device = host = end system, app이 동작
keyword client-server architecture peer-peer architecture (p2p) prcoess communicating Sockets What transport service does an app need? Internet
DNS: Domain Name System
Internet transport layer protocols Multiplexing, Delmultiplexing UDP: User Datagram Protocol
Reliable Data Trasnfer Protocol (rdt) rdt 3.0: channels with errors and loss Pipelined protocols: overview Go-Back-N Selective Repeat Connection-
TCP flow control (AIMD, CUBIC, Slow Start) TCP connection management (3-way handshake)
Network-layer services and protocolsTCP: segmentUDP: datagram트랜스포트 계층에서 전달된 segment를 받아서 받는 쪽으로 보냄sender는 segment를 datagram으로 캡슐화 -> 링크 계층으로 전달receive
NAT: network address translation IPv6 Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 Generalized forwarding: match plus action Middleboxes Architectural Principles
Link State
Inter-AS routing: BGP