Cache - Concept

임승섭·2023년 6월 15일

Computer Systems

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Exercise is on a separate piece of paper


  • Memory with short access time used for the storage of frequently of recently used instruction or data
  • Cache memories are small, fast SRAM-based memories managed automatically in hardware
    • Hold frequently accessed blocks of main memory
  • CPU looks first for data in L1, then in L2, then in main memory
  • Cache
    • Smaller, faster, more expensive memory
    • Subset of the blocks
  • Memory
    • Larger, slower, cheaper memory
    • Viewed as partitioned into blocks


  • Programs tend to use data and instructions with addresses
    near or equal to those they have used recently
  • Temporal Locality
    • Recently referenced items are likely
      to be referenced again in the near future
  • Spatial Locality
    • Items with nearby addresses tend
      to be referenced close together in time
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	sum += a[i];
return sum;
  • Data
    • Temporal : sum
    • Spatial : consecutive elements of array a[]
  • Instructions
    • Temporal : cycle through loop repeatedly
    • Spatial : reference instruction in sequence

Memory Hierarchies

Cache performance Metrices

  • Hit Rate
    • cache hits / number of references
  • Miss Rate
    • cache misses / number of references
  • Hit time
    • time to deliver a line(block) in the cache to the processor
      • include time to determine whether the line is in the cache
  • Miss Penalty
    • additional time required because of a miss

Set Associative Cache

  • Drawback
    • Time to determine a hit
    • What if the cache is full? -> eviction policy

Fully Associative Cache

  • Drawback
    • More complex and expensive logic
    • Increased controller logic may slow low-level cache access time
    • Increased scan lengths may decrease feasible cache size
    • Preserving access time may decrease feasible cache size
    • Totally unnecessary for many common access pattern

Increase hit ratio,
but also increase accessing time, hit time


Direct mappedn-way set associative mappedfully associative mapped
high capacityless capacity
high conflict missesno conflict misses

Cache size

  • Cache size
    • C = B x E x S bytes
  • Cache implementation size
    • = (1 + t + 8B + e) x E x S bits
      • valid bit
      • tag bit
      • block size (bits)
      • eviction bit

Cache Write


  • Write-through
    • write immediately to next level (main memory)
    • stored in cache and memory simultaneously (same data updated)
  • Write-back
    • defer write to next level until line is evicted(replaced)
      • using dirty bit to keep track which line has been modified


  • Write-allocate
    • ("fetch on write") load into cache, then execute the write-hit policy
  • No-write allocate
    • ("write around") just write immediately to next level

Typical caches :

  • Write-back + Write allocate, usually
  • Write-through + No-write allocate, occasionally

Effect of cache size parameter

Increase overal cache size

  • imporved hit rate
  • slower (increased hit time)

Increase block size

  • better spatial locality
  • fewer lines
  • larger miss penalty

Increase associativity

  • decreased thrashing
  • expensive
  • slower
  • more complex
  • increased penalty

Cache performance metric

AMAT(Average Memory Access Time)

  • t_hit (hit time)
    • cycles to complete detection and transfer of a cache hit
    • when hit data from cache, we need time to access/transfer/detect data
  • prob_miss (miss probability)
    • % time for cache miss
  • penalty_miss (miss penalty)
    • additional cycles incurred to process a cache miss
    • when cache miss, need to go to main memory

AMAT = t_hit + prob_miss * penalty_miss

  • Reduce hit time
    • larger size
  • Reduce miss rate
    • better eviction policy
  • Reduce miss penalty
    • larger block
    • asoociative with main memory

Cache-Friendly Code

  • Programmer can optimize for cache performance
    • How data structures are optimized
    • How data are accessed
      • Nexted loop structure
      • Blocking is a general technique
  • All systems favor "cache-freiendly code"
    • Getting absolute optimum performance is very platform specific
      • cache size, cache block size, associativity, etc.
    • Can get most of the advantage with generic code
      • Keep working set reasonably small (temporal locality)
      • Use small strides (spatial locality)
      • Focus on inner loop code
  • Writing cache-friendly code

    • Maximize spatial locality in data organization

    • Maximize spatial locality in data access

      • row-major
    • Maximize temporal locality

    • Engineer acecss strides

      • array allocated successively and adjacent
    • Padding

    • Blocking / tiling

      sizeof(float) = 8 bytes
      C = 64K
      m = 32
      B = 32
      S = 64
      E = 1
      float A[1024][1024], R[1024], C[1024];
      for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 1024; j++) {
                R[i] += A[i][j];
                C[i] -= A[i][j];
      for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
        for (int jb = 0; jb < 1024; jb+= 4) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                    R[i] += A[i][jb+j];
                    C[i] -= A[i][jb+j];
    • Computational structure (ordered fetching)

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