[MHSCTF 2022] write-ups

yoobi·2022년 5월 31일

Team : APT0
Rank : 59/739th


Perspective / 10pts

.stl file was given
I opened with online viewer

I can find the letter "FREE"

FLAG : flag{free}


new site who dis? / 20pts

I was able to find the FLAG, while sending several request packet one by one.

FLAG : flag{1t$-@_m3_Mari0}

Bend / 25pts

I was able to find the FLAG in response packet while sending several request packet one by one.

FLAG : flag{g3t_cur1ed}

Erlenmeyer Biscuits (Cuppa Joe 2) / 40pts

We can find jwt token in cookie value. Decode it to getting FLAG.

FLAG : flag{fl45k_s35510n_c00k13s_4r3_1n53cure}

Et tu, Brute? / 45pts

We should find correct number value & number2 value.
I made brute forcing python script using Thread.
Then, I can find the FLAG.

import requests
from threading import Thread

def BF(i):
    URL = "https://mhsctf-ettubrute.0xmmalik.repl.co/status.php"
    for j in range(1, 101):
        data = requests.post(URL, data={
        print("number={}, number2={}".format(i, j))
        if data.text.find("flag{") != -1:
            f = open("/Users/yoobi/Desktop/CTFs/2022 MHSCTF/brute_flag.txt", "w")
            f.write("number=" + str(i) + ", number2=" + str(j) +"\n")

total_idx = 101

threads = [None] * total_idx
results = [None] * total_idx

for i in range(1, 101):
    threads[i] = Thread(target=BF, args=(i,))
    print("thread {} started".format(i))
## Result ##
number=77, number2=97
Wow! You must really be my friend if you know my favorite and second favorite numbers!
Here's a flag for you: flag{pur3_s7r3ngth}

FLAG : flag{pur3_s7r3ngth}

Practice For School / 55pts

We should skip the video of Edpuzzle platform.
First of check "모든 제어 기능 표시", and remove class="video-stream html5-main-video" in video tag.
Then, I can find the FLAG.

FLAG : flag{th1s_15_a_us3ful_expl0it_f0r_sch00l}


Lemme In / 30pts

The roll(), swoop() function and encrypted KEY was given.
Made swoop2() function to decrypt it.

def roll(text):
    return text[::-1]

def swoop(text):
    text = list(text)
    for i in range(len(text)):
        text[i] = chr(ord(text[i]) + (i % 5))
    return ''.join(text)

def swoop2(text):
    text = list(text)
    for i in range(len(text)):
        text[i] = chr(ord(text[i]) - (i % 5))
    return ''.join(text)

# password = input("Enter the password: ")
password = ""
test = "}12u7#dvl{$`fos_4jwchb}jelg"

if swoop(roll(password)) == "}12u7#dvl{$`fos_4jwchb}jelg":
    print("Welcome in!")
    print("Sorry, wrong password.")

FLAG : flag{ah_th3old$witc#3r00}

avengers-assemble 2 / 70pts

The asm code was give, We should figure out what this code is doing.

c$ = 0
tv64 = 4
d$ = 8
a$ = 32
b$ = 40
int mystery(int,int) PROC                              ; mystery
        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp+16], edx
        mov     DWORD PTR [rsp+8], ecx
        sub     rsp, 24

# pro

        mov     eax, DWORD PTR a$[rsp]
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR b$[rsp]
        sub     ecx, eax

b - a

        mov     eax, ecx
        mov     DWORD PTR tv64[rsp], eax
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR a$[rsp]
        idiv    DWORD PTR b$[rsp]
        mov     eax, edx
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR tv64[rsp]
        imul    ecx, eax
        mov     eax, ecx
        mov     DWORD PTR c$[rsp], eax

# c = (b-a)*(a%b)

        mov     eax, DWORD PTR a$[rsp]
        imul    eax, DWORD PTR b$[rsp]
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR c$[rsp]
        add     ecx, eax
        mov     eax, ecx
        mov     DWORD PTR d$[rsp], eax

# d = c + a * b

        imul    eax, DWORD PTR b$[rsp], 5

# eax = b * 5

        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR a$[rsp]
        imul    ecx, DWORD PTR c$[rsp]

# a * c

        add     eax, ecx

# eax = b * 5 + a * c

        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR b$[rsp]
        imul    ecx, DWORD PTR d$[rsp]

b * d

b * 5 + a * c - b * d

        sub     eax, ecx

        eax - ecx

        add     rsp, 24
        ret     0

# epil

int mystery(int,int) ENDP                              ; mystery

### Final answer ###
# c = (b-a)*(a%b)
# d = c + a * b
# returned value = b * 5 + a * c - b * d

FLAG : flag{1_c0u1d_do7hi5@ll_day}

this is yoobi

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