DNS / Load Balancer

효딩딩·2022년 10월 25일

DNS 란?

  • DNS는 도메인 이름을 IP 주소로 변환하는 기술
  • DNS는 웹사이트의 IP주소와 도메인 주소를 이어주는 환경/시스템
  • DNS 서버는 호스팅서버에 할당된 IP주소와 웹사이트의 주소가 같다는 걸 저장해줌

Load Balancer 란?

  • 수만 명의 클라이언트를 수백 개의 서버로 연결시켜줘야 하는 할당문제가 당연히 발생할것이고, 이런 문제를 해겷새 주는 장치가 바로 로드밸런서 (Load Balancer)
  • 로드밸런서는 기본적으로 클라이언트로부터의 요청을 받아 수백대의 서버 중 바쁘지 않은 서버에 연결시켜주는 역할임


(영문 해석)

What is DNS?

  • The Domain Name System (DNS) is the phonebook of the Internet.
  • Humans access information online through domain names, like nytimes.com or espn.com.
  • Web browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
  • DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.

Each device connected to the Internet has a unique IP address which other machines use to find the device. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses such as (in IPv4), or more complex newer alphanumeric IP addresses such as 2400:cb00:2048:1::c629:d7a2 (in IPv6).

What Is Load Balancing?

  • Load balancing refers to efficiently distributing incoming network traffic across a group of backend servers, also known as a server farm or server pool.

  • Modern high‑traffic websites must serve hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of concurrent requests from users or clients and return the correct text, images, video, or application data, all in a fast and reliable manner. To cost‑effectively scale to meet these high volumes, modern computing best practice generally requires adding more servers.

A load balancer acts as the “traffic cop” sitting in front of your servers and routing client requests across all servers capable of fulfilling those requests in a manner that maximizes speed and capacity utilization and ensures that no one server is overworked, which could degrade performance. If a single server goes down, the load balancer redirects traffic to the remaining online servers. When a new server is added to the server group, the load balancer automatically starts to send requests to it.


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