Append list DOM tips

soom·2020년 9월 22일

1. AppendChild

const comment_text = document.querySelector("textarea");
const post = document.querySelector("button");
const comment_list = document.querySelector(".comment-list>ul");
const profile = document.querySelector(".profile-name>div:first-child");


comment_list is <ul> so I thought "Append Child" worked here, but actually there was error coming out like this.

VM8385:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
at <anonymous>:1:14

What the heck is node? so I just tried different way,


then came out result in a good way!


so node means something like an object! not that "OBJECT" but anyway I got this.
But I don't wanna generate every node ( e.g. createElement('li'), then innerHtml("<p>dfdfd</p>"))
I want easier way!
for the case, <ul> doesn't have method .innerHtml!

2. Append

const comment_text = document.querySelector("textarea");
const post = document.querySelector("button");
const comment_list = document.querySelector(".comment-list>ul");
const profile = document.querySelector(".profile-name>div:first-child");

post.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    <div class="comment-text">
    <span class="comment-like"
      ><i class="far fa-heart"></i

so my second option would be append!
but WTF! result is like this.

Therefore, I got that, .append method it just add as a text like .innerText method.

So I should figure out another better way to solve this problem.

3. InsertAdjacentHTML

const comment_text = document.querySelector("textarea");
const post = document.querySelector("button");
const comment_list = document.querySelector(".comment-list>ul");
const profile = document.querySelector(".profile-name>div:first-child");

post.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    <div class="comment-text">
    <span class="comment-like"
      ><i class="far fa-heart"></i

Finaaaaaly! this work! I got the result like this.

However, not like other .append .appendChild method,
.insertAdjacentHtml method need one more parameter!

It's about position, I guess, if not...I fucked tho.

Anyway, this is what I googled!

"beforebegin" – insert html immediately before elem,
"afterbegin" – insert html into elem, at the beginning,
"beforeend" – insert html into elem, at the end,
"afterend" – insert html immediately after elem.

4. special! cloneNode


    <h1 class="h1-title">
      <span>난 span</span>
    <h1 class="h1-title">
      <span>난 span</span>
    <h1 class="h1-title">
      <span>난 span</span>
    <h1 class="h1-title">
      <span>난 span</span>


const p = document.createElement("p");
const h1 = document.querySelectorAll(".h1-title");

h1.forEach((el) => {

I thought the variable p is added for every h1 node...but result is like this...

WTF!! this is not I wanted! But there is no problem for the least in my thought.

I loop properly for the p element!
But there is another issue I should I should care!

even it is for loop one element can not add whole html because of some reason....
so for the fix this issue you need copy

const p = document.createElement("p");
const h1 = document.querySelectorAll(".h1-title");

h1.forEach((el) => {
  const p_clone = p.cloneNode(true);

so .cloneNode method make things can copy and add well by loop!
Thanksfully it's a great method when you use for loop!

yeeaasss rules!!!!

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