I defined dp[i] represents the minimum number of ways to represent number i via the 3 ways that question defined.
I then thought of edge cases like 6 that is divisible by both 2 and 3. I would be taking the min(dp[i//2],dp[i//3]) and adding 1 to it for dp[6]. Another edge case would be the odd or prime values like 11. We cannot divide it by 2 or 3 so we can only minus one. So we take the previous number (10) and its' dp value and add it by 1. (dp[11]=dp[10]+1)
My initial thought, however, didn't account for all the possible cases for numbers that are divisible by 2 or 3. I initially just took
dp[i] = dp[i//2] +1 but there is another way to reach number i other than multiplying 2 or 3. We can add 1 with the previous number.
For example, 10 can be 5x2 or 9+1. So effectively you should consider 2 cases.
dp[i] = min(dp[i // 2], dp[i // 3]) + 1
So my solution is:
dp = [0 for _ in range(10**6 + 1)] # Using 10**6 for clarity
n = int(input())
dp[1] = 0
for i in range(2, n + 1):
if i % 2 == 0 and i % 3 == 0:
dp[i] = min(dp[i // 2], dp[i // 3]) + 1
elif i % 2 == 0:
dp[i] = min(dp[i // 2],dp[i - 1]) + 1
elif i % 3 == 0:
dp[i] = min(dp[i // 3],dp[i - 1]) + 1
dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + 1
This solution below is more efficient in calculating. It is exactly same as my logic but it sequentially checks the conditions. It first initialises the dp values as dp[-1]+1. Then, through the 2 if statements, it checks for the divisibility condition. If it is divisible by BOTH 2 and 3, these 2 if statements check for this too.
x=int(input()) # 수 입력받기
d=[0]*(x+1) # 1-based
for i in range(2,x+1): # 2부터 x까지 반복
d[i]=d[i-1]+1 # 1을 빼는 연산 -> 1회 진행
if i%2==0: # 2로 나누어 떨어질 때, 2로 나누는 연산
if i%3==0: # 3으로 나누어 떨어질 때, 3으로 나누는 연산
you can do top-down too like
def rec(n):
if n in dp.keys():
return dp[n]
if (n%3==0) and (n%2==0):
dp[n]=min(rec(n//3)+1, rec(n//2)+1)
elif n%3==0:
dp[n]=min(rec(n//3)+1, rec(n-1)+1)
elif n%2==0:
dp[n]=min(rec(n//2)+1, rec(n-1)+1)
return dp[n]
This bottom-top approach:
i = 2
to i = x
, which is a total of x - 1
iterations.Therefore, the overall time complexity of this code is O(x).
The space complexity is O(x) as well because the d
list stores values for each number from 1 to x
So, both the time and space complexity are linear in terms of the input value x