학기 : 3학년 2학기교수님 : 최봉준 교수님
Security RequirementsCryptography and CryptanalysisCryptographic Toolstemper with : to change in a way that it should not to cause damage or harm정보손해의
Symmetric Cryptography(Block Ciphers, Stream Ciphers)Asymmetric Cryptography(Public key)C = E(M,K)plain text message M -> Ciphertext C using an unique
🤔 many cryptographic scheme(계획/제도/책략) have 'real world analogues'e.g.) signature -> digital signitures locks and keys -> public/private key수업 ppt 그냥
points and types of attacknetwork considerationsimplementation considerations (수행시 고려사항)currently, attacker's job is getting easier(all data types are
get-in : btd paradox, digital signature susceptibilitymodel of secure system \- condition for perfect secrecyshannon entroyphyequivocation(모호성)perfec
D = redundancy of language = R - rR = absolute rate of languager = rate of the languageex) So redundancy of english isD = R - r = 4.7 - 1.5 = 3.2 (bit
Encryption : $$C = E_K(M)$$Decryption : $$M=D_K(C)$$ConfusionM을 추론하기 어렵게 만드는것ex) 알파벳 몇칸 미루기 등Defusionplain text나 key가 ciphertext내에서 고르게 나타내도록 하는 것unco
transpositionColumnnar TranspositionsubstitutionShifted Alphabetspolyalphabetic substitutionEnigmaVigenereProduct Cipherfeistel다음 파트의 DES, AES로 연결rear
\- 기본 구조block : 64 bitkey : 56 bit\- 과정initial permutation (IP) : 초기치환. 64bit16 rounds of Feistel cipherFinal permutation (IP$$^{-1}$$)Initial key per
part1 greates common divisor(extended) Euclid's AlgorithmModular ArithmeticEuler's Totient FunctionFermat's TheoremEuler's Theorempart2randomnesstrue
bad casenetscape secure socket layer(SSL)predictable 하다good case (true random number generators)radioactive decaythermal noisepolarization of photonst
secure channel로 공통 key를 교환insecure channel로 cipertext(C)를 교환용어정리C : ciphertextM : palintext K : key단점사람이 늘어날 수록 1:1로 가지는 공통키 관리가 힘들다
목적 안전하게 key exchage하기 위해 design 됨서로 prior knowledge가 없는 두 쪼기, shared secret key를 안전하게 주고 받기가 가능함! 근간Discrete Logarithmsgiven $$y(=x^a$$ mod $$p), x, p
정수 a가 있을때 $$a^n$$(mod p) 의 나머지가 모두 0이 아니라면, 이를 Primitive root라고 부른다.$$a^m = n$$ mod $$p , for 1<= n < p$$Ex) 3은 Primitive root이다 기본$$Y=g^x$$ mod
public parameter 생성p : prime number L bits ( 512 <= L <= 1024이면서 64의 배수여야 함)q : prime factor of p-1g : multiplicative order modulo p is q
$$y^2=x^3+ax+b$$ mod $$p$$(a, b) = curve모양을 결정하는 상수p = prime numG = generator. base point.n = order of point G맨 처음엔 doubling을 사용해야한다. n=151처럼 큰 경우는? -
network layer securityIP security Transport Layer Security(SSL) Secure Socket Layer(TLS) Transport Layer SecurityOperational SecurityFirewall(IDS) Int
Transport Layerprocess-process data transfer보안 종류SSL (secure socket layer)TLS (transport layer security)특징 TCP 사용구조구성요소SSL Record Protocolmessage inte
firewall(IDS) intrusion detection system what firewall can dodefine a 'single choke point'keeps unauthorized users out of the protected nteworkprohibi
Security Issues in distributed systemsimpersonation of userimpersonation of workstation여기 정리 잘되어있음
k-out-of-n encryptionpadlock들을 다 풀어야만, keyhole에 reach 가능secret sharing insights1\. It is easier to trust the many than the few2\. we like to have redu
A와 B가 서로 재산을 알리지 않고, 누가 더 재산이 많은지 판단 하려고 한다. initializeAlice는 A={A1, A2, ...}Bob는 B={B1, B2,...}를 만든다. Alice는 RSA를 위해 public key (n,e)와 Private key d를