[Dacon] 중고차 가격 예측 경진대회

standing-o·2022년 8월 23일

중고차 가격 예측

  • 본 포스팅은 feature engineering과 ensemble (catboost, random forest, gradient boosting) 등의 내용을 포함하고 있습니다.
  • 코드실행은 Google Colab의 CPU, Standard RAM 환경에서 진행했습니다.
  • Keyword : 중고차가격예측, regression, catboost, randomforest, gradientboosting, ensemble, pycaret
    데이콘에서 읽기
  • 👉 Click

0. Import Packages

from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive
!pip install h5py
!pip install typing-extensions
!pip install wheel
!pip install folium==0.2.1
!pip install markupsafe==2.0.1
!pip install -U pandas-profiling
!pip install catboost
!pip install pycaret==2.3.10 markupsafe==2.0.1 pyyaml==5.4.1 -qq
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn
import pandas_profiling
import seaborn as sns
import random as rn
import os
import scipy.stats as stats
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

from collections import Counter
from pycaret.regression import *

%matplotlib inline
print("numpy version: {}". format(np.__version__))
print("pandas version: {}". format(pd.__version__))
print("matplotlib version: {}". format(matplotlib.__version__))
print("scikit-learn version: {}". format(sklearn.__version__))
numpy version: 1.21.6
pandas version: 1.3.5
matplotlib version: 3.2.2
scikit-learn version: 0.23.2
# reproducibility
seed_num = 42 

1. Load and Check Dataset

train = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Forecasting_price/dataset/train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/Forecasting_price/dataset/test.csv')

(1015, 11)
   id                          title  odometer location    isimported  \
0   0                   Toyota RAV 4     18277   Lagos   Foreign Used   
1   1            Toyota Land Cruiser        10    Lagos          New    
2   2  Land Rover Range Rover Evoque     83091    Lagos  Foreign Used   
3   3                   Lexus ES 350     91524    Lagos  Foreign Used   
4   4                   Toyota Venza     94177    Lagos  Foreign Used   

           engine transmission    fuel  paint  year    target  
0  4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol    Red  2016  13665000  
1  4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol  Black  2019  33015000  
2  6-cylinder(V6)    automatic  petrol    Red  2012   9915000  
3  4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol   Gray  2007   3815000  
4  6-cylinder(V6)    automatic  petrol    Red  2010   7385000  
pr = train.profile_report()

Summary of Pandas profiling : Alert

High correlation


High cardinality

title, paint

↪ 중복도가 낮은 데이터

High skewness

Skewness of year : -21.68

odometer has 21 zeros

↪ 주행거리가 0인 중고차가 21대 (2.1%)

2. EDA

id : 샘플 아이디, title : 제조사 모델명, odometer : 주행 거리

location : 판매처(나이지리아 도시), isimported : 현지 사용 여부

engine : 엔진 종류, transmission : 트랜스미션 종류

fuel : 연료 종류, paint : 페인트 색상, year : 제조년도, target : 자동차 가격

Data type

  • Numeric (4) : id, odometer, year, target

  • Categorical (7) : title, location, isimported, engine, transmission, fuel, paint

id              0
title           0
odometer        0
location        0
isimported      0
engine          0
transmission    0
fuel            0
paint           0
year            0
target          0
dtype: int64
id              0
title           0
odometer        0
location        0
isimported      0
engine          0
transmission    0
fuel            0
paint           0
year            0
dtype: int64
  • 📝 결측치가 없습니다.
df_train = train.copy()
df_test = test.copy()

2-(1). Outliers

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18,5))
g = sns.histplot(df_train['odometer'], color='b', label='Skewness : {:.2f}'.format(df_train['odometer'].skew()), ax=ax[0])
g.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 16})
g.set_xlabel("Odometer", fontsize = 16)
g.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize = 16)

g = sns.histplot(df_train['year'], color='b', label='Skewness : {:.2f}'.format(df_train['year'].skew()), ax=ax[1])
g.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 16})
g.set_xlabel("Year", fontsize = 16)
g.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize = 16)

numeric_fts = ['odometer', 'year']
outlier_ind = []
for i in numeric_fts:
  Q1 = np.percentile(df_train[i],25)
  Q3 = np.percentile(df_train[i],75)
  IQR = Q3-Q1
  outlier_list = df_train[(df_train[i] < Q1 - IQR * 1.5) | (df_train[i] > Q3 + IQR * 1.5)].index
# Drop outliers
train_df = df_train.drop(outlier_ind, axis = 0).reset_index(drop = True)
       id                          title  odometer location    isimported  \
0       0                   Toyota RAV 4     18277   Lagos   Foreign Used   
1       1            Toyota Land Cruiser        10    Lagos          New    
2       2  Land Rover Range Rover Evoque     83091    Lagos  Foreign Used   
3       3                   Lexus ES 350     91524    Lagos  Foreign Used   
4       4                   Toyota Venza     94177    Lagos  Foreign Used   
..    ...                            ...       ...      ...           ...   
970  1010                 Toyota Corolla     46768    Lagos  Foreign Used   
971  1011                   Toyota Camry     31600    Abuja  Foreign Used   
972  1012                   Toyota Camry     96802    Abuja  Foreign Used   
973  1013                   Lexus GX 460    146275    Lagos  Foreign Used   
974  1014                         DAF CF         0    Lagos  Locally used   

             engine transmission    fuel   paint  year    target  
0    4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol     Red  2016  13665000  
1    4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol   Black  2019  33015000  
2    6-cylinder(V6)    automatic  petrol     Red  2012   9915000  
3    4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol    Gray  2007   3815000  
4    6-cylinder(V6)    automatic  petrol     Red  2010   7385000  
..              ...          ...     ...     ...   ...       ...  
970  4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol   Black  2014   5415000  
971  4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol  Silver  2011   3615000  
972  4-cylinder(I4)    automatic  petrol   Black  2011   3415000  
973  6-cylinder(V6)    automatic  petrol    Gold  2013  14315000  
974  6-cylinder(V6)       manual  diesel   white  1998  10015000  

[975 rows x 11 columns]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18,5))
g = sns.histplot(train_df['odometer'], color='b', label='Skewness : {:.2f}'.format(train_df['odometer'].skew()), ax=ax[0])
g.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 16})
g.set_xlabel("Odometer", fontsize = 16)
g.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize = 16)

g = sns.histplot(train_df['year'], color='b', label='Skewness : {:.2f}'.format(train_df['year'].skew()), ax=ax[1])
g.legend(loc='best', prop={'size': 16})
g.set_xlabel("Year", fontsize = 16)
g.set_ylabel("Count", fontsize = 16)

📝 outlier 들을 제거하여 첨도가 감소했습니다.

print("# outliers to drop :", len(outlier_ind))
# outliers to drop : 44

2-(2). Correlation

📝 앞서 수행한 pandas profiling report의 alert를 참고하여 상관계수를 계산했습니다.

📝 Categorical 데이터를 라벨인코더를 통해 수치형으로 변환한 후 상관관계를 확인합니다.

cat_fts = ['title', 'location', 'isimported', 'engine', 'transmission', 'fuel', 'paint']
la_train = train_df.copy()

for i in range(len(cat_fts)):
  encoder = LabelEncoder()
  la_train[cat_fts[i]] = encoder.fit_transform(la_train[cat_fts[i]])
plt.figure(figsize = (10,8))
sns.heatmap(la_train[['odometer', 'year', 'paint', 'fuel', 'transmission', 'engine', 'target']].corr(), annot=True)

3. Feature Engineering

3-(1). company 컬럼 생성

📝 title 변수 값들의 앞부분에는 공통적으로 자동차 회사의 이름이 오는것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

📝 split 함수를 사용하여 첫번째 띄어쓰기를 기준으로 회사명 데이터를 추출하고 새 컬럼을 생성해주겠습니다.
📝 company 컬럼의 계급을 훈련 데이터의 target값 기준으로 나눠주겠습니다.

['Toyota RAV 4' 'Toyota Land Cruiser' 'Land Rover Range Rover Evoque'
 'Lexus ES 350' 'Toyota Venza' 'Toyota Corolla'
 'Land Rover Range Rover Sport' 'Pontiac Vibe' 'Toyota Tacoma'
 'Lexus RX 350' 'Ford Escape' 'Honda Civic' 'Volvo XC90' 'BMW 750'
 'Infiniti JX' 'Honda Accord' 'Mercedes-Benz ML 350' 'Toyota Camry'
 'Hyundai Azera' 'Lexus GX 460']
train_df['company'] = train_df['title'].apply(lambda x : x.split(" ")[0])
df_test['company'] = df_test['title'].apply(lambda x : x.split(" ")[0])

print("#fts :", len(train_df['company'].unique()), '\n')
print("#fts :", len(df_test['company'].unique()), '\n')
['Toyota' 'Land' 'Lexus' 'Pontiac' 'Ford' 'Honda' 'Volvo' 'BMW' 'Infiniti'
 'Mercedes-Benz' 'Hyundai' 'Jaguar' 'Mitsubishi' 'Nissan' 'Chevrolet'
 'Mazda' 'Lincoln' 'Kia' 'Acura' 'DAF' 'Man' 'Isuzu' 'IVM' 'Porsche'
 'MINI' 'GMC' 'Iveco' 'Scania' 'Volkswagen' 'GAC' 'IVECO' 'Mack' 'Peugeot'
 'Rolls-Royce' 'MAN-VOLKSWAGEN' 'Jeep' 'ALPINA' 'Bentley' 'JMC']
#fts : 39 

['Mercedes-Benz' 'Honda' 'Toyota' 'Iveco' 'Lexus' 'Nissan' 'Volkswagen'
 'Jeep' 'Ford' 'BMW' 'Mack' 'Land' 'Hyundai' 'Peugeot' 'Volvo' 'Infiniti'
 'Acura' 'Man' 'Fiat' 'MINI' 'DAF' 'Mazda' 'Porsche' 'Mitsubishi'
 'Chevrolet' 'Kia' 'Pontiac' 'Rolls-Royce']
#fts : 28 

plt.figure(figsize = (20,8))
g = sns.barplot(x = 'company', y = 'target', data = train_df)

for p in g.patches:
    left, bottom, width, height = p.get_bbox().bounds
    g.annotate("%.1f"%(height/1e6), (left+width/2, height*1.01), ha='center')

g.set_xlabel("company", fontsize = 16)
g.set_ylabel("target", fontsize = 16)


company_h = np.zeros((len(g.patches)))
i = 0
for p in g.patches:
    left, bottom, width, height = p.get_bbox().bounds
    company_h[i] = (height/1e6)
    i +=1
array([  6.37849032,  29.39868421,  14.08227273,   2.715     ,
         6.31845588,   4.39417308,   4.15571429,  15.279     ,
        16.16      ,  13.37352941,   3.89282609,   2.665     ,
         3.42      ,   1.98666667,   7.233     ,   2.07875   ,
         4.415     ,   2.81785714,   4.082     ,   8.515     ,
        10.265     ,   4.015     ,   2.89      ,  14.265     ,
         5.54      ,   5.515     ,  10.015     ,   7.93      ,
         2.09409091,   1.49      ,   6.015     ,   8.015     ,
         2.125     , 150.015008  ,   6.34      ,   2.515     ,
         9.065     ,  28.015     ,   9.365     ])
companys = train_df['company'].unique()
def company_fix(train_df, df, companys):
  only_test_com = list(set(df['company'])-set(train_df['company']))

  if len(only_test_com) != 0:
    for k in range(len(only_test_com)):
      df.loc[(df['company'] == only_test_com[k]), 'company'] = 1

  for c in range(7):
    if c==6:
      company_ind = companys[np.where(company_h>=c*5)]
    elif c==0:
      company_ind = companys[np.where(company_h<(c+1)*5)]
      company_ind = companys[np.where((company_h>=c*5)&(company_h<(c+1)*5))]
    for i in range(len(company_ind)):
      df.loc[(df['company'] == company_ind[i]), 'company'] = c+1

copy_train = train_df.copy()
company_fix(copy_train, train_df, companys)
company_fix(copy_train, df_test, companys)
array([2, 6, 3, 1, 4, 7], dtype=object)
array([3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7], dtype=object)

3-(2). paint

📝 뒤죽박죽인 paint 변수를 고쳐주겠습니다.

[' Black', ' Black/Red', 'Ash', 'Ash and black', 'BLACK', 'Beige', 'Black', 'Black ', 'Black and silver', 'Black sand pearl', 'Black.', 'Blue', 'Blue ', 'Brown', 'Cream', 'Cream ', 'DARK GREY', 'Dark Ash', 'Dark Blue', 'Dark Green', 'Dark Grey', 'Dark ash', 'Dark blue ', 'Dark gray', 'Dark silver ', 'Deep Blue', 'Deep blue', 'GOLD', 'Gery', 'Gold', 'Gold ', 'Gray', 'Gray ', 'Green', 'Green ', 'Grey', 'Grey ', 'Ink blue', 'Light Gold', 'Light blue', 'Light silver ', 'Magnetic Gray', 'Magnetic Gray Metallic', 'Maroon', 'Midnight Black Metal', 'Milk', 'Navy blue', 'Off white', 'Off white l', 'Pale brown', 'Purple', 'Red', 'Redl', 'SILVER', 'Silver', 'Silver ', 'Silver/grey', 'Sky blue', 'Skye blue', 'Sliver', 'Super White', 'WHITE', 'WINE', 'Whine ', 'White', 'White ', 'White orchild pearl', 'Wine', 'Yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'white', 'white-blue', 'yellow']
def color_handling(x):
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.strip()   # eliminate empty space
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.lower()    # convert to lower case
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace(".", "")
array(['red', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'blue', 'redl', 'silver',
       'black/red', 'deep blue', 'dark grey', 'brown', 'grey', 'green',
       'purple', 'gold', 'dark blue', 'milk', 'midnight black metal',
       'beige', 'dark ash', 'cream', 'dark gray', 'white orchild pearl',
       'dark green', 'yellow', 'sliver', 'wine', 'white-blue',
       'magnetic gray', 'dark silver', 'silver/grey', 'ink blue',
       'light blue', 'sky blue', 'gery', 'pale brown', 'whine',
       'black and silver', 'light silver', 'black sand pearl',
       'off white', 'ash', 'maroon', 'navy blue', 'super white',
       'ash and black', 'magnetic gray metallic', 'skye blue',
       'off white l'], dtype=object)
  • skye blue -> sky blue

  • dark ash, dark grey, dark silver, ash and black, black and silver -> dark gray

  • gery, grey,ash, magnetic gray metallic, magnetic gray, gray metallic, silver/grey, sliver, silver -> gray

  • off white l, off white, super white, white orchild pearl -> white

  • redl, maroon -> red

  • whine -> wine

  • ink blue, deep blue, navy blue -> dark blue

  • sky blue, white-blue -> light blue

  • black sand pearl, midnight black metal -> black

  • pale brown -> brown

  • milk -> cream

def color_fix(x):
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("skye blue", "sky blue")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("dark ash", "dark gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("dark grey", "dark gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("dark silver", "dark gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("ash and black", "dark gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("black and silver", "dark gray")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("gery", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("grey", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("ash", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("silver/grey", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("silver/gray", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("sliver", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("silver", "gray")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("magnetic gray", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("gray metallic", "gray")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("magnetic gray metallic", "gray")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("black sand pearl", "black")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("midnight black metal", "black")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("off white l", "white")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("off white", "white")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("super white", "white")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("white orchild pearl", "white")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("redl", "red")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("maroon", "red")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("whine", "wine")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("ink blue", "dark blue")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("deep blue", "dark blue")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("navy blue", "dark blue")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("sky blue", "light blue")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("white-blue", "light blue")
  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("pale brown", "brown")

  x['paint'] = x['paint'].str.replace("milk", "cream")
['beige', 'black', 'black/red', 'blue', 'brown', 'cream', 'dark blue', 'dark gray', 'dark green', 'gold', 'gray', 'green', 'light blue', 'light gray', 'purple', 'red', 'white', 'wine', 'yellow']
['beige', 'blac', 'black', 'blue', 'brown', 'classic gray met(1f7)', 'cream', 'dark blue', 'dark gray', 'dark green', 'gold', 'golf', 'gray', 'gray and black', 'green', 'indigo ink pearl', 'light gray', 'mint green', 'red', 'white', 'white and green', 'wine', 'yellow']

3-(3). location

📝 location 변수도 고쳐주겠습니다.

array(['Lagos ', 'Lagos', 'Abuja', 'Lagos State', 'Ogun', 'FCT', 'Accra',
       'other', 'Abuja ', 'Abia State', 'Adamawa ', 'Abia', 'Ogun State'],
def location_fix(x):
  x['location'] = x['location'].str.replace("Lagos ", "Lagos")
  x['location'] = x['location'].str.replace("Lagos State", "Lagos")
  x['location'] = x['location'].str.replace("Ogun State", "Ogun")
  x['location'] = x['location'].str.replace("Abuja ", "Abuja")
  x['location'] = x['location'].str.replace("Abia State", "Abia")
  x['location'] = x['location'].str.replace("LagosState", "Lagos")
['Abia', 'Abuja', 'Accra', 'Adamawa ', 'FCT', 'Lagos', 'Ogun', 'other']
['Abia', 'Abuja', 'Arepo ogun state ', 'Lagos', 'Mushin', 'Ogun', 'other']

3-(4). engine

📝 engine 변수를 수치형으로 바꿔주겠습니다.

plt.figure(figsize = (10,8))
sns.barplot(x = 'engine', y = 'target', data = train_df)

engines = train_df['engine'].unique()
array(['4-cylinder(I4)', '6-cylinder(V6)', '8-cylinder(V8)',
       '6-cylinder(I6)', '4-cylinder(H4)', '5-cylinder(I5)',
       '3-cylinder(I3)', '2-cylinder(I2)'], dtype=object)
0      4-cylinder(I4)
1      4-cylinder(I4)
2      6-cylinder(V6)
3      4-cylinder(I4)
4      6-cylinder(V6)
970    4-cylinder(I4)
971    4-cylinder(I4)
972    4-cylinder(I4)
973    6-cylinder(V6)
974    6-cylinder(V6)
Name: engine, Length: 975, dtype: object
def engine_fix(df):
  df.loc[((df['engine'] != "8-cylinder(V8)") & (df['engine'] != "4-cylinder(H4)") & (df['engine'] != "6-cylinder(I6)") & 
          (df['engine'] != "6-cylinder(V6)") & (df['engine'] != "4-cylinder(I4)") & (df['engine'] != "5-cylinder(I5)") & (df['engine'] != "3-cylinder(I3)") & (df['engine'] != "2-cylinder(I2)")), 'engine'] = 2
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "2-cylinder(I2)"), 'engine'] = 1
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "3-cylinder(I3)"), 'engine'] = 1
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "5-cylinder(I5)"), 'engine'] = 1
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "4-cylinder(I4)"), 'engine'] = 2
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "6-cylinder(V6)"), 'engine'] = 2
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "6-cylinder(I6)"), 'engine'] = 2
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "4-cylinder(H4)"), 'engine'] = 3
  df.loc[(df['engine'] == "8-cylinder(V8)"), 'engine'] = 4
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 4]

3-(5). dropping

📝 train과 test 데이터의 title, location, paint 변수의 값 종류 및 길이가 일치하지 않습니다.

cat_fts2 = ['title', 'location', 'isimported', 'transmission', 'fuel', 'paint']
for i in range(len(cat_fts2)):
  print(cat_fts2[i], ":")
  print("#fts :", len(train_df[cat_fts2[i]].unique()), '\n')
title :
['Toyota RAV 4' 'Toyota Land Cruiser' 'Land Rover Range Rover Evoque'
 'Lexus ES 350' 'Toyota Venza' 'Toyota Corolla'
 'Land Rover Range Rover Sport' 'Pontiac Vibe' 'Toyota Tacoma'
 'Lexus RX 350' 'Ford Escape' 'Honda Civic' 'Volvo XC90' 'BMW 750'
 'Infiniti JX' 'Honda Accord' 'Mercedes-Benz ML 350' 'Toyota Camry'
 'Hyundai Azera' 'Lexus GX 460' 'BMW 325' 'Toyota Sienna' 'Honda Fit'
 'Honda CR-V' 'Hyundai Tucson' 'Jaguar XJ8' 'BMW X6' 'Mercedes-Benz C 300'
 'Mitsubishi Galant' 'Mercedes-Benz GL 450' 'Lexus RX 300'
 'Toyota Highlander' 'Mitsubishi CANTER PICK UP' 'Nissan Titan'
 'Lexus IS 250' 'Mercedes-Benz 200' 'Toyota Sequoia' 'Ford Explorer'
 'Hyundai ix35' 'Lexus CT 200h' 'Lexus LX 570' 'Toyota Avensis'
 'Toyota 4-Runner' 'Mercedes-Benz GLE 350' 'Mercedes-Benz E 300'
 'Toyota Avalon' 'Chevrolet Camaro' 'Land Rover Range Rover' 'Mazda CX-9'
 'Lexus RX 330' 'Lincoln Mark' 'Kia Optima' 'Lexus GS 300' 'Jaguar X-Type'
 'Nissan Altima' 'Acura MDX' 'DAF 95XF TRACTOR HEAD' 'Man TGA 18.360'
 'Nissan Pathfinder' 'Mercedes-Benz E 350' 'Honda Crosstour' 'Honda Pilot'
 'Lexus LS 460' 'Nissan Cabstar' 'Kia Sorento' 'Mercedes-Benz CLA 250'
 'Mitsubishi Pajero' 'Mercedes-Benz C 350' 'Lexus GS 350'
 'Mercedes-Benz E 320' 'Toyota Yaris' 'Toyota Matrix' 'Isuzu NQR'
 'IVM LT35' 'Hyundai Elantra' 'Porsche Cayenne' 'Toyota Prado'
 'Hyundai Sonata' 'MINI Cooper' 'Toyota Hiace' 'Mercedes-Benz 350'
 'Honda Odyssey' 'Mercedes-Benz E 550' 'GMC Terrain'
 'Mercedes-Benz GLK 350' 'Mercedes-Benz C 250' 'Mercedes-Benz ML 430'
 'Mercedes-Benz GLC 300' 'Kia Cerato' 'Chevrolet Evanda' 'Iveco TRUCK'
 'Acura ZDX' 'Mercedes-Benz 450' 'Mercedes-Benz GLA 250'
 'Mercedes-Benz CLS 500' 'Scania P94 FLATBED' 'Nissan Versa' 'Ford F 150'
 'Mercedes-Benz GLE 43 AMG' 'Volkswagen Golf' 'Mercedes-Benz 320'
 'Honda Ridgeline' 'Mercedes-Benz S 450' 'Mercedes-Benz 300' 'Kia Rio'
 'BMW 740' 'Ford Edge' 'Toyota Dyna' 'Volvo FL6' 'Toyota Coaster'
 'GAC Gonow Other' 'IVECO EUROTECH 7.50E-16' 'Mack CH613'
 'Scania TRACTOR HEAD' 'Nissan Xterra' 'Mercedes-Benz ML 320' 'Ford Focus'
 'Mercedes-Benz 220' 'Man Truck 18.44' 'BMW 730' 'Peugeot 607' 'BMW 528'
 'Volvo XC60' 'Mercedes-Benz E 200' 'Volkswagen Passat'
 'Volkswagen Sharan' 'Lexus GX 470' 'Ford Transit' 'Nissan Quest'
 'Nissan Maxima' 'Hyundai Santa Fe' 'Lexus ES 300' 'Mazda Tribute'
 'Ford Fusion' 'Acura RDX' 'Peugeot 206' 'Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG'
 'Toyota Hilux' 'Kia Stinger' 'Volkswagen Tiguan' 'Acura TL'
 'Porsche Panamera' 'Rolls-Royce Ghost' 'BMW 745' 'BMW 335'
 'Volkswagen Jetta' 'Toyota Solara' 'Mercedes-Benz C 450 AMG'
 'Nissan Murano' 'Chevrolet Traverse' 'Volkswagen T4 Caravelle'
 'MAN-VOLKSWAGEN FLATBED' 'Nissan Frontier' 'Mercedes-Benz C 180'
 'Infiniti M35' 'Nissan Sentra' 'Jeep Cherokee' 'Toyota DYNA 200'
 'Nissan Rogue' 'Land Rover Range Rover Velar' 'ALPINA B3' 'Mazda 323'
 'Volkswagen T6 other' 'Bentley Arnage' 'Mazda 6' 'Infiniti FX'
 'Ford Expedition' 'Kia Picanto' 'Toyota Tundra' 'JMC Vigus'
 'Infiniti QX80' 'Volvo FH12' 'Volkswagen Touareg' 'Porsche Macan'
 'Peugeot 308' 'Nissan INFINITI M90.150/2' 'MINI Cooper Countryman'
 'Lexus ES 330' 'Honda Insight' 'Toyota Vitz' 'Isuzu CABSTER'
 'Mercedes-Benz C 63 AMG' 'Mercedes-Benz SL 400' 'Volkswagen 17.22'
 'DAF CF']
#fts : 185 

location :
['Lagos' 'Abuja' 'Ogun' 'FCT' 'Accra' 'other' 'Abia' 'Adamawa ']
#fts : 8 

isimported :
['Foreign Used' 'New ' 'Locally used']
#fts : 3 

transmission :
['automatic' 'manual']
#fts : 2 

fuel :
['petrol' 'diesel']
#fts : 2 

paint :
['red' 'black' 'gray' 'white' 'blue' 'black/red' 'dark blue' 'dark gray'
 'brown' 'green' 'purple' 'gold' 'cream' 'beige' 'dark green' 'yellow'
 'wine' 'light blue' 'light gray']
#fts : 19 

for i in range(len(cat_fts2)):
  print(cat_fts2[i], ":")
  print("#fts :", len(df_test[cat_fts2[i]].unique()), '\n')
title :
['Mercedes-Benz C 300' 'Honda Accord' 'Mercedes-Benz S 550'
 'Toyota Sienna' 'Toyota Hiace' 'Toyota Corolla' 'Iveco EUROCARGO 120e18'
 'Mercedes-Benz GLE 350' 'Toyota Highlander' 'Toyota Hilux' 'Toyota Camry'
 'Mercedes-Benz C 180' 'Lexus ES 350' 'Honda Fit' 'Toyota Matrix'
 'Toyota Venza' 'Lexus IS 250' 'Nissan Primera' 'Volkswagen Sharan'
 'Jeep Wrangler' 'Volkswagen Golf' 'Mercedes-Benz 814' 'Nissan Sentra'
 'Volkswagen Passat' 'Mercedes-Benz GLK 350' 'Lexus RX 350' 'Ford Mondeo'
 'BMW X3' 'Mack CXN613 CAB BEHIND ENGINE' 'Toyota RAV 4'
 'Land Rover Discovery' 'Toyota Avalon' 'Lexus GX 460' 'Hyundai Santa Fe'
 'Peugeot 206' 'Volvo FL7' 'Mercedes-Benz C 320' 'Hyundai Sonata'
 'Infiniti FX' 'Honda Civic' 'Mercedes-Benz CLS 500'
 'Mercedes-Benz GLK 300' 'Acura RDX' 'Mercedes-Benz G 550' 'BMW 535'
 'Acura TL' 'Nissan Xterra' 'Land Rover Range Rover' 'Nissan A'
 'Toyota 4-Runner' 'Honda Pilot' 'Man LE 8. 180 PLATFORM TRUCK'
 'Toyota Yaris' 'Hyundai Elantra' 'Volvo S80' 'Mercedes-Benz GLA 180'
 'Acura TSX' 'Lexus LX 570' 'Mercedes-Benz Maybach' 'Mercedes-Benz 300'
 'Acura MDX' 'Nissan INFINITI M90.150/2' 'Land Rover Range Rover Sport'
 'Nissan Altima' 'Peugeot 307' 'Fiat Ducato' 'Mercedes-Benz C 350'
 'Lexus RX 330' 'Ford Edge' 'Honda CR-V' 'Volvo FL12' 'Ford Explorer'
 'Man 26-403' 'MINI Cooper Coupé' 'Iveco TRUCK' 'Nissan Cabstar'
 'MINI Cooper' 'Lexus RX 400' 'Ford TRANSIT PICKUP' 'Toyota Prius'
 'Toyota Tundra' 'Honda Element' 'Toyota Tacoma' 'Lexus ES 300'
 'DAF XF TRACTOR HEAD' 'Honda Odyssey' 'Nissan Pathfinder' 'Mazda 323'
 'Mercedes-Benz E 300' 'Lexus GS 350' 'Mercedes-Benz ML 350'
 'Mercedes-Benz E 350' 'Porsche Cayenne' 'BMW 525' 'Toyota Land Cruiser'
 'Mack R-686ST' 'Toyota C-HR' 'Mitsubishi Eclipse' 'Chevrolet Camaro'
 'Mercedes-Benz CABIN PLUS CHASSIS ONLY' 'Mercedes-Benz GLE 450'
 'Toyota Avensis' 'Ford Mustang' 'Volvo FL6' 'Kia Optima'
 'Mitsubishi Pajero' 'Honda Crosstour' 'Lexus RX 300' 'Honda Ridgeline'
 'Mercedes-Benz 220' 'Mitsubishi Montero' 'Pontiac Vibe' 'Ford F 150'
 'Rolls-Royce Ghost' 'Ford Fusion' 'Lexus GS 300' 'Ford Transit'
 'Hyundai Azera' 'Mitsubishi L200' 'Mercedes-Benz DUMP TRUCK'
 'Mercedes-Benz WATER TANKER' 'Kia Rio' 'Man BOCKMANN' 'Lexus GX 470']
#fts : 124 

location :
['Abuja' 'Lagos' 'Ogun' 'Mushin' 'other' 'Arepo ogun state ' 'Abia']
#fts : 7 

isimported :
['New ' 'Foreign Used' 'Locally used']
#fts : 3 

transmission :
['automatic' 'manual']
#fts : 2 

fuel :
['petrol' 'diesel']
#fts : 2 

paint :
['white' 'black' 'dark gray' 'red' 'gray' 'blue' 'gold' 'green' 'cream'
 'brown' 'yellow' 'dark green' 'white and green' 'light gray' 'wine'
 'blac' 'dark blue' 'golf' 'indigo ink pearl' 'gray and black'
 'classic gray met(1f7)' 'beige' 'mint green']
#fts : 23 

📝 One-hot encoding을 진행해줍니다

train_data = train_df.copy()
test_data = df_test.copy()
for i in range(len(cat_fts2)):
  onehot_encoder = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore", sparse = False)

  transformed = onehot_encoder.fit_transform(train_data[cat_fts2[i]].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1))
  onehot_df = pd.DataFrame(transformed, columns=onehot_encoder.get_feature_names())
  train_data = pd.concat([train_data, onehot_df], axis=1).drop(cat_fts2[i], axis=1)

  test_transformed = onehot_encoder.transform(test_data[cat_fts2[i]].to_numpy().reshape(-1, 1))
  test_onehot_df = pd.DataFrame(test_transformed, columns=onehot_encoder.get_feature_names())
  test_data = pd.concat([test_data, test_onehot_df], axis=1).drop(cat_fts2[i], axis=1)
Index(['id', 'odometer', 'engine', 'year', 'target', 'company', 'x0_ALPINA B3',
       'x0_Acura MDX', 'x0_Acura RDX', 'x0_Acura TL',
       'x0_gold', 'x0_gray', 'x0_green', 'x0_light blue', 'x0_light gray',
       'x0_purple', 'x0_red', 'x0_white', 'x0_wine', 'x0_yellow'],
      dtype='object', length=225)
Index(['id', 'odometer', 'engine', 'year', 'company', 'x0_ALPINA B3',
       'x0_Acura MDX', 'x0_Acura RDX', 'x0_Acura TL', 'x0_Acura ZDX',
       'x0_gold', 'x0_gray', 'x0_green', 'x0_light blue', 'x0_light gray',
       'x0_purple', 'x0_red', 'x0_white', 'x0_wine', 'x0_yellow'],
      dtype='object', length=224)

📝 train 데이터의 target 컬럼을 제외하고는 train과 test의 열길이가 같도록 one-hot encoding이 잘 진행된것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

train_x = train_data.drop('id', axis = 1)
test_x = test_data.drop('id', axis = 1)

(975, 224)
(436, 223)

4. Modeling

📝 pycaret을 활용했습니다.

py_reg = setup(train_x, target = 'target', session_id = seed_num, silent = True)
                               Description             Value
0                               session_id                42
1                                   Target            target
2                            Original Data        (975, 224)
3                           Missing Values             False
4                         Numeric Features                35
5                     Categorical Features               188
6                         Ordinal Features             False
7                High Cardinality Features             False
8                  High Cardinality Method              None
9                    Transformed Train Set        (682, 226)
10                    Transformed Test Set        (293, 226)
11                      Shuffle Train-Test              True
12                     Stratify Train-Test             False
13                          Fold Generator             KFold
14                             Fold Number                10
15                                CPU Jobs                -1
16                                 Use GPU             False
17                          Log Experiment             False
18                         Experiment Name  reg-default-name
19                                     USI              ee21
20                         Imputation Type            simple
21          Iterative Imputation Iteration              None
22                         Numeric Imputer              mean
23      Iterative Imputation Numeric Model              None
24                     Categorical Imputer          constant
25  Iterative Imputation Categorical Model              None
26           Unknown Categoricals Handling    least_frequent
27                               Normalize             False
28                        Normalize Method              None
29                          Transformation             False
30                   Transformation Method              None
31                                     PCA             False
32                              PCA Method              None
33                          PCA Components              None
34                     Ignore Low Variance             False
35                     Combine Rare Levels             False
36                    Rare Level Threshold              None
37                         Numeric Binning             False
38                         Remove Outliers             False
39                      Outliers Threshold              None
40                Remove Multicollinearity             False
41             Multicollinearity Threshold              None
42             Remove Perfect Collinearity              True
43                              Clustering             False
44                    Clustering Iteration              None
45                     Polynomial Features             False
46                       Polynomial Degree              None
47                    Trignometry Features             False
48                    Polynomial Threshold              None
49                          Group Features             False
50                       Feature Selection             False
51                Feature Selection Method           classic
52            Features Selection Threshold              None
53                     Feature Interaction             False
54                           Feature Ratio             False
55                   Interaction Threshold              None
56                        Transform Target             False
57                 Transform Target Method           box-cox
                                    Model           MAE           MSE  \
catboost               CatBoost Regressor  2.052122e+06  3.032507e+13   
gbr           Gradient Boosting Regressor  2.215648e+06  3.169851e+13   
rf                Random Forest Regressor  2.132068e+06  3.173878e+13   
et                  Extra Trees Regressor  2.235193e+06  3.563028e+13   
ridge                    Ridge Regression  3.439487e+06  4.245590e+13   
dt                Decision Tree Regressor  2.503733e+06  3.621137e+13   
omp           Orthogonal Matching Pursuit  3.249912e+06  4.415962e+13   
lr                      Linear Regression  3.577824e+06  4.495084e+13   
llar         Lasso Least Angle Regression  3.479438e+06  4.552524e+13   
lasso                    Lasso Regression  3.562897e+06  4.500952e+13   
lightgbm  Light Gradient Boosting Machine  3.335596e+06  4.506558e+13   
en                            Elastic Net  4.823784e+06  7.191481e+13   
ada                    AdaBoost Regressor  5.726544e+06  6.274745e+13   
knn                 K Neighbors Regressor  5.217788e+06  8.947216e+13   
br                         Bayesian Ridge  5.853927e+06  9.663452e+13   
huber                     Huber Regressor  5.072447e+06  1.106676e+14   
dummy                     Dummy Regressor  6.606546e+06  1.206503e+14   
par          Passive Aggressive Regressor  6.787941e+06  1.124849e+14   
lar                Least Angle Regression  7.229185e+28  7.044768e+59   

                  RMSE            R2    RMSLE          MAPE  TT (Sec)  
catboost  4.874472e+06  7.763000e-01   0.3940  2.705000e-01     5.786  
gbr       4.992229e+06  7.507000e-01   0.3991  3.435000e-01     0.201  
rf        4.964929e+06  7.477000e-01   0.3567  2.637000e-01     0.797  
et        5.401867e+06  7.073000e-01   0.3660  2.627000e-01     0.872  
ridge     5.963903e+06  6.569000e-01   0.8327  9.147000e-01     0.036  
dt        5.587945e+06  6.550000e-01   0.4376  2.988000e-01     0.027  
omp       6.123065e+06  6.337000e-01   0.8006  7.729000e-01     0.020  
lr        6.188975e+06  6.291000e-01   0.7927  9.623000e-01     0.349  
llar      6.215977e+06  6.243000e-01   0.8050  9.201000e-01     0.084  
lasso     6.206766e+06  6.219000e-01   0.7581  9.474000e-01     0.072  
lightgbm  6.324969e+06  5.892000e-01   0.5592  4.798000e-01     0.091  
en        7.970752e+06  3.732000e-01   0.8749  1.184900e+00     0.103  
ada       7.697862e+06  3.293000e-01   0.9726  1.669600e+00     0.149  
knn       8.988560e+06  1.959000e-01   0.8459  1.057700e+00     0.071  
br        9.334507e+06  1.286000e-01   1.0131  1.458200e+00     0.048  
huber     9.854927e+06  9.680000e-02   0.8858  8.251000e-01     0.079  
dummy     1.044993e+07 -6.330000e-02   1.1069  1.864000e+00     0.013  
par       1.019090e+07 -1.097000e-01   1.1548  1.859500e+00     0.026  
lar       2.657465e+29 -6.320727e+45  28.3450  1.132970e+22     0.113  

catboost = create_model('catboost', verbose = False)
rf = create_model('rf', verbose = False)
gbr = create_model('gbr', verbose = False)

📝 상위 3개의 모델을 혼합한 모델을 생성합니다.

blended_model = blend_models(estimator_list = [catboost, rf, gbr])
               MAE           MSE          RMSE      R2   RMSLE    MAPE
0     3.368465e+06  1.239934e+14  1.113523e+07  0.6025  0.3779  0.3052
1     1.523530e+06  7.672571e+12  2.769941e+06  0.8638  0.3379  0.2818
2     1.430990e+06  6.330266e+12  2.516002e+06  0.8527  0.3042  0.2395
3     1.205003e+06  6.456912e+12  2.541045e+06  0.7147  0.3131  0.2569
4     2.395485e+06  2.857651e+13  5.345700e+06  0.6260  0.3721  0.3061
5     3.142842e+06  6.432011e+13  8.019982e+06  0.5683  0.3675  0.2571
6     1.753312e+06  1.835539e+13  4.284319e+06  0.8353  0.3038  0.2304
7     1.810014e+06  2.096415e+13  4.578662e+06  0.8783  0.3255  0.2637
8     1.982680e+06  1.493599e+13  3.864710e+06  0.8744  0.3505  0.2618
9     1.554736e+06  7.822396e+12  2.796855e+06  0.9317  0.3449  0.3052
Mean  2.016706e+06  2.994277e+13  4.785245e+06  0.7748  0.3398  0.2708
Std   6.935942e+05  3.544528e+13  2.654091e+06  0.1269  0.0263  0.0262

📝 전체 데이터로 마지막 학습을 진행하고 test 예측을 생성합니다.

final_model = finalize_model(blended_model)
prediction = predict_model(final_model, data = test_x)
pred = prediction['Label']

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