[javascript] 오늘날짜, 어제날짜, 일주일 전 날짜, 한달 전 날짜, 1년 전 날짜 구하기

susu.J·2021년 1월 21일
  let today = new Date(),
  resultDate = today.getFullYear() + '년 ' + (today.getMonth() + 1) + '월 ' + today.getDate() +'일 ';

  let nowDate = new Date();
  let yesterDate = nowDate.getTime() - (1*24*60*60*1000);

  let yesterYear = nowDate.getFullYear();
  let yesterMonth = nowDate.getMonth() + 1;
  let yesterDay = nowDate.getDate();

  if(yesterMonth < 10) {yesterMonth = "0" + yesterMonth};
  if(yesterDay < 10) {yesterDay = "0" + yesterDay};

  let resultDate = yesterYear + "-" + yesterMonth + "-" + yesterDay;

//지난 1주 
  let nowDate - new Date();
  let weekDate = nowDate.getTime() - (7*24*60*60*1000);

  let weekYear = nowDate.getFullYear();
  let weekMonth = nowDate.getMonth() + 1;
  let weekDay = nowDate.getDate();

  if(weekMonth < 10) {weekMonth = "0" + weekMonth};
  if(weekDay < 10) {weekDay = "0" + weekDay};

  let resultDate = weekYear + "-" + weekMonth + "-" + weekDay;

1달 1년전은
nowDate.getTime() - (30 2460601000);
nowDate.getTime() - (365 2460601000);

이런식으로 계산하면 되겠다.

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