(velog에서는 안 되는게 함정)
graph LR
A(Service Integration Server) <--> B(Micro Server Type 1)
A(Service Integration Server) <--> C(Micro Server Type 2)
A(Service Integration Server) <--> D(Micro Server Type 3)
A(Service Integration Server) <--> E(Micro Server Type 4)
A(Service Integration Server) <--> F(Micro Server Type 5)
A(Service Integration Server) <--> G(More Micro Services...)
H(Application/Server Object) <--> A(Service Integration Server)
Mermaid is a JavaScript-based diagramming and charting tool that allows you to visualize data and processes in Markdown documents by writing diagrams directly in the Markdown syntax. It is particularly useful for creating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, Gantt charts, and other diagrams to illustrate complex processes, workflows, or architectures without needing a separate drawing tool.
You can embed Mermaid code blocks within Markdown files. The syntax is wrapped in a fenced code block with the language identifier mermaid, and inside this block, you define the diagram structure in Mermaid syntax.
graph TD
A[Start] --> B{Decision?}
B -->|Yes| C[Task 1]
B -->|No| D[Task 2]
C --> E[End]
D --> E[End]
participant A as User
participant B as Server
A->>B: Request data
B->>A: Respond with data
title Project Timeline
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
section Phase 1
Task 1 :done, des1, 2024-10-01,2024-10-05
Task 2 :active, des2, 2024-10-06, 5d
section Phase 2
Task 3 : des3, 2024-10-10, 3d
Task 4 : des4, 2024-10-13, 4d
class Animal {
+String name
+int age
class Dog {
+String breed
Animal <|-- Dog
[*] --> Idle
Idle --> Running: Start
Running --> Idle: Stop
Running --> Finished: Complete
Finished --> [*]
title Browser market share 2024
"Chrome" : 64.25
"Firefox" : 12.38
"Edge" : 9.61
"Safari" : 9.47
"Others" : 4.29
graph TD
A --> B
Mermaid simplifies the process of adding diagrams to Markdown files, making documentation more engaging and easy to understand.