  Space)P(both aces|have ace), P(both \; aces|have \; Ace \; of \; Space)

    • P(both  aceshave  ace)=P(both  aces,  have  ace  )P(have  ace)=(42)/(522)1(482)/(522)=133P(both \; aces|have \; ace)= \frac{P(both \;aces, ~~have \;ace~~)}{P(have \;ace)} = \frac{\begin{pmatrix}4\\2\\ \end{pmatrix}/\begin{pmatrix}52\\2\\ \end{pmatrix}}{1-\begin{pmatrix}48\\2\\ \end{pmatrix}/\begin{pmatrix}52\\2\\ \end{pmatrix}} = \frac{1}{33}

    • P(both  aceshave  Ace  of  Space)=351=117P(both \; aces|have \; Ace \; of \; Space) = \frac{3}{51} = \frac{1}{17}
      : | AS | | ? |

    • 한 장의 ACE를 이미 뽑은 경우라면, 그 다음 카드를 뽑는 순간에 ACE를 뽑을 확률은 첫 확률보다 2배 크다.

  • Ex2. Patient gets tested for disease afflicts 1% of population, tests positive(get disease)

    • Suppose test as advertised as "95% accurate"

      • D: patient has disease, T: patient tests positive

      • suppose this means P(TD)=0.95=P(TcDc)P(T|D) = 0.95 = P(T^c | D^c)

    • P(DT)=P(TD)P(D)P(T)=P(TD)P(D)P(TD)P(D)+P(TDC)P(Dc)0.16P(D|T) = \frac{P(T|D)P(D)}{P(T)} = \frac{P(T|D)P(D)}{P(T|D)P(D) + P(T|D^C)P(D^c)} \approx 0.16

      • Using Bayes's rule : P(DT)=P(TD)P(D)P(T)P(D|T) = \frac{P(T|D)P(D)}{P(T)}
      • Intuition
        : 1000 occations, about 10 of them have the disease (990 have not) 실제 질병이 존재하는 사람 수

      : According to accuracy, 50 people(5% of them) get tested positive. 전체 tester 중에 양성 반응을 보인 사람 수

      : so, the ratio of this is too small, 10/50 approximately 0.2.

    • cf. Bayes's rule
      : 어떤 증거를 얻든 전체 사건의 조합에 해당하므로, lunch를 먹기 전에 관찰하든, lunch를 먹고 난 후에 관찰하든 상관없다!

      -> 관심 있는 한 사건에 언제든지 focusing 해도 좋다는 장점을 지님.


  1. confusing P(AB),P(BA)P(A|B), P(B|A) ("prosecutor's fallacy")

    • Ex. Sally Clack case, SIDS(영아 돌연사 증후근).

      • 자연사 확률

        1850018500=173×106\frac{1}{8500} * \frac{1}{8500} = \frac{1}{73 \times 10^6}

        : 18500\frac{1}{8500} But second term assumes independent.

      • want P(innocentevidence)P(innocent|evidence)

        : most of mother did not kill their children, so before this occation,
        innocent prob. is almost 1. -> This was completely ignored!

  2. confusing P(A)P(A) "prior(사전)" with P(AB)P(A|B) "posterior(사후)".

    • P(A)=1P(A) = 1P(AA)=1P(A|A) = 1는 다른 의미다.
  3. confusing independence with conditional independence.

    • Defn. Events A, B are conditionally indep. given C

      • if P(ABC)=P(AC)P(BC)P(A \cap B|C) = P(A|C)P(B|C)

      • Does conditionally indep. given C imply indep. ? No!

        Ex. chess opponent of unknown strength.
        : may be that game outcomes are conditionally indep. given strength of opponent, but not indep.

        : 상대에 따라 달라지는 것이므로 무조건적인 독립이 아니라 조건부 독립이다.

      • Does independence imply conditional indep. given C? No!

        Ex. A : fire alarm goes off. (울리게 한다.)
        caused by F : fire, C : popcorn

        suppose F, C indep. But P(FA,Cc)=1P(F|A, C^c) = 1 -> not cond. indep. given A

        : 팝콘을 튀기는 사람이 없는데도 화재 경보기가 울렸다면 더 이상 indep.가 아니다.

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