[Jetpack Compose] 2. Layouts, theming, and animation(1) #Lazy layouts

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Jetpack Compose

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[Jetpack Compose] 2. Layouts, theming, and animation(1) #Lazy layouts


Fundamentals of Compose Layouts and Modifiers

  • Arrangement: how the layout's children are laid out on the main axis
  • Alignment: 〃 on the cross axis

Lazy layouts in Compose


  • LazyListState/LazyGridState
    • a state object that can be hoisted to control and observe scrolling
    • usually created via rememberLazyListState/rememberLazyGridState
  • GridCells
    • defines the number of columns of the GridView
    • GridCells.Adaptive: as many columns as possible on the condition that every cell has at least minSize space and all extra space distributed evenly.
    • GridCells.Fixed: Defines a fixed number of columns, limited to 1~5
  • can implement GridCells to fully custom cell sizes
	columns = object: GridCells{
    	override fun Density.calculateCrossAxisCellSizes(
        	availableSize: Int,
            spacing: Int
        ): List<Int>{ 
        	// return value: list containing the calculated column widths
            // number of columns = length of the returned list

Useful Tips

  • Don't use 0-pixel sized items
    -> set default sizing to items
    (item size should ideally be the same before & after loading the content)

  • Avoid nesting scrollable children without a predefined size inside another same-direction scrollable parent
    -> wrap all the composables inside one parent lazy column

    items(data){item ->
  • Beware of putting multiple elements in one item
    • mutiple elements emmited as a part of an item -> handled as one entity
      -> cannot be composed individually
      -> interfere with scrollToItem, animateScrollToItem
      (index parameters = number of items, not number of elements)
    • valid use cases: dividers
      -> can be part of the previous item
  • Consider using custom arrangements
    • 예. 화면 최상단부터 아이템 배치 & 아이템 목록 길이가 화면 길이보다 짧다면, 마지막 아이템은 화면 최하단에 배치
object TopWithFooter: Arrangement.Vertical{
	override fun Density.arrange(
    	totalSize:Int, //size of viewport
        sizes: IntArray, //sizes of items
        outPositions: IntArray //positions of items
    	//화면 최상단부터 아이템 배치
    	var y = 0
        sizes.forEachIndexed{index, size ->
        	outPositions[index] = y
            y += size
        //아이템 목록 길이가 화면 길이보다 짧다면
        //마지막 아이템은 화면 최하단에 배치
        if(y < totalSize){
        	val lastIndex = outPositions.lastIndex
            outPositions[lastIndex] = totalSize - sizes.last()
Be able to be vulnerable, in search of truth

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