(10/09) VRST 2023: Session 1~4

Sei Kang·2023년 10월 8일

AR/VR 논문 리뷰

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Session 1: Locomotion & Games

Planning Locomotion Techniques for Virtual Reality Games

node-based : selection based

cmp (continuous movement pads)

사용자가 node를 찍은 다음 찍은 node를 continuous하게 teleport하는 방법

vs. RSRT (repeated short ranged teleport- plannnig by showing the next three teleport point) vs. smooth locomotion vs. teleport


CMP는 결과 good (smooth locomotion, teleport와 비슷), RSRT performance 적음,

Versatile Mixed-method Locomotion under Free-hand and Controller-based Virtual Reality Interfaces


  • teleport
  • grab-move : 손으로 잡고 grag 하듯이 이동 (dog paddle과 비슷)

hand tracking vs. controller

  • hand tracking -- pinch zones for teleport and snap turn / hand 로 navigation과 hand manipulation 등을 할 수 있도록


long distance, menidum distance, short distance

controller vs. hand tracking teleport


UMUX - usability of ~
grab move - short distance에서 유리.

  • qunatitative : controller가 hand보다 좋았음.

Exploring User Engagement in Immersive Virtual Reality Games through Multimodal Body Movements

measuring engagement - self report, physiclogical data, foot move,,,,

engagement and emotions & motivation

  • emotions : attention, involvement, percieved connection, cognitive stress emotion
  • motivation : defines action tendency
  • emotion - movitation


multimodal body movement

  • head(기기 : EmteqPro), hand (Empatica E4), foot (Foot IMUs)move
  • vonlutary (intentional, leg move, hand move) , involuntary (sudden, foot tap, hand fidgest)


  • engagement은 body movment로 측정, emotion, motivation은 coreGRID로 측정

Engagement patterns in VR game

  • dissatified with high motivation
  • satisfied with medium motivation
  • satisfied with lower motivation
    으로 나누어짐

Cross-Reality Gaming: Comparing Competition and Collaboration in an Asymmetric Gaming Experience

  • cross reality : (VR and PC)

Study design

  • immersive platform (VR) vs non-immersive platform (PC)
  • competition (fight each other) vs collaboration task (partner work aginst two AI enemy)


  • subjective : 대부분 VR condition에서 positive (higher experience)
  • objective 에서는 PC가 더 높음 (higher performance)
  • collaboration : higher performance

Session 2: Interaction Ⅰ

Does One Keyboard Fit All? Comparison and Evaluation of Device-Free Augmented Reality Keyboard Designs


1) gaze & commit keyboard (eye selection, pinch gesture comfirmation)
2) Dwelling keyboard (eye dwelling, handsfree)
3) tap keyboard (손으로 tap)

  • Task : copy typing


  • perforamcne, mental effort : tap > dwell, gaze and commit

  • physcial, comfort, relative public usage : dwell > tap, gaze and commit

  • keyboard combining more than one input mode can address a user base

Exploring Augmented Reality for Situated Analytics with Many Movable Physical Referents

Contribution 1

  • mopop, a testbed for SitA : 3 types of artifacts

Contribution 2

  • Exlporatory study :

Exploring Users’ Pointing Performance on Virtual and Physical Large Curved Displays

  • curved display내에서 pointing 하는 것


physical display, virtual display

Results 1

  • target width가 작을 수록 movment time이 늘어남

Results 2

  • factor : platform, interaction distance, user offset, amplitude, width
  • interaction distance(user - display distance :e.g., display radius)에서 center에 있을 수록 movement time이 작음.
  • user offset (중심으로부터 떨어진 거리)에 따른 것은 no significant difference

Re-investigating the Effect of the Vergence-Accommodation Conflict on 3D Pointing

  • interaction between VAC condition and movement biomechanics

Session 3: Interaction Ⅱ

Dialogues For One: Single-User Content Creation Using Immersive Record and Replay


facilitate contnet creation for single user

  • single-user interactive stacked recording
  • single user to create dialogue

user study

  • difference between single- and multi-user recording

Dynascape: Immersive Authoring of Real-World Dynamic Scenes with Spatially Tracked RGB-D Videos

manage recording challengs
1) constantly omving
less recognizable, inomplete, hard to it to a place over space and time

Exploring Unimodal Notification Interaction and Display Methods in Augmented Reality

  • notification : visual cue, auditory signal, haptic alert generted by application

Research Question

  • RQ1: interaction modality of notification influece taks perfomrnace perception of notification
  • RQ2 : how display list for multiple notification influece taks perfomrnace perception of notification
  • RQ3 : is there ay statistical connection between interaction modality and notificication


interaction x list


  1. eye gaze (dwelling)
  2. touch (index finger)
  3. voice (button labeled)


  1. world list
  2. hand list


  • Time : touch < less, voice / no difference in list
  • wrong order : no difference
  • SUS : touch > voice , gaze / no differnece in list
  • NASA TLX : no difference
  • Prefernce : touch > voice, gaze

Intuitive User Interfaces for Real-Time Magnification in Augmented Reality


interaction x scale factor

3 interaction - make magnify window

  1. finger binmaual: 손으로 L 모양을 만들고, 양손으로 확대 축소
  2. finger unimanual: 한 손으로 L 모양 만들기
  3. situated : window창에 있는 2가지 꼭짓점을 drag

5 technique - maginify scale

  1. voice (mag 5, mag 10)
  2. slider
  3. scale by distnace = close to eye - magnify more
  4. scale by size(손으로 만든 L모양 크기에 따라)
  5. sclae by device (device를 돌려서)


  • Questionnaire : NASA-TLX ,SUS,AttrackDiff,UEQ

  • interaction - unimanal, bimanul : more novel, hedonic // situated :lower fatigue, mental&physical demand, effort and frustration , more overall performance

  • Scale : voice and device rated best - mental demane, physcial demand ...~

Session 4: Displays & Perception

Retinal Homing Display: Head-Tracking Auto-stereoscopic Retinal Projection Display

  • stereoscopic display

  • eye move -> projector track eye movement

When Filters Escape the Smartphone: Exploring Acceptance and Concerns Regarding Augmented Expression of Social Identity for Everyday AR


  • filter in AR -> full body, head, around body
  • beautification, sponsored content, informative contest

From Clocks to Pendulums: A Study on the Influence of External Moving Objects on Time Perception in Virtual Environments

zeitgeber experiment : 환경요인의 주기적 변화가 생물리듬에 영향을 주고 그것을 자체의 진동에 동조시켰을 때 그 환경요인의 주기적인 변화

  • remote online study, VR study
  • factor : Fan, clock, starfield, tunnel, orbit pendulum, newton pendulum, torch

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