Android fundamentals 02.1:Activities and intents

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Android fundamentals 02.1:Activities and intents

이 포스팅은 아래 구글 코드랩을 개인 학습용으로 정리한 글입니다.

1. Welcome


  • Activity

    • represents a single screen in your app
    • your user can perform a single, focused task such as taking a photo, sending an email, or viewing a map
    • usually presented to the user as a full-screen window
  • An app usually consists of multiple screens(activities) that are loosely bound to each other

  • Main activity

    • presented to the user when the app is launched
    • The main activity can then start other activities to perform different actions

  • Each time a new activity starts, the previous activity is stopped

    • the system preserves the previous activity in the back stack
  • When a new activity starts, that new activity is pushed onto the back stack and takes user focus (top of the back stack)

  • When the user is done with the current activity and presses the Back button,

    • the current activity is popped from the stack and destroyed
    • the previous activity resumes (top of the back stack)

  • An activity is started or activated with an intent

  • Intent:

    • an asynchronous message
    • you can use in your activity to request an action from another activity, or from some other app component
    • you can use an intent to start one activity from another activity, and to pass data between activities

  • An Intent can be explicit or implicit
  • An explicit intent:
    • you know the target of that intent.
    • you already know the fully qualified class name of that specific activity.
  • An implicit intent:
    • you do not have the name of the target component
    • but, you have a general action to perform

2. App overview

  • You build the app in three stages

  • In the first stage:

    • create an app whose main activity contains one button, Send
    • When the user clicks this button, your main activity uses an intent to start the second activity
  • In the second stage:

    • add an EditText view to the main activity
    • The user enters a message and clicks Send
    • The main activity uses an intent to start the second activity and send the user's message to the second activity
    • The second activity displays the message it received
  • In the final stage:

    • add an EditText and a Reply button to the second activity
    • The user can now type a reply message and tap Reply, and the reply is displayed on the main activity
    • you use an intent to pass the reply back from the second activity to the main activity

3. Task 1: Create the TwoActivities project

1.1 Create the TwoActivities project

1.2 Define the layout for the main Activity

1.3 Define the Button action

  1. Inside launchSecondActivity(), add a Log statement that says "Button Clicked!"
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Button clicked!");
  1. At the top of the MainActivity class, add a constant for the LOG_TAG variable
    -> This constant uses the name of the class itself as the tag.
private static final String LOG_TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();

In kotlin:

private val TAG : String =


package googleCodelabs.TwoActivities

import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.view.View
import androidx.core.content.PackageManagerCompat.LOG_TAG

private val TAG : String =

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    fun launchSecondActivity(view: View) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Button clicked!")

4. Task 2: Create and launch the second Activity

  • Each new activity has its own layout and Java files, separate from those of the main activity.

  • They also have their own <<activity>> elements in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

    • As with the main activity, new activity implementations extend from the AppCompatActivity class.

  • you can define an activity as a parent of another activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file
    -> Parent-child relationship
    -> enables Android to add navigation hints(such as left-facing arrows) in the title bar for each activity

  • In this task you add a second activity to our app, with its own layout.

  • You modify the AndroidManifest.xml file
    -> to define the main activity as the parent of the second activity.

  • Then you modify the launchSecondActivity() method in MainActivity
    -> to include an intent that launches the second activity when you click the button.

2.1 Create the second Activity

2.2 Modify the AndroidManifest.xml file

  1. Find the <<activity>> element that Android Studio created for the second Activity.
                android:value="" />
  1. Replace the entire <<activity>> element with the following:
  <activity android:name=".SecondActivity"
            android:label = "Second Activity"
                    "googleCodelabs.TwoActivities.MainActivity" />
  • label attribute:
    adds the title of the Activity to the app bar.

  • parentActivityName attribute:
    you indicate that the main activity is the parent of the second activity.

  • This relationship is used for Up navigation in your app
    -> the app bar for the second activity will have a left-facing arrow
    -> the user can navigate "upward" to the main activity

  • <<meta-data>> element
    you provide additional arbitrary information about the activity in the form of key-value pairs.

  • In this case, the metadata attributes do the same thing as the android:parentActivityName attribute
    -> they define a relationship between two activities for upward navigation.

  • These metadata attributes are required for older versions of Android
    -> the android:parentActivityName attribute is only available for API levels 16 and higher.

2.3 Define the layout for the second Activity

  1. Add the android:layout_marginLeft="8dp" attribute to the TextView to complement the layout_marginStart attribute for older versions of Android.

2.4 Add an Intent to the main Activity

  1. Create a new Intent in the launchSecondActivity() method.
  • The Intent constructor takes two arguments for an explicit Intent
    -> an application Context
    -> the specific component that will receive that Intent
Intent intent = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);

In kotlin:

val intent = Intent(this,
  1. Call the startActivity() method with the new Intent as the argument


private val TAG : String =

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    fun launchSecondActivity(view: View) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Button clicked!")
        val intent = Intent(this,

5. Task 3: Send data from the main Activity to the second Activity

  • You can also use an intent to send data from one activity to another while launching it.

  • Your intent object can pass data to the target activity in two ways:
    -> in the data field or in the intent extras.

  • intent data: a URI indicating the specific data to be acted on.

  • intent extras: you can put additional information into extras
    -> if the information you want to pass is not a URI
    -> if you want to send more than one piece of information

  • intent extra: key/value pairs in a Bundle.
    (Bundle: a collection of data, stored as key/value pairs.)

  • To pass information from one activity to another:
    -> you put keys and values into the intent extra Bundle from the sending activity
    -> then get them back out again in the receiving activity

  • In this task, you modify the explicit intent in MainActivity
    -> to include additional data(in this case, a user-entered string) in the intent extra Bundle.

  • You then modify SecondActivity
    -> to get that data back out of the intent extra Bundle
    -> and display it on the screen.

3.1 Add an EditText to the MainActivity layout

3.2 Add a string to the Intent extras


private val TAG : String =

val EXTRA_MESSAGE : String = "googleCodelabs.TwoActivities.extra.MESSAGE"

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var mMessageEditText : EditText

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        mMessageEditText = findViewById(

    fun launchSecondActivity(view: View) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Button clicked!")
        val intent = Intent(this,

        val message = mMessageEditText.text.toString()
        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message)

3.3 Add a TextView to SecondActivity for the message

3.4 Modify SecondActivity to get the extras and display the message

  1. Get the Intent that activated this Activity:
Intent intent = getIntent();

In Kotlin:

val intent: Intent = intent
  1. Get the string containing the message from the Intent extras using the MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE static variable as the key:
String message = intent.getStringExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_MESSAGE);

In Kotlin:

 val message : String? = intent.getStringExtra(googleCodelabs.TwoActivities.EXTRA_MESSAGE)


class SecondActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        //Get the Intent that activated this Activity
        val intent: Intent = intent
        val message : String? = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE)

        val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
        textView.text = message

6. Task 4: Return data back to the main Activity

4.1 Add an EditText and a Button to the SecondActivity layout

4.2 Create a response Intent in the second Activity

  1. Set the result to RESULT_OK
    -> to indicate that the response was successful.
    -> The Activity class defines the result codes (including RESULT_OK and RESULT_CANCELLED.)
  1. Call finish() to close the Activity and return to MainActivity.


val EXTRA_REPLY : String = "googleCodelabs.TwoActivities.extra.REPLY"

class SecondActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var mReply : EditText

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        //Get the Intent that activated this Activity
        val intent: Intent = intent
        val message : String? = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE)

        val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
        textView.text = message

    fun returnReply(view: View) {
        mReply = findViewById(
        val reply : String? = mReply.text.toString()

        val replyIntent = Intent()
        replyIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_REPLY, reply)

        setResult(RESULT_OK, replyIntent)

4.3 Add TextView elements to display the reply

4.4 Get the reply from the Intent extra and display it

  • In this task you modify the app to start SecondActivity expecting a result
    -> to extract that return data from the Intent
    -> and to display that data in the TextView elements


val EXTRA_MESSAGE : String = "googleCodelabs.TwoActivities.extra.MESSAGE"

val TEXT_REQUEST : Int = 1

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

	fun launchSecondActivity(view: View) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Button clicked!")
        val intent = Intent(this,

        val message = mMessageEditText.text.toString()
        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, message)

        startActivityForResult(intent, TEXT_REQUEST)
	override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)

        if(requestCode == TEXT_REQUEST){
            if(resultCode == RESULT_OK){
                val reply = data?.getStringExtra(EXTRA_REPLY)
                mReplyHeadTextView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
                mReplyTextView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
                mReplyTextView.text = reply

8. Coding challenge


How to define log TAG constant:

  • In Java:
private static final String TAG = MyClass.class.getSimpleName();
  • In Kotlin:
private val TAG =
Be able to be vulnerable, in search of truth

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