[논문리뷰] Weight Fixing Networks

Serendipity·2023년 9월 28일

2023 LeSN

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논문 제목: Weight Fixing Networks

📕 Summary


The paper proposes a new method called Weight Fixing Networks (WFN) to minimize the information content of neural networks by reducing the number of unique weights and the weight-space entropy.


  • Deep learning models have experienced significant growth in applicability, performance, investment, and optimism. However, this growth has also led to increasing energy and storage costs for training and making predictions.

  • The paper aims to address this issue by proposing a methodology to reduce the number of bits required to describe a network and the total number of unique weights in a network.

  • The motivation behind this approach is driven by practical considerations of accelerator designs and the theoretical persuasions of the Minimal Description Length (MDL) principle as a way of determining a good model .

  • The authors emphasize the need to reduce these costs without hindering task performance, and they introduce a new method called Weight Fixing Networks (WFN) to achieve this goal

  • The WFN method focuses on lossless whole-network quantization to minimize the entropy and number of unique parameters in a network, while still maintaining task performance .

  • The paper combines novel and well-established techniques to balance conflicting objectives and achieve lossless compression with significantly fewer unique weights and lower weight-space entropy compared to existing quantization approaches

📕 Solution

The accuracy vs model size trade-off can be controlled by the δ parameter. All experiments shown are using the ImageNet dataset, accuracy refers to top-1.


Clustering Stage

Generating the Proposed Cluster Centres.

Reducing k with Additive Powers-of-two Approximations.

Minimalist Clustering

Training Stage.
Cosying up to Clusters

  • Exploring the hyper-parameter space with ResNet18 model trained on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Columns; Left: varying the regularisation ratio α,
  • Middle: varying the distance change value δ, Right: whether we fix the batch-norm variables or not.
  • Rows; Top: top-1 accuracy test-set CIFAR-10, middle: total number of unique weights,
  • bottom: entropy of the weights


  • The paper introduces a new method called Weight Fixing Networks (WFN) that aims to minimize the information content of networks through lossless whole-network quantization .

  • The WFN method combines a few novel and well-established techniques, including a novel regularisation term, a view of clustering cost as relative distance change, and a focus on whole-network re-use of weights

  • The quantization process involves replacing each connection weight in the original network with one of the cluster centers of weights, which are fixed to take on specific cluster center values .

  • The training stage combines gradient descent on a cross-entropy classification loss with a regularisation term that encourages tight clusters to maintain lossless performance as more weights are fixed to cluster centers

  • The experiments conducted on Imagenet demonstrate the effectiveness of WFN, achieving lossless compression using significantly fewer unique weights and lower weight-space entropy compared to state-of-the-art quantization approaches

📕 Conclusion

  • Far left: We increase the number of weights in the network that are fixed to cluster centres with each fixing iteration.
  • Middle left: Decreasing the δ threshold increases the number of cluster centres, but only towards the last few fixing iterations,
    which helps keep the weight-space entropy down.
  • Middle right: The majority of all
    weights are order 1 (powers-of-two), the increase in order is only needed for outlier weights in the final few fixing iterations.
  • Far right: The weight distribution (top-15
    most used show) is concentrated around just four values

A full metric comparison of WFN Vs. APoT. P


  • The paper introduces a new method called Weight Fixing Networks (WFN) that aims to minimize the information content of neural networks by reducing the number of unique weights and the weight-space entropy. It achieves this through lossless whole-network quantization, resulting in significantly fewer unique weights and lower weight-space entropy compared to state-of-the-art quantization approaches.
  • The authors propose a novel regularisation term, a view of clustering cost as relative distance change, and a focus on whole-network re-use of weights to balance conflicting objectives and achieve lossless task performance.
  • The experiments conducted on Imagenet demonstrate the effectiveness of WFN, achieving lossless compression using 56x fewer unique weights and a 1.9x lower weight-space entropy compared to existing quantization approaches.
I'm an graduate student majoring in Computer Engineering at Inha University. I'm interested in Machine learning developing frameworks, Formal verification, and Concurrency.

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