100 days of swiftui: 35
Your goal is to build an “edutainment” app for kids to help them practice multiplication tables – “what is 7 x 8?” and so on. Edutainment apps are educational at their core, but ideally have enough playfulness about them to make kids want to play.
Breaking it down:
- The player needs to select which multiplication tables they want to practice. This could be pressing buttons, or it could be an “Up to…” stepper, going from 2 to 12.
- The player should be able to select how many questions they want to be asked: 5, 10, or 20.
- You should randomly generate as many questions as they asked for, within the difficulty range they asked for.
At the very least, you should:
- Start with an App template, then add some state to determine whether the game is active or whether you’re asking for settings.
- Generate a range of questions based on the user’s settings.
- Show the player how many questions they got correct at the end of the game, then offer to let them play again.
프로젝트 깃헙

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