GAN 8 - ArcaneGAN

김성빈·2024년 6월 13일

Modern Computer Vision

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ArcaneGan github
예전에 아케인 롤 애니메이션이 나왔다.

나오기 전에 ArcaneGAN이라는 기술을 누가 만들었고 이 기술을 이미지에 적용하면

롤 애니메이션에 나온 그림체로 바뀐다.


#@title Install and download. Run once.
#release v0.2
!pip -qq install facenet_pytorch

2분정도 걸렸다.

추가) facenet_pytorch 다운로드할때 에러발생한다

종속성문제로 다른것들의 버전을바꿔줘야한다.

# Upgrading/downgrading torch and pillow to the compatible versions
!pip install torch==2.3.0 pillow==10.0.0

# Reinstalling facenet_pytorch
!pip install facenet_pytorch
#@title Install and download. Run once.
#release v0.2

다운로드 끝나면 세션 다시시작

그리고 이미지 처리할 함수 선언

#@title Define functions
#@markdown Select model version and run.
from facenet_pytorch import MTCNN
from torchvision import transforms
import torch, PIL

from tqdm.notebook import tqdm

mtcnn = MTCNN(image_size=256, margin=80)

# simplest ye olde trustworthy MTCNN for face detection with landmarks
def detect(img):
        # Detect faces
        batch_boxes, batch_probs, batch_points = mtcnn.detect(img, landmarks=True)
        # Select faces
        if not mtcnn.keep_all:
            batch_boxes, batch_probs, batch_points = mtcnn.select_boxes(
                batch_boxes, batch_probs, batch_points, img, method=mtcnn.selection_method
        return batch_boxes, batch_points

# my version of isOdd, should make a separate repo for it :D
def makeEven(_x):
  return _x if (_x % 2 == 0) else _x+1

# the actual scaler function
def scale(boxes, _img, max_res=1_500_000, target_face=256, fixed_ratio=0, max_upscale=2, VERBOSE=False):
    x, y = _img.size
    ratio = 2 #initial ratio
    #scale to desired face size
    if (boxes is not None):
      if len(boxes)>0:
        ratio = target_face/max(boxes[0][2:]-boxes[0][:2]); 
        ratio = min(ratio, max_upscale)
        if VERBOSE: print('up by', ratio)

    if fixed_ratio>0:
      if VERBOSE: print('fixed ratio')
      ratio = fixed_ratio
    #downscale to fit into max res 
    res = x*y
    if res > max_res:
      ratio = pow(res/max_res,1/2); 
      if VERBOSE: print(ratio)
    #make dimensions even, because usually NNs fail on uneven dimensions due skip connection size mismatch
    x = makeEven(int(x))
    y = makeEven(int(y))
    size = (x, y)

    return _img.resize(size)

    A useful scaler algorithm, based on face detection.
    Takes PIL.Image, returns a uniformly scaled PIL.Image
    boxes: a list of detected bboxes
    _img: PIL.Image
    max_res: maximum pixel area to fit into. Use to stay below the VRAM limits of your GPU.
    target_face: desired face size. Upscale or downscale the whole image to fit the detected face into that dimension.
    fixed_ratio: fixed scale. Ignores the face size, but doesn't ignore the max_res limit.
    max_upscale: maximum upscale ratio. Prevents from scaling images with tiny faces to a blurry mess.

def scale_by_face_size(_img, max_res=1_500_000, target_face=256, fix_ratio=0, max_upscale=2, VERBOSE=False):
    boxes = None
    boxes, _ = detect(_img)
    if VERBOSE: print('boxes',boxes)
    img_resized = scale(boxes, _img, max_res, target_face, fix_ratio, max_upscale, VERBOSE)
    return img_resized

size = 256

means = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
stds = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]

t_stds = torch.tensor(stds).cuda().half()[:,None,None]
t_means = torch.tensor(means).cuda().half()[:,None,None]

def makeEven(_x):
  return int(_x) if (_x % 2 == 0) else int(_x+1)

img_transforms = transforms.Compose([                        
def tensor2im(var):
     return var.mul(t_stds).add(t_means).mul(255.).clamp(0,255).permute(1,2,0)

def proc_pil_img(input_image, model):
    transformed_image = img_transforms(input_image)[None,...].cuda().half()
    with torch.no_grad():
        result_image = model(transformed_image)[0]; print(result_image.shape)
        output_image = tensor2im(result_image)
        output_image = output_image.detach().cpu().numpy().astype('uint8')
        output_image = PIL.Image.fromarray(output_image)
    return output_image

#load model

version = '0.2' #@param ['0.1','0.2']

model_path = f'/content/ArcaneGANv{version}.jit' 
in_dir = '/content/in'
out_dir = f"/content/{model_path.split('/')[-1][:-4]}_out"

model = torch.jit.load(model_path).eval().cuda().half()

#setup colab interface

from google.colab import files
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import clear_output 
from IPython.display import display
import os
from glob import glob

def reset(p):
  with output_reset:
button_reset = widgets.Button(description="Upload")
output_reset = widgets.Output()

def fit(img,maxsize=512):
  maxdim = max(*img.size)
  if maxdim>maxsize:
    ratio = maxsize/maxdim
    x,y = img.size
    size = (int(x*ratio),int(y*ratio)) 
    img = img.resize(size)
  return img
def show_img(f, size=1024):

def process(upload=True):
  os.makedirs(in_dir, exist_ok=True)
  %cd {in_dir}/
  !rm -rf {out_dir}/*
  os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
  in_files = sorted(glob(f'{in_dir}/*'))
  if (len(in_files)==0) | (upload):
    !rm -rf {in_dir}/*
    uploaded = files.upload()
    if len(uploaded.keys())<=0: 
      print('\nNo files were uploaded. Try again..\n')


  print('\nPress the button and pick some photos to upload\n')
  in_files = sorted(glob(f'{in_dir}/*'))
  for img in tqdm(in_files):
    out = f"{out_dir}/{img.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]}.jpg"
    im =
    im = scale_by_face_size(im, target_face=300, max_res=1_500_000, max_upscale=2)
    res = proc_pil_img(im, model)

  out_zip = f"{out_dir}.zip"
  !zip {out_zip} {out_dir}*
  processed = sorted(glob(f'{out_dir}/*'))[:3]
  for f in processed: 
    show_img(f, 256)

아케인GAN 적용



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