9. Translation - Lookaside Buffer

이영규·2023년 12월 12일


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Summary of Last Class

  • Paging

    segmentation 은 길이가 가변적이다.

    고정된 크기로 짜르고 mapping 4KB

    • View physical memory as an array of fixed-sized slots called page frames

    • Page table

      • Per-process data structure to store address translations for each of the virtual pages of the address space
    • 6 - bit addressing

      • 64-byte address space

      • 16-byte page frame

  • Questions

    • How big are the tables ?

      32 -bit 기준으로 process 당 4MB 필요

    • Where are these page tables stored?

      메모리 상에 존재, page table 의 base를 가리키는 레지스터도 필요하다.

    • What are typical contents of the page table?

      페이지 속성에 관한 여러가지 정보를 담고 있다. 권한 등등

    • Does paging making the system (too) slow?

      메모리 접근 하는 속도정도.

Translation - Lookaside Buffer


  • Paging

    • Address space is chopped into small, fixed-sized units (i.e., pages)
    • Requires a large amount of mapping information
      • Stored in physical memory
      • Requires an extra memory lookup for each virtual address
  • How to spped up address translation

    • What hardware support is required?
    • What OS involvement is needed?
  • TLB

    • Part of the chip's (CPU) memory management unit (MMU)

      CPU 가 해줘야 하는 부분.

    • Address - translation cache

      • If the desired translation is held in TLB, the translation is performed quickly without having to consult the page table

        메모리까지 가지 않고 미리 자주 접근하는 부분을 알려주는 역할을 해주자.

Basic Algorithm

  • Assuming a simple linear page table

TLB hit 면 바로 찾아서 실행

없으면 miss 면 메모리까지 가서 찾아야 함.


  • A simple virtual address space

    • 8 bit addressing (VPN 4, offset 4)
    • 16 byte pages
  • An array of 10 4 - byte integers

    • Starting at virtual address 100
  • A simple loop

    int sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        sun += a[i];
    • hit rate = 70%
    • Spatial and temporal locality

Who Handles the TLB Miss?

  • Hardware - managed TLB

    • CISC (e.g., x86)

    • Hardware has to know where the page tables are located in memory (via PTBR), as well as their exact format

      • In x86, CR3 and multi - level page table

        스스로 처리한다.

  • Software (OS) - managed TLB

    • RISC

      스스로는 처리 못해서 except을 발생시켜 운영체제가 처리하게 한다.

  • Trap handler uses privileged instructions to update the TLB

    • Must resume execution at the instruction that caused the trap
    • Need to be careful not to cause an infinite chain of TLB misses
  • OS can use any data structure it wants to implement the page table

TLB Contents

  • Fully associative - cache 와 유사
    • Any given translation can be anywhere in the TLB
    • The hardware searches the entire TLB in parallel to find the desired translation
  • VPN | PFN | other bits
    • Valid bit : says whether the entry has a valid translation or not
    • Protection bits : determine how a page can be accessed as in the page table
    • Address - space identifier, dirty bit, etc.

Context Switches

  • TLB contains virtual - to - physical tranlations that are only valid for the currently running process

VPN 정보로는 구별이 어려워서 더 정보가 필요하다.

  • How to manage TLB contents on a context switch

    • Flush the TLB on context switches - 오버헤드 발생

      • If the OS switches between proesses frequently, this cost may be high
    • Address space identifier (ASID)

      중복된 VPN - ASID 로 구별하자.

Sharing a Page

  • Sharing of pages

    • Reduce number of physical pages in use, tus reducing memory overheads

      • Binaries, shared libaries, fork()
    • Shared memory IPC

      가상페이지 넘버는 다른데 프레임넘버는 같다. 즉 공유하고 있다는 것이다. process address 가 용량이 커서 쓸 때만 카피하자.

Replacement Policy

  • How to design TLB replacement policy

    • Which TLB entry should be replaced when we add a new TLB entry?
    • Aim to minimize the miss rate

    모두 valid 상태에서 새로운 page 발생하면 하나 쫒아내고 새로 넣어야 하는데, TLB miss를 최소한 하는 방법으로 결정해야 한다.

  • Basic policies

    • Least - Recently - Used (LRU)

      • Assumes that an entry that has not recently been used is a good candidate for eviction
      • Unreasonable when a program loops over n + 1 pages with a TLB of size n

      최악의 경우는 방금 내보낸 친구에 접근해야 하는 경우가 발생하면 계속 miss 가 뜰수있다.

    • Random

      • Evicts a TLB mapping at random

        평타는 친다.


  • MIPS TLB entry

    • 32 - bit address space with 4KB page
      • 12 - bit offset
      • 20 - bit VPN

  • PFN

    • 24 bits -> 64GB main memory (2^24 * 4KB)
  • Global bit (G)

    • Used for pages that are globally- shared among processes
  • ASID bits

    • Used to distinguish between address spaces
    • Fewer bits than PID
      • Refuse to create more processes than the number of ASIDs
      • Behave as if ASIDs are not supported
      • Allocate ASIDs to processes dynamically

    process 개수와 CPU가 제공하는 ASID 랑 같도록 하자

    ASID 가 없는 것처럼 동작하자 (PID > ASID), context overhead 발생

    1대 1로 매칭 동적으로 할당하자. Flush 횟수가 min이 되도록 고민하자.

    최대한 ASID 쓰자.

  • Coherence bits (C) : 캐시정책

    • Determine how a page is cached by the hardware
  • Dirty bit (D) : write operaion 발생했냐.

  • Valid bit (V) : valid 하냐


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