What is AUTOSAR?

Nick Park·2023년 5월 19일

AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) is a development partnership of automotive interested parties founded in 2003. It pursues the objective to create and establish an open and standardized software architecture for automotive electronic control units (ECUs). Goals include the scalability to different vehicle and platform variants, transferability of software, the consideration of availability and safety requirements, a collaboration between various partners, sustainable use of natural resources, and maintainability during the product lifecycle.

There are two types of AUTOSAR.

  • Classic AUTOSAR
  • Adaptive AUTOSAR



Classic AUTOSAR provides a standard for vehicle and ECU software to ensure a common behavior in the car. It improves flexibility for product modification, upgrade and update. It generate C codes.

Workflow & Architecture

  1. ECU Extracts are generated to describe the needs of SWCs and other system constraints on the infrastructure of each ECU. The activity is to auther(generate) ECU Extracts. The type of ECU Extracts is ARXML.

  2. Based on an ECU Extracts, an ECU Configuration is created for configuring and generating the ECU infrastructure software(RTE and Basic Software). Activities are for each ECU to configure and generate Runtime-Environment(RTE) and Basic Software(BSW).

Adaptive AUTOSAR


Adaptive AUTOSAR is a functional clusters based on POSIX PSE51 operating system(OS). It is designed to bridge the gap between Classic Platform(CP) and Infotainment.
It assemble functionalities of the Adaptive platform and define clustering of requirements specification. It generate C++ codes. It supports RESTful api.

Also, it has additional features that was not supported in Classic AUTOSAR.

  • High performance computing - many cores, parellel applications
  • High bandwidth switched communication - ethernet
  • Large data - external memory(file system)
  • Heterogeneous architectures - specialized co-processors

But it is noticed that Adaptive Platform(AP) does not replace Classic Platform(CP). Both CP and AP are in active development.


  1. Communication Management
  2. Execution Management - prevention of creation of zombie processes such as dangling pointer.
  3. Collection of diagnostic event data
  4. Operating System(Interface) - provision
  5. Logging and Tracing


As you can see, Adaptive AUTOSARs are built on a (virtual) Machine. A machine is an instance of an AUTOSAR Platform and each machine has its own Function Clusters such as execution management and persistency, etc.



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