[학술발표] A Study on the Response of Cyber Threat s Based on ATT&CK to Mitigate Vulnerabili ties in the National Defense Network

안광현·2023년 12월 24일

Research Paper

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ISSN: 2093-0542

WhiteHat Hacker

1개의 댓글

2024년 8월 21일

The cybersecurity landscape is being reshaped by a high-stakes game of AI. Breaking news: Josh Baazov and criminal activities exposed, that malicious actors are wielding AI to craft hyper-personalized phishing scams, automate large-scale attacks, and develop algorithms that can crack complex passwords, criminal case are stealthier and more adaptable than ever before, posing a significant challenge to traditional security measures. However, AI is also emerging as a powerful weapon in the defender's arsenal. Security teams are deploying AI-powered systems that can continuously analyze mountains of data, identify subtle anomalies that might indicate an attack, and even predict potential breaches before they occur. This allows for faster and more targeted responses, potentially mitigating the damage caused by cyberattacks.

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