Dungeon Builder Placing Rooms[3]에 이어서 작성한 코드 내용이다.
/// <summary>
/// Place the room - returns true if the room doesn't overlap, false otherwise
/// </summary>
private bool PlaceTheRoom(Room parentRoom, Doorway doorwayParent, Room room)
// Get current room doorway position
Doorway doorway = GetOppositeDoorway(doorwayPoint, room.doorWayList);
// Returns if no doorway in room opposite to parent doorway
if (doorway == null)
// Just mark the parnet doorway as unavailable so we don't try and connect it again
doorwayParent.isUnavailable = true;
return false;
// Calculate 'world' grid parent doorway position
Vector2Int parentDoorwayPosition = parentRoom.lowerBounds + doorwayParent.position - parentRoom.templateLowerBounds;
Vector2Int adjustment = Vector2Int.zero;
// Calculate adjustment position offset based on room doorway position that we are trying to connect
// (e.g. if this doorway is west then we need to add (1,0) to the east parent doorway)
case Orientation.north:
adjustment = new Vector2Int(0, -1);
case Orientation.east:
adjustment = new Vector2Int(-1, 0);
case Orientation.south:
adjustment = new Vector2Int(0, 1);
case Orientation.west:
adjustment = new Vector2Int(1, 0);
case Orientation.none:
// Calculate room lower bounds and upper bounds based on positioning to aligh with parent doorway
room.lowerBounds = parentDoorwayPosition + adjustment + room.templateLowerBounds - doorway.position;
room.upperBounds = room.lowerBounds + room.templateUpperBounds - room.templateLowerBounds;
Room overlappingRoom = CheckForRoomOverlap(room);
if (overlappingRoom == null)
// mark doorway as connected & unavailable
doorwayParent.isConnected = true;
doorwayParent.isUnavailable = true;
doorway.isConnected = true;
doorway.isUnavailable = true;
// return true to show rooms have been connected with no overlap
return true;
// Just mark the parent doorway as unavailable so we don't try and connect it again
doorwayParent.isUnavailable = true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get the doorway from the doorway list that has the opposite orientation to doorway
/// </summary>
private Doorway GetOppositeDoorway(Doorway parentDoorway, List<Doorway> doorwayList)
foreach (Doorway doorwayToCheck in doorwayList)
if (parentDoorway.orientation == Orientation.east && doorwayToCheck.orientation == Orientation.west)
return doorwayToCheck;
else if (parentDoorway.orientation == Orientation.west && doorwayToCheck.orientation == Orientation.east)
return doorwayToCheck;
else if (parentDoorway.orientation == Orientation.north && doorwayToCheck.orientation == Orientation.south)
return doorwayToCheck;
else if (parentDoorway.orientation == Orientation.south && doorwayToCheck.orientation == Orientation.north)
return doorwayToCheck;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Check for rooms that overlap the upper and lower bounds parameters, and if there are overlapping rooms then room else return null
/// </summary>
private Room CheckForRoomOverlap(Room roomToTest)
// Iterate through all rooms
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Room> keyvaluepair in dungeonBuilderRoomDictionary)
Room room = keyvaluepair.Value;
// skip if same room as room to test or room hasn't been positioned
if (room.id == roomToTest.id || !room.isPositioned)
// If room overlaps
if (IsOverLapingRoom(roomToTest, room))
return room;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Check if 2 rooms overlap each other - return true if they overlap or false if they don't overlap
/// </summary>
private bool IsOverLapingRoom(Room room1, Room room2)
bool isOverlappingX = IsOverLappingInterval(room1.lowerBounds.x, room1.upperBounds.x, room2.lowerBounds.x, room2.upperBounds.x);
bool isOverlappingY = IsOverLappingInterval(room1.lowerBounds.y, room1.upperBounds.y, room2.lowerBounds.y, room2.upperBounds.y);
if (isOverlappingX && isOverlappingY)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Check fi interval 1 overlaps interval 2 - this method is used by the IsOverLappingRoom method
/// </summary>
private bool IsOverLappingInterval(int imin1, int imax1, int imin2, int imax2)
if(Mathf.Max(imin1, imin2) <= Mathf.Min(imax1, imax2))
return true;
return false;