Colors | Shades |
black, white | - |
gray, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, indigo, blue, purple, pink | 100 ~ 900 |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div class="bg-gray-300">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
를 통해 넓이 / 높이를 손쉽게 지정해줍니다..{w|h}-{size}
Sizes | |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 8, 10, 12 16, 20, 24 32, 40, 48, 56, 64 | +1 +2 +4 +8 |
1/2... 1.{3, 4, 5, 6, 12} | |
screen, full |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- 128px -->
<div class="bg-gray-300 w-32 h-32">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
<!-- 50% -->
<div class="bg-red-300 w-1/2">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
<!-- 100vh -->
<div class="bg-blue-300 w-screen">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
<!-- 100% -->
<div class="bg-green-300 w-full">
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
(margin / padding)*4px
를 통해 쉽게 지정해줍니다..{p|m{l|r|t|b}}-{size}
// x: 왼쪽 + 오른쪽
// y: 위쪽 + 아래쪽
Sizes | |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 8, 10, 12 16, 20, 24 32, 40, 48, 56, 64 | +1 +2 +4 +8 |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- margin: 16px -->
<div class="bg-blue-100 w-32 h-32 m-4">Hello</div>
<!-- margin-left: 32px -->
<div class="bg-blue-400 w-32 h-32 ml-8">Hello</div>
<!-- padding: 16px -->
<div class="bg-blue-400 w-32 h-32 p-4">Hello</div>
<!-- padding-left / right: 16px -->
<div class="bg-blue-400 w-32 h-32 px-2">Hello</div>
Families | |
sans serif mono | Helvetica / simiar Times New Roman / similar Monospace / similar |
<body class="font-serif">
<p>Hello World</p>
Sizes | rem | Pixels |
xs | 0.75 rem | 12px |
sm | 0.875 rem | 14px |
base | 1 rem | 16px |
lg | 1.125 rem | 18px |
xl | 1.25 rem | 20px |
2xl | 1.5 rem | 24px |
3xl | 1.875 rem | 30px |
4xl | 2.25 rem | 36px |
5xl | 3 rem | 48px |
6xl | 4 rem | 64px |
<body class="text-2xl">
<p>Hello World</p>
Aligments | |
left center right justify | text-align: left; text-align: center; text-align: right; text-align: justify; |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="text-left">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<br />
<p class="text-right">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<br />
<p class="text-center">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<br />
<p class="text-justify">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
Colors | Shades |
black, white | |
gray, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, indigo, blue, purple, pink | 100 - 900 |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<p class="text-blue-500">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="italic">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
Weights | Font Weight |
thin extralight light normal medium semibold bold extrabold black | 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="font-light">Hello Wolrd</p>
<p class="font-medium">Hello Wolrd</p>
<p class="font-bold">Hello Wolrd</p>
<p class="font-black">Hello Wolrd</p>
Spacings | Font Weight |
tighter tight normal wide wider widest | letter-spacing: -0.05em; letter-spacing: -0.025em; letter-spacing: 0em; letter-spacing: 0.025em; letter-spacing: 0.05em; letter-spacing: 0.1em; |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">title>
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="tracking-normal">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<p class="tracking-widest">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
Spacings | Lien Height |
3~9 none tight snug normal relaxed loose | 0.75~2.5 rem line-height: 1; line-height: 1.25; line-height: 1.375; line-height: 1.5; line-height: 1.625; line-height: 2; |
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="leading-tight">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<p class="leading-loose">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="underline">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<p class="overline">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<p class="line-through">
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<body class="text-2xl">
<p class="uppercase">hello world</p>
<p class="lowercase">hello world</p>
<p class="capitalize">hello world</p>
Winners embrace hard work. They love the discipline of it, the trade-off
they're making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.
And that’s the difference.