[WIL] Working together

Soo·2022년 12월 18일

When you feel overwhelmed..

You do not have to figure everything out today. You do not have to solve your whole life tonight.
And you do not have to tackle everything at once.
You just have to show up and try. You just have to focus on the most immediate thing in front of you. And you have to trust that you will figure out the rest along the way. - Daniell Koepke

I am working on a small project using Node.js and learning how does the Backend communicate with the Frontend this week such as how to connect backend and frontend. There are a lot of different ways how to structure a web application.

The backend and frontend both WORK TOGETHER to serve a single goal

It’s pretty helpful to keep it in mind at all times. They are made, so a user can access them. In detail this interaction can look like this:

  • The user points their browser to one of your website’s urls
    - This makes the browser send out one or more requests to your server
    - The browser waits to receive responses from your server
    - Every response is used to render a part of the site

  • The user waits for the browser to render the page

  • The user sees a useful and usable page

  • The user interacts with the page
    - Causing more requests to be sent out, to get more data and display new information, and so on


The frontend and backend make this possible by causing requests to be sent and answering with responses.

Before diving deeper, we should make sure we’re talking about the same things.

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