10. standard and applications - Basic Security Protocols (operational security : firewall, intruders)

Yona·2021년 12월 6일

🌙 CS_security

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  • firewall
  • (IDS) intrusion detection system


  • what firewall can do
    • define a 'single choke point'
    • keeps unauthorized users out of the protected ntework
    • prohibits potentially vunerable services from entering or leaving the network
    • provides protection from various kinds of IP spoofing and routing attacks
    • firewall itself must be immune to penetration!
  • cannot do
    • cannot protect from attacks bypassing it
    • cannot protect against internal threats
    • cannot protect against transfer of virus infected programs or files.
  • types
    • packet filter
    • application-level gateways
    • circuit-level gateways

packet filter

  • OSI 3,4 계층, 네트워크계층 (IP프로토콜)과 전송계층(TCP프로토콜)의 패킷을 필터링

  • 패킷 필터링 라우터 (border router)에 의해 TCP 포트와 IP주소 패킷을 필터링

  • simplest & fastes

  • ACL : access control list 라는 테이블 내용에 따라 액션정함.

  • state less packet 일 경우

    • heavy haded tool needed.
  • statefull packet 일 경우

    • track status of every TCP connection
    • Augmented ACL 사용하여 판단
  • Possible attacks
    - 내부의 Ip인척 IP address spoofing
    - source routing attacks
    - tiny fragment attacks

application-level gateways

  • 설명
    • OSI 모델 중 7계층, Application Layer 에서 동작
    • 서비스 별로 Proxy 서버가 존재할 수 있어 프락시 게이트웨이라고도함. 프락시 서버가 트래픽 보안 검사 실시
      ~~ - IP주소, TCP 포트로 NW 보안 설정, 사용자 인증 실시
    • 보안성 우수(내부, 외부 NW이 프락시 서버 통해서만 연결)
    • 매우 높은 보안정책 실현(로그인, 감시기능) 및 바이러스 검사 등 부가기능 제공
    • 프록시 서버를 활용하여 확장성이 우수
    • 속도 느림, 일부 서비스의 투명도가 떨어짐, 프락시 사용으로 새로운 서비스에 대한 유연성 부족(전용 Gateway 에 따른 어플리케이션의 유연성 부족하며 하드웨어에 의존적)

circuit-level gateways

  • 근래 거의 쓰이지 않음 (typcally used when trust internal user by allowing general outbound connections)
  • once created, usually relays traffic wihtout examining contents


inturder 종류

  • masquereader : an individaul who is not authorized to use the computer (outsider)
  • misfeasor : a legitimate user who access unauthorized data, programs, or resources (insider)
  • clandestine user : an individual who seizes supervisory control of the system and uses this control to evade auditing and access controls or to suppress audit collection (either)

level of attacks

  • benign : simply exploring net to see what is ther
  • serious : who atempt to read privileged data, perform unauthorized modification or disrupt system

대부분 Password를 얻고자 함

  • password guessing
  • password capture

intrusion detection systems

  • packet filtering

    • operates on TCP/IP의 헤더 only
    • no correlation check
  • IDS : intrusion detection system

    • deep packet insepction
      • look at packet contents
    • examine correlation among multiple packets
    • 각자 다른 위치에 각자 다른 종류를 체크한다
  • 분류

    • rule-based detection

      • intruder인지 판단할때 사용하는 set of rules
        • anomaly detection
        • penetration identification
      • 예시
        • Rule-based anomaly detection : 이전 HIstorical audit records를 분석하여 usage pattern을 identify하고 그에 따른 rule을 auto-generate
        • rule-based penetration identification : experts가 known penetration을 분석하여 생성한 rule 사용
    • statistical anomaly detection

    • statistical test to determine with a high level of confidence

      • threshold (한계점)
        • specific event occurence를 Count한다.
      • profile based
        • 사용자의 past behavior를 characterize
  • aduit records

    • fundemental tool for intrusion detection
    • 종류
      • Native audit records
        • user activity전부를 Os가 수집 (과다수집가능성 :()
      • detection-specific audit records
        • custom audit records를 생성 (system에 extra overhead :()
  • distributed intrusion detection

    • network system에 intrusion detect가 distuributed & working togethr할 수록 효율적이다.

    • honeypots

      • 진짜 서버인척 shadow honeypot (fabricated information)으로 anomalous traffic을 lure한다
    • snort

      • lightweight IDS
      • open source
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