My environment
MacBook Air M1
SSD: 500GB
Phone: Samsung Z flip 3, Samsung Note 10
Reference: installation
Preparation: Node.js(LTS-Long Term Support), Git, Watchman(mac | Linux), VS code, yarn, PowerShell(win)
You should use npm. so you need to set your environment able to use npm
npm install --global expo-cli
Check expo login
expo whoami
//if not logged in or new to expo
expo register //new
expo login //exist
Reference: create new app
Go to folder where you want to create your project file and turn on terminal
expo init your_project_name
Choose a template: blank
Move to your project folder
cd your_project_name
or open your project folder on VS code
start your project
expo start
expo start --clear //when you want to rebuild your app
When your project build successfully your browser will open web page like this.
You can start your app by scanning QR code with Expo Go App which installed in your phone. (your phone and your computer must connected on same internet)
If you saw screen like this
Change this options and rescan QR code
When you build successfully you can saw page like this