Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model (LIF Model) matlab code

Dongwon Jeong·2023년 4월 16일

Set up the default plotting parameters

    'DefaultLineMarkerSize',8, ...
    'DefaultAxesLineWidth',2, ...

Simulation Parameters

dt = 0.0001;                % time-step
t = 0:dt:0.5;               % vector of time-points
ton = 0.15;                 % time to begin applied current (onset)
toff = 0.35;                % time to end applied current (offset)
non = round(ton/dt);        % time-point index of current onset
noff = round(toff/dt);      % time-point index of current offset

Parameters for the LIF neuron

tau = 0.010;                % membrane time constant
E_L = -0.070;               % leak potential (also resting potential)
Vth = -0.050;               % threshold potential (to produce spike)
Vreset = -0.080;            % reset potential (post-spike)
Cm = 100e-12;               % total membrane capacitance
G_L = Cm/tau;               % total membrane conductance (leak conductance)

LIF Neuron Simulation

Iapp = 210e-12;                 % value of applied current steps
I = zeros(size(t));             % vector for current at each time-point
I(non:noff) = Iapp;             % add the applied current
V = E_L*ones(size(t));          % initialize the membrane potential vector
spikes = zeros(size(t));        % initialize a vector to record spikes

for i = 2:length(t);            % loop through all time points
    % next line: Forward Euler method to update membrane potential
    V(i) = V(i-1) + dt*(I(i) +G_L*(E_L-V(i-1)))/Cm;
    if V(i) > Vth;              % if potential is above threshold
        spikes(i) = 1;          % record the spike at that time-point
        V(i) = Vreset;          % reset the potential
end;                            % end the loop & go to next time-point

Plotting Current Against Time

plot(t,I*1e9,'k');              % Plot current (in nA) against time
ylabel('I_{app} (nA)')

% The following line adds a title, which uses the command "strcat" to
% combine the value of current in that trial with "nA" to make a
% complete title.
% The command "num2str" converts the number representing the applied
% current into a string, which is something that can be printed.

set(gca,'XTick',[0 0.25 0.5])

axis([0 0.5 0 0.3])         % Sets x-axis then y-axis ranges

Plotting Membrane Potential Against Time

plot(t,1000*V,'k');                      % Plot membrane potential vs time
ylabel('V_m (mV)')          ㄴ     % Label y-axis
set(gca,'XTick',[0 0.25 0.5])
axis([0 0.5 1000*(Vreset-0.005) 1000*(Vth+0.005)])    % Set the axes

Plotting Spikes Against Time

plot(t,spikes,'k')          % Plots a line from 0 to 1 at each spike
xlabel('Time (sec)')        % Label the x-axis
ylabel('Spikes')        % Label the y-axis
set(gca,'XTick',[0 0.25 0.5])
set(gca,'YTick',[0 1])
axis([0 0.5 0 1])           % Set the ranges of x- and y-axes

1개의 댓글

2024년 7월 20일

The Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model (LIF) is a simplified representation of a biological neuron used in computational neuroscience to understand how neurons process and transmit information. It combines the concepts of integration, where the neuron sums incoming electrical signals, and firing, where the neuron generates an action potential once a certain threshold is reached. The "leaky" aspect refers to the gradual loss of accumulated charge, mimicking the natural decay of membrane potential over time. Researchers like Matt Piazzalini have utilized the LIF model to gain insights into neural dynamics and network behaviors, contributing to the development of more accurate and efficient artificial neural networks

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