#6. Deep Learning

uwonj·2024년 2월 4일

LG Aimers

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Intro to Deep Neural Networks

  • Artificial Neural Networks

    • imitates neurons
  • Deep Neural Network (DNN)

    • stacking neural network layers = improves AI accuracy
  • perceptron

    • Single-layer = AND gate, OR gate
    • Multi-layer = XOR gate
    • Hidden layer: Input layer와 Output layer의 중간 단계로, 서로 다른 역할을 해주는 여러 뉴런들이 모여있고 순차적 연결을 돕는다.
      • hidden layer가 1개이면 2-layer Neural Network
  • Linear layer (= Fully-connected layer)

    • the layer where perceptrons are fully connected between two layers
  • Softmax layer

    • multiclass classification
    • 주어진 벡터의 각 요소를 0과 1 사이의 값으로 변환하고, 모든 요소의 합이 1이 되도록 (sum-to-one) 정규화하는 함수
    • Softmax loss (= Cross-entropy loss, NLL)

Training Neural Networks

  • Training NN via Gradient Descent

    • Gradient Descent: loss를 최소화 하는 weight를 찾는 방법 중 하나
    • various Gradient Descent methods: Adam, GD, Momentum, ...
    • use Backpropagation to compute Gradient in NN
  • Sigmoid Activation

    • problem of Sigmoid activation: cause gradient vanishing problem
  • Tanh Activation

    • numbers range [-1, 1]
    • zero centered, but still cause a gradient vanishing problem
  • ReLU Activation

    • ReLU: Rectified Linear Unit
    • F(x) = max(0, x)
    • converge much faster than sigmoid/tanh

  • Batch Normalization

    • 학습을 용이하게 하는 특별한 형태의 추가적인 neuron/layer
    • mini batch : compute empirical mean and variance → normalize (to unit Gaussian)

Convolutional Neural Networks & Image Classification

  • ConvNets or CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)

  • Process

    • overlap the small pattern (convolutional filter) and the image patch
    • multiply each pixel by the corresponding filter coefficient
    • add them up
    • divide by the total number of pixels (optional)
    • can get output activtion map

    • Pooling: shrink the image stack
  • Various CNN Architectures

    • VGGNet
      • small convolutional filters, with deeper layers
    • ResNet (Residual Network)
      • very deep networks using residual connections

Seq2seq with Attention for Natural Language Understanding and Generation

  • RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks)

    • given a sequence data, recursively run the same function over time
  • Various Problem settings of RNN-based Sequence Modeling

    • One to one: Vanilla neural networks
    • One to many: 순차적 예측 결과 생성 (e.g. Image captioning)
    • Many to one: sequence로 주어지는 입력에 따라 단일한 time step의 예측 결과 생성 (e.g. Sentiment Classification: Sequence of Text → Sentiment)
    • Many to many: 입력도 sequence, 출력도 sequence
      • 입력 sequence 모두 읽고 나서 출력 (e.g. Machine Translation)
      • 입력 sequence와 출력 sequence의 delay를 허용하지 않는 경우, 실시간 예측 (e.g. Video classification on frame level)
  • Auto regressive model
    : at test-time sample characters one at a time, feed back as an input to the model at the next time step

  • Advanced RNN models such as LSTM or GRU are often used in practice

  • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

  • Seq2seq model

    • sequence of words as input and sequence of words as output
    • Encoder / Decoder
  • Seq2seq with Attention

    • solution to the bottleneck problem of original seq2seq
    • IDEA: at each time step of the decoder, allow the decoder to utilize a different part of the source sequence
  • Advanced Attention Techniques

    • Gating (use sigmoid instead of softmax)
    • Self-attention


  • Scaled Dot-product Attention

  • Multi-head attention

  • Layer Normalization

Self-supervised learning and Large-scale Pre-trained models

  • Self supervised learning
    : Given unlabeled data, hide part of the data and train the model so that it can predict such a hidden part of data, given remaining data

  • BERT

    • Pre-training through Masked Language Modeling (MLM) and Next-Sentence Prediction (NSP) tasks
  • GPT (Generative Pre-Training Transformer)

    • Genrative Pre-training task, Language modeling, Auto-regressive model

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