Thymeleaf를 사용하다 보면 숫자 값을 특정 포맷에 맞춰야 하는 일이 생기는데, Numbers Method에 대해 간단히 정리해보고자 이 포스트를 작성 하였습니다.
Thymeleaf는 서버사이드 자바 템플릿 엔진의 한 종류로 지원하는 유틸리티 메소드는 Numbers 외에도 Dates, Arrays, Lists, Sets, Maps, 등 다양하게 있어요.
* ==========================
* Formatting integer numbers
* ==========================
* Set minimum integer digits.
* Also works with arrays, lists or sets
* Set minimum integer digits and thousands separator:
* 'POINT', 'COMMA', 'WHITESPACE', 'NONE' or 'DEFAULT' (by locale).
* Also works with arrays, lists or sets
* ==========================
* Formatting decimal numbers
* ==========================
* Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits.
* Also works with arrays, lists or sets
* Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits, and also decimal separator.
* Also works with arrays, lists or sets
* Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits, and also thousands and
* decimal separator.
* Also works with arrays, lists or sets
* =====================
* Formatting currencies
* =====================
* ======================
* Formatting percentages
* ======================
* Set minimum integer digits and (exact) decimal digits.
${#numbers.formatPercent(num, 3, 2)}
${#numbers.arrayFormatPercent(numArray, 3, 2)}
${#numbers.listFormatPercent(numList, 3, 2)}
${#numbers.setFormatPercent(numSet, 3, 2)}
* ===============
* Utility methods
* ===============
* Create a sequence (array) of integer numbers going
* from x to y