Burp Suite: Other Modules
Decoder, Comparer, and Sequencer tools allow us to work with encoded text; compare sets of text’ and analyse the randomness of captured tokens.
The Burp Decoder module allows us to manipulate data. We can decode information that we capture during an attack, but we can also encode data of our own, ready to be sent to the target. And also allows us to create hashsums of data as well as providing a Smart Decode feature which attempts to decode provided data recursively until it is back to being plaintext.
Let’s take a closer look at manual encoding and decoding options.
Decoder also gives us the option to generate hashsums for out entered data.
To be a hasing algorithm, the resulting output must be impossible to reserve. A good hashing algorithm will ensure that every piece of data entered will have a completely unique hash. For this reason, hashes are frequently used to verify the integrity of files and documents as even a very small change to the file will result in the hashsum changing significantly.
Hashed are also used to securely store passwords as the passwords will be secure even if the database is leaked.
하다보니 해싱과 인코딩의 차이가 헷갈려서 본 글: https://brunch.co.kr/@sangjinkang/32
암호화: 민감한 정보를 외부 노출로부터 보호
해싱: 무결성 확인. 내가 받은 정보가 걔가 보낸 그대로가 맞나?
Comparer allows us to compare two pieces of data, either by ASCII words or by bytes.
When we have loaded data in to compare, we get a pop-up window showing us he comparison.
There are many situations where being able to quickly compare two pieces of data can come in handy.
For example, when performing a login bruteforce or credential stuffing attack with Intruder, you may wish to compare two responses with different lengths to see where the differences lie and whether the differences indicate a successful login.
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