10. Multi-Level Page Tables

이영규·2023년 12월 12일


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Summary of Last Class

  • Segmentation
    • Variable - sized memory pieces
  • Paging
    • View physical memory as an array of fixed-sized slots called page frames
    • Page table
  • TLB
    • Address-translation cache
    • If the desired translation is held in TLB, the translation is performed quickly without having to consult the page table

Multi-Level Page Tables


  • Linear page table

    • Page tables are too big and thus consume too much memory
    • Example
      • 32bit address space with 4KB pages
      • 4B PTE
      • Page table is 4MB in size
  • How to make page tables smaller?

    • What are the key ideas?
    • What inefficiencies arise as a result of these new data structures?


  • 16KB address space with 1KB pages

내용이 안 적혀있어도 4MB 필요. 정보가 일단은 다 적혀있다.

VPN 을 index로 활용한다.

Simple Approach

  • Bigger pages

    • Example
      • 32 - bit address space with 16KB pages
      • 1MB per page table
  • Big pages lead to waste within each page

    • Internal fragmentation
  • Most systems use relatively small page sizes in the common case

    • 4KB in x86
    • 8KB in SPARCv9

Hybrid Approach

  • Paging and segments

    • One page table per segment
    • Three base/bounds pairs > heap, stack, code
    • Base register : holds the physical address of the page table of that segment
      • does not point to the segment itself
    • Bounds register : holdsd the value of the maximum valid page in the segment
    • Significant memory savings compared to the linear page table
      • Unallocated pages between the stack and the heap no longer take up space in a page table
  • Example

    • 32-bit virtual address space with 4KB pages

    • Four segments

      • 00 : unused
      • 01 : code
      • 10 : heap
      • 11 : stack

  • Cons

    • Large but sparsely-used heap -> a lot of table waste
    • External fragmentation
    • Page tables now can be of arbitrary size -> finding free space for them in memory is more complicated

    hybrid로 섞어봤지만 안 쓰는 정보도 들어가 아직도 overhead가 존재한다.

Multi-Level Page Tables

  • Page table
    • Chop up the page table into page-sized units
    • If an entire page of PTEs is invalid, don't allocate that page of the page table at all
  • Page directory
    • Used to tell you where a page of the page table is, or that the entire page of the page table contains no valid pages

Address Translation

  • Time-space trade - off
    • On a TLB miss, two loads from memory will be required to get the right translation information from the page table
      • One for the page directory, and one for the PTE itself
  • Complexity
    • Whether it is the hardware of OS handing the page - table lookup ( on a TLB miss ), doing so is more involved than a simple linear page-table lookup


  • Address space

    • Address space of size 16KB, with 64-byte pages

      • 14-bit addressing : 8 bits for the VPN and 6 bits for the offset ( 2^14 = 16KB)
    • Each PTE is 4 bytes

      한 page 에 16개 entry, PTE 존재

  • Page table
    • Linear page table
      • 2^8(=256) entries
      • 256 x 4B = 1KB
    • Multi-level page tables
      • Each page can hold 16 PTEs

x86 - 32 (2 - Level Paging)


x86 - 32 Address Space

32 bit / 2^32bytes = 4GB

Sharing Kernel Address Space

1 page 4KB

1024 pageTE -> 4MB mapping

1024개 4GB

x86 - 64 (4 - Level Paging)

2^64는 메모리양 너무 크다. 그래서 48bit 정도만 쓴다.

x86 - 64 Address Space


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