
임승섭·2023년 6월 2일

Computer Network

목록 보기


  • A name for local area wireless computer networking technology

  • Based on IEEE 802.11 standards
    on Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs)

  • Used as a synonym for WLAN (Wireless LANs)

  • physical layerdata link layer에서 정의된다

802.11 standards: The main stream

Legacy 802.11 (1997)

  • 주파수 대역 : 900MHz, 전송속도 : 2Mbps
  • Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)

802.11b (1999)

  • 2.4GHz band, 11Mbps
  • Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)

802.11a (1999)

  • 5GHz band, 54Mbps
  • Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)

802.11g (2003)

  • 2.4GHz band, but OFDM and 54Mbps
  • compatible with 802.11b

802.11n (2009)

  • 2.4GHz and 5GHz band
  • OFDM
  • up to 600Mbps with 40MHz channel, 4x4 MIMO

802.11ac (2014)

  • Gigabit throughput
  • Wider RF bandwidth, more MIMO streams, high-density modulation

and many others...

Wireless Channel

  • signal은 transmit (TX) antenna로부터 wireless channel로 전송된다
  • signal은 공기 중을 날아서 receive (RX) antenna에게 도착한다

Signal Attenuation

  • signal이 공기 중을 날아갈수록, power는 감쇄한다


  • The receiver (Pr) is basically a function of transmit power (Pt) and the distance between transmitter and receiver
  • Signal attenuation based on distance is called pathloss

Receiver Sensitivity

  • Receive antenna는 signal power가 receiver sensitivity보다 강할 때만 signal을 받을 수 있다
    • Receiver sensetivity depends on the hardware


  • signal이 RX sensitivity보다 강하게 받아졌다고 하더라도,
    receiver가 signal을 decode할 수 있을지는 SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio)에 달려있다
    SNR=Psignal/PnoiseSNR = P_{signal}/P_{noise}

  • 때때로, SINR(Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio)이 이용되기도 한다

  • decoding하기 위한 minimum SNR은 mudulation과 coding에 의존한다

  • Higher modulation and coding level requires higher SNR


  • received signal power에 영향을 주는 요소는 PathlossFading이 있다

  • Fading : Deviation of attenuation affecting a signal

    • Slow fading (large-scale fading, shadowing)

      • 단순히 장애물 때문에 발생하는 감쇄의 차이
    • Fast fading (small-scale fading)

      • 파장의 강화 or 상쇄로 인한 감쇄의 차이

      Slow (large-scale) fading

      • Large obstruction such as hill or large building obscures the main signal path between the transmitter and the receiver
      • Modeled using log-normal distribution

      Fast (small-scale) fading

      • Caused by multipath propagation
      • Amplitude and phase change imposed by the channel varies considerably over the period of use

Wi-Fi : Physical Layer Aspects

Physical Layer에서,,,

  • Signal generation from bits
  • Recovery of bits from the received signal
  • Tightly coupled with physical medium
  • Modulation and coding scheme (MCS)


  • 정보를 담고 있는 modulating signal을 이용해서
    carrier signal의 하나 이상의 properties를 구분하는 과정

  • carrier signal : a high frequency signal for carrying data

    • E.g. WLAN channels


  • QAM (PSK + ASK)

Modulation used in Wi-Fi

  • BPSK (Binary PSK) : encode 1 bit on a symbol
    • 2 different signals
  • QPSK (Quadrature PSK) : encode 2 bits on a symbol
    • 4 different signals
  • 16-QAM : encode 4 bits on a symbol
    • 16 different signals
  • 64-QAM : encode 6 bits on a symbol
    • 64 different signals

Coding (Channel Coding)

  • message가 에러에 tolerable할 수 있도록
    error-correcting codes (ECC)를 삽입한다
    • E.g. Hamming (7, 4) code
      : corrects 1-bit error in a 7-bit message
  • Coding rate
    • message에서 data bit의 비율
    • E.g. 3/4 coding rage : 75% data, 25% ECC
      높아질수록 데이터 효율은 증가하지만,
      에러 발생했을 때 correction이 줄어든다

MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme)

  • modulation scheme과 coding rate를 정의한다
  • transmitter는 receiver에게 어떤 MCS level을 사용할 지 알려줘야 한다
  • MCS table
  • MCS level의 선택은 link quality에 의존한다
  • Higher MCS level requires higher SNR
  • SNR이 동적으로 변할 수 있기 때문에,
    그에 맞춰서 MCS level도 변한다

MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)

  • communication performance를 향상시키기 위해
    transmitter와 receiver 둘 다 여러 개의 안테나를 사용한다


  • array gain : improves spectral effiency
    • transmit different data on multiple antennas
    • 안테나 간의 공간 분리를 이용해서
      동일한 전력 수준으로 더 멀리 있는 수신기까지 신호 전송이 가능해진다
    • M transmit antenna, N receive antenna가 있을 때,
      array gain = min(M, N)
  • diversity gain : improves link reliablity
    • transmit the same data on multiple antennas using space-time coding
    • 여러 개의 안테나별로 fading이 다르기 때문에
      그 중 가장 좋은 걸 고르거나 합쳐서 SNR을 향상시킬 수 있다

Physical layer: OFDM

  • A specialized FDM (frequency division multiplexing)
  • 서로서로 orthogonal인 sub-carrier들이 선택된다
    • 서로서로 interfere하지 않는다.
  • can easily adapt to channel conditions
  • robust against narrow-band co-channel interference
  • robust against inter-symbol interference (ISI)
    and fading casued by multipath propagation
  • High spectrum efficiency compared to spread spectrum techniques

802.11n OFDM - 20MHz channel

  • 20MHz channel, divided into 56 subcarriers
  • 실제로는 52 subcarriers가 data에 사용되고,
    4 subcarriers는 pilot이다
  • 각 subcarrier : 312.5kHz,
    signal bandwidth : 17.5MHz
  • symbol duration : 3.6us (guard interval : 0.4us 포함)

802.11n OFDM - 40MHz channel

  • 40MHz channel, divided into 114 subcarriers
  • 108 subcarriers used for data,
    6 subcarriers for pilot
  • Each subcarriers : 312.5kHz
    signal bandwidth : 35.625MHz
  • symbol duration : 3.2us + guard interval

802.11n OFDM - Modulation & Coding

600Mbps를 만들기 위해,

  • Modulation : 64QAM
    • subcarrier 하나에 6 bit가 code된다
  • Coding : 5/6
    • 16.6% redundant bits for error correction
  • Data bits per OFMD symbol (40MHz)
    • 6 (5/6) 108 subcarriers = 540 bits
  • Number of OFDM symbols per second
    • 1s / 3.6us = 277,777
  • Data rate
    • 540 * 277,777 = 150Mbps
  • MIMO
    • Linear capacity growth with minimum number of antennas
    • Use 4x4 MIMO : 150Mbps -> 600Mbps

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