9-1 Android 1

SFR1811·2022년 3월 13일

CS349-User Interface

목록 보기

Imperative vs Declarative programing

Imperative programing is to describe how to build the result.

Declarative programing is to declare what you want the result to be
i.e. HTML is a declarative UI

Constraint UI strings to resources

When you are writing strings in UIs, it is a better convention to declare strings as resources and give a reference to it because this makes:

  1. reuse of same string easy
  2. translation of the app easy


Android Layout Units

dp = density-independent pixels (dips)

you can use pixels, mm but it depends on pixels-per-inch density.

i.e. 40 pixel in 400 dpi is 10% of the screen, but 40 pixel in 4000 dpi is 1% of the screen


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