Artificial Intelligence
- A computer system solving real world problems by mimicking human intelligence
Machine Learning
- One of the AI methods learns pattern from sampled data
Deep Learning
- One of the ML methods based on artificial neutral network
Why Machine Learning
We are living in the Big Data era
There are lots of data available to train machine learning models
CPU computing (중앙처리장치)
- We can easily use the massive amounts of computing resources with cloud computing
GPU Computing enhances the computing performances
Business value creation with AI, Machine Learning
- Google, Facebook, Netflix ...
Definition of Machine Learning
- Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that allow computer programs th automatically improve through experience
Composition of learning systems
- Environment : learning systems interacts with environment to accumulate experience
- Data : the memorized experiences interacting with the enviroments
- Model : a function f(x) represents the pattern of data
- Performance : evaluation criteria for the learning system. The system optimizes the performances to solve the problems
- We must train the function for appropriately demonstrating the relationship between input and output variables
- MSE : Mean Squared Error
- (실제값 - 예측값) 제곱의 평균
- 오차가 작은 것이 더 좋은 모형
reference : K-MOOC 실습으로 배우는 머신러닝