Modern React Redux (1) : 리액트란

yoneeki·2023년 1월 7일

Modern React with Redux

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Critical Questions

What is React all about?

  • React does 2 things for us : React (1) displays HTML and (2) changes that HTML when the user does something. // by clicking, dragging...
  • Even though we use React, it's still HTML that is causing content to appear on the screen of the user's browser.
  • Thus we can kind of think of React as being like a wrapper around HTML of sorts.

Why do we tell React to show HTML?

function App() {
        <div> // JSX
  • We tell React what content we want to show on the screen by creating functions that return JSX (similar to html but not the same).
  • JSX is what tells react about the individual elements we want to create on the screen and show it to the user.
  • So we create the function above that return JSX, and we pass them(stuffs within JSX) off to React. // 그리고 리액트는 그 요청을 받아 그대로 html 만들어서 보여 줌.

React Components

  • Functions that return JSX (stuff that looks like HTML)
  • Tells React what to show on the screen.
  • A project can have many components that work together.
import "./styles.css";

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Field from "./components/field";
import Translate from "./components/translate";
import Languages from "./components/languages";

export default function App() {
  const [language, setLanguage] = useState("es");
  const [text, setText] = useState("");

  return (
      <Field onChange={setText} />
      <Languages language={language} onLanguageChange={setLanguage} />
      <hr />
      <Translate text={text} language={language} />
  • 그리고 App.js 파일은 다른 많은 js 파일을 끌고와서 종합해서 보여줌


  • JSX(JavaScript XML)는 Javascript에 XML을 추가한 확장한 문법
  • Tell React to create a normal HTML elements
    ex. div, input, button..
  • Tell React to show another component
    ex. Field, Language, Translate...

How does a React app start up?

1. All of your projects JS files are 'bundled' together into a single file, then placed onto a server

  • bundle.js (all js files combined) contains all the code for your entire application.
  • Once the bundle has been created, it's then placed on a server where users can access it from their browser.

2. User makes a request to the server and gets an HTML file + the bundle

  • 첫 번째 프로세스 : 브라우저가 서버에 request 하면 서버가 index.html을 줌
  • 두 번째 프로세스 : 브라우저가 서버에 request 하면 서버가 bundle.js를 줌

React Startup Process (All inside the index.html file)

  • (1) Find the div with id of 'root' in the DOM
  • (2) Tell React to take control of that element
  • (3) Tell React to get JSX from the App component, turn it into HTML, and show it in the root.
<!-- index.html -->
    	<div id="root> <!-- (1) --> </div>
// bundle.js
const rootElement = document.getElementById('root')
const root = createRoot(rootElement)

root.render(<App />)

What are the 'useState' functions?

  • 'useState' is a function that works with React's "state" system.
  • State is like a variable in React.
  • State is used to store data that changes over time.
  • Whenever state changes, React automatically updates content on the screen.

Our app had three pieces of data that changed

  • The text the user typed into the text input
  • Language the user wanted to translate text to
  • The result of the translation
import "./styles.css";

import React, { useState } from "react";
import Field from "./components/field";
import Translate from "./components/translate";
import Languages from "./components/languages";

export default function App() {
  const [language, setLanguage] = useState("es");
  const [text, setText] = useState("");

  return (
      <Field onChange={setText} />
      <Languages language={language} onLanguageChange={setLanguage} />
      <hr />
      <Translate text={text} language={language} />

How did the text get translated to another language?

Text from input & Selected Language

[Translated Component]
-Did the text or language change? → If so, make a network request with the new text/language → Google Translate API

Working Abroad ...

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