[chisel-tutorial] Mux4.scala: Chisel은 정직하다(?)

YumeIroVillain·2023년 8월 8일

Chisel 독학

목록 보기


아주 간단한 문제다.
Mux2를 3개 써서 Mux4를 만들면 된다.


// See LICENSE.txt for license details.
package problems

import chisel3.iotesters.PeekPokeTester

class Mux4Tests(c: Mux4) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
  for (s0 <- 0 until 2) {
    for (s1 <- 0 until 2) {
      for(i0 <- 0 until 2) {
        for(i1 <- 0 until 2) {
          for(i2 <- 0 until 2) {
            for(i3 <- 0 until 2) {
              poke(c.io.sel, s1 << 1 | s0)
              poke(c.io.in0, i0)
              poke(c.io.in1, i1)
              poke(c.io.in2, i2)
              poke(c.io.in3, i3)
              val out = if(s1 == 1) {
                          if (s0 == 1) i3 else i2
                        } else {
                          if (s0 == 1) i1 else i0 
              expect(c.io.out, out)

오답 1

// See LICENSE.txt for license details.
package problems

import chisel3._

// Example:
// This is example of multiplexer 2-to-1 with 'sel' as control signal
// Multiplexed inputs are 'in0' and 'in1'
class Mux2 extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val sel = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in0 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in1 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(1.W))
  io.out := (io.sel & io.in1) | (~io.sel & io.in0)

// Problem:
// Build a 4-to-1 multiplexer out of three 2-to-1 multiplexers
// The first multiplexer is already done for you
class Mux4 extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in0 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in1 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in2 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in3 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val sel = Input(UInt(2.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(1.W))

  val m0 = Module(new Mux2())
  m0.io.sel := io.sel(0)
  m0.io.in0 := io.in0
  m0.io.in1 := io.in1

  //Implement below ----------
  val m1 = Module(new Mux2())
  m1.io.sel := io.sel(0)
  m1.io.in0 := io.in2
  m1.io.in1 := io.in3

  // make the compile process happy, needs to be substituted by the output of the Mux
  val m2 = Module(new Mux2())
  m2.io.sel := io.sel(1)
  m2.io.in0 := m0.io.out
  m2.io.in1 := m1.io.out

  //Implement above ----------


어 뭐가 문젠데? 근데 elaborate는 되었네? .v나 봐볼까?

출력이 그냥 hardwire잖아?

  • 왜 1로 hardwire 되어있을까?
  • 당연하다. io.out := 이 없으니까.
  • 근데, x로 hardwire이 아니라 자기멋대로 1로 hardwire하네..?


// See LICENSE.txt for license details.
package problems

import chisel3._

// Example:
// This is example of multiplexer 2-to-1 with 'sel' as control signal
// Multiplexed inputs are 'in0' and 'in1'
class Mux2 extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val sel = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in0 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in1 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(1.W))
  io.out := (io.sel & io.in1) | (~io.sel & io.in0)

// Problem:
// Build a 4-to-1 multiplexer out of three 2-to-1 multiplexers
// The first multiplexer is already done for you
class Mux4 extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in0 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in1 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in2 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val in3 = Input(UInt(1.W))
    val sel = Input(UInt(2.W))
    val out = Output(UInt(1.W))

  val m0 = Module(new Mux2())
  m0.io.sel := io.sel(0)
  m0.io.in0 := io.in0
  m0.io.in1 := io.in1

  //Implement below ----------
  val m1 = Module(new Mux2())
  m1.io.sel := io.sel(0)
  m1.io.in0 := io.in2
  m1.io.in1 := io.in3

  // make the compile process happy, needs to be substituted by the output of the Mux
  val m2 = Module(new Mux2())
  m2.io.sel := io.sel(1)
  m2.io.in0 := m0.io.out
  m2.io.in1 := m1.io.out

  io.out := m2.io.out
  //Implement above ----------


Chisel 상에서 new로 생성한 모듈들이,
Verilog 코드상에서 잘 instantiate 된 것을 확인할 수 있다.

What I learned

  • 모듈 또한 val로 선언가능하다.
    val m0 = Module(new Mux2())
    로 new를 선언하면 된다.
    class Mux2 extends Module {
    val io = IO(new Bundle {
      val sel = Input(UInt(1.W))
      val in0 = Input(UInt(1.W))
      val in1 = Input(UInt(1.W))
      val out = Output(UInt(1.W))
    io.out := (io.sel & io.in1) | (~io.sel & io.in0) }
    코드를 선언하여 Class 정의를 해주고,
    아래 Class 내에서 마음껏 new 해서 만들어주면 된다.
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