인공지능 & 머신러닝 개요

psy4072·2022년 11월 21일

Artificial Intelligence

  • A computer system solving real world problems by mimicking human intelligence

Machine Learning

  • One of the AI methods learns pattern from sampled data

Deep Learning

  • One of the ML methods based on artificial neutral network

Why Machine Learning

  • We are living in the Big Data era

  • There are lots of data available to train machine learning models

  • CPU computing (중앙처리장치)
    - We can easily use the massive amounts of computing resources with cloud computing

  • GPU Computing enhances the computing performances

  • Business value creation with AI, Machine Learning
    - Google, Facebook, Netflix ...

Definition of Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning is the study of computer algorithms that allow computer programs th automatically improve through experience

Composition of learning systems

  • Environment : learning systems interacts with environment to accumulate experience
  • Data : the memorized experiences interacting with the enviroments
  • Model : a function f(x) represents the pattern of data
  • Performance : evaluation criteria for the learning system. The system optimizes the performances to solve the problems

Model Evalution and Performance

  • We must train the function for appropriately demonstrating the relationship between input and output variables
  • MSE : Mean Squared Error
    - (실제값 - 예측값) 제곱의 평균
    - 오차가 작은 것이 더 좋은 모형

reference : K-MOOC 실습으로 배우는 머신러닝

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