10. standard and applications - Basic Security Protocols (network layer : IPSec)

Yona·2021년 12월 6일

🌙 CS_security

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  • network layer security
    • IP security
  • Transport Layer Security
    • (SSL) Secure Socket Layer
    • (TLS) Transport Layer Security
  • Operational Security
    • Firewall
    • (IDS) Intrusion Detection System
  • Application Security
    • Malicious software(virus, worm, dDos, etc.)


security suites

  • suiate A [1]
    • 자세히 대중에게 공개되지 않음
  • Suite B [2]
    • 대중에게 공개된 알고리즘
    • AES, Eliptic Curve Signature Algorithm(ECDSA), Eliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman(ECDH), SHA-256 등

네트워크 모델

7계층에서 추가되는 계층들

  • presentation
    application이 data의 meaning을 interpret하도록 한다.
    e.g) encryption, compression, machine-specific conventions

  • session
    synchronization, check pointing , recovery of data exchange

  • encapsulation

  • security는 어떤 계층에 집어 넣을 수 있는가!
    • application : S-HTP, S/MIME
    • presentation : HTTP, FTP, SMTP
    • transport : SSL/TLS
    • network : IPSec

Network Layer Security

  • network 계층
    • connectionless service 제공
    • routing (determine path)
    • define addressing mechanism
    • routing datagrams from source to destination
    • IPSec 이 보안을 위해 디자인됨


  • virtual private network

IPSec provides

  • data origin authentication
  • data content confidentiality
  • connectionless data intergrity
  • anti-replay protection
  • limited traffic flow confidentiality

SA (Security Association)

  • 목적

    • defines security services and mechanism between two end point.
    • define parameters, mode of operation, initialization vector
      (e.g. confidentiality using ESP with DES in CBC mode with IV initialization vector .. )
    • may use either AH(Authentication Header), ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload)
  • 저장

    • sender와 receiver 사이 one-way relationship의 경우, SAD(security Associated Database)에 저장된다.
  • key와 traffic 은 Protected 된다.

    • SPI (Security Parameter Index)
      • 해당 SA에 assigned된 bit string
      • SPI는 AH(authentication header) 혹은 ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload)에 carried 된다.
    • IPSec protocol identifier
      • AH or ESP
    • Destination address
      • direction, firewall, router
  • parameters

    • Sequence number counter
    • sequence counter overflow
    • anti-replay window
    • AH information
    • ESP information
    • Lifetime of this SA
      • amount of traffic protected by a limited time or traffic.
      • Lifetime{seconds|killobytes}
    • IOSec protocol mode (Tunnel, Transport)
    • path MTU (maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted without fragmentation)
  • security granularity(기본 단위)

    • [user specified] 한 호스트의 모든 유저가 같은 Session key를 공유. Not recommended.
    • [user-oriented keying] 한 호스트의 각 유저가 One or more unique session key가짐.
    • [session-unique keying] IP addres, upper-layer protocol, port umber 에 single sessino key가 배정된다.

(SPD) Security Policy Database

  • defines
    • 어떤 traffic이 to be protected
    • how to protect
    • with whom the protection is shared
    • SPD는 entering하거나 leaving하는 모든 각각의 Packet에게 어떤 security mechanism이 적용될지 결정
  • action
    • disacard : do not let packet in or out
    • bypass : do not apply or expect security
    • protect : apply/expect secuity

IPSec Protocols

  • operation mode
    • transport mode
      • 왜 사용되는가?
        • Protection upper layer protocols
      • 언제 사용되는가?
      • 어떻게 삽입되는가?
        • inserted between ip header <-> upper-layer protocol
    • tunnel mode
      • 왜 사용되는가?
        • protection entire IP datagram
      • 언제 사용되는가?
        • 한개 이상의 Point가 communication endpoint가 아닐때
      • 어떻게 삽입되는가?
  • 보통 tunnel mode with ESP 가 가장 자주 쓰인다.

AH : Authentication Header

  • 제공
    • data origin authentication, connectionless data intergirity
  • may 제공
    • antiy-replay protection
    • non-repudiation
  • 제공X
    • data confidentiality
  • 어떻게 구현된는가가
    • transport mode
    • turnel mode
  • AH header

ESP : Encapsulating Security payload

  • 제공
    • data confidentiality
    • limited traffic flow confidentiality
    • anti-replay protection
  • in transport mode

  • in tunnel mode

  • header(not encrypted) and trailer (usually encrypted)
    • heder


IPSec Architecture


  • remote login
  • clinet/server
  • e-mail
  • file transfer
  • web access
  • etc.

benefit of IPSec

  • can be transparent to end user
  • no need to train user
  • can provide for individiaul application
  • by onfiguration, IPSec is applied to only one specified application
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