Introduction to Causal Inference 강의 정리(9)

Kim YeonJu·2022년 8월 3일

causal inference

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Introduction to Causal Inference라는 강의를 듣고 정리했습니다.

9. Difference-in-Difference

9-1. Motivation and Preliminaries

Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT)

9-2. Difference-in-Differences Overview

Introducing Time

  • without time을 계산할 때는 unconfoundedness(Y(0)TY(0)\perp T)를 가정

Tolerates Time-Invariant Unobserved Confounding

unobserved confounder가 constant하면 괜찮다.

9-3. Assumptions and Proof

Consistency Assumption Extended to Time

  • Observed value of outcome = potential outcome in time τ\tau if getting treatment t

  • treatment group과 control group의 변화량의 기울기가 평행하다.

No Pretreatment Effect

E[Y0(0)T=1]E[Y_0(0)|T=1] 을 알기 위해

Assumptions Change

DID 증명

9-4. Problems with Difference-in-Differences

Treatment and time 사이의 interaction이 있으면 violation이 생김

log scale일 때는 parallel 안 됨

The parallel trends assumptions isn’t nonparametric

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