CoT Reasoning without Prompting

임재석·2024년 2월 23일

1. Introduction

  • LLMs' reasoning capabilities are elicited by prompting techniques
    • Few shot prompting with intermediate steps augmented demonstration exemplars
    • Zero shot prompting with specific instructions to show intermediate steps
  • Can LLMs reason effectively without prompting?
    • there exists a task-agnostic way to elicit CoT reasoning by altering the decoding procedure

    • LLM generates a wrong answer via the standard greedy decoding but there are alternative top-k token inspection unveiled inherent CoT paths

      • Use standard QA format
      • LLMs struggle with reasoning when relying solely on greedily decoded paths
      • CoT reasoning patterns emerge naturally within the alternative paths among the top-k tokens
      • when CoT path is present, the model demonstrates increased confidence in the final answer
      • CoT-decoding : a method to sift through the top-k paths by isolating the most reliable paths
    • CoT decoding elicits reasoning capabilities without explicit prompting

      • enhances the model's reasoning capabilities
      • paths are more prevalent in tasks frequently represented in the pre-training data and less tso in complex, synthetic tasks \rightarrow Still prompting is needed
  • Summarized Contributions
    • LLMs inherently possess reasoning capabilities
    • they generates CoT reasoning when examining alternative top tokens
    • mere change in decoding strategy effectively elicit model reasoning
    • LLM's confidence in its final answers increases when CoT is in its decoding path
    • CoT decoding to select more reliable decoding paths

2. CoT Decoding

2.1 The presence of CoT Paths during Decoding

  • kk represents the coice of the kk-th token at the first decoding step

  • PaLM-2 Large model example

  • The greedy decoding often doesn't contain CoT

    • model's skewed perception of problem difficulty
    • pretrained on simpler questions
  • direct answer prompts generally result in low accuracy

2.2 CoT-Decoding for Extracting CoT Paths

  • Extracting CoT paths from the top-kk decoded paths is an issue

    • CoT Paths don't consistently outrank non-CoT in the model's probability assessment
    • they often don't represent the predominant answer among all paths \rightarrow Self-consistency is not applicable
  • the presence of CoT path typically leads to a more confident decoding of the final answer

    • characterized by a probability disparity between the top and secondary tokens

    • Δk,answer=1nxtanswerp(xt1  x<t)p(xt2  x<t)\Delta_{k, \text{answer} } = {1 \over n} \sum_{x_t \in \text{answer}} p(x_t^1 \ | \ x_{<t}) - p(x_t^2 \ | \ x_{<t})

    • xt1x_t^1, xt2x_t^2 means the top two tokens at each decoding step tt in the kk-th decoding path chosen for their maximum post-softmax probabilities from the vocab

    • Overall confidence in decoding the final answer is approximated by averaging the probability differences for all relevant xtx_t tokens

      • For the GSM8K question in Table 1, average the probability differences for '6' and '0'
    • Called CoT-Decoding and aimed to extract CoT Paths

    • CoT path shows high Δ\Delta value

  • Additional heuristic about the length of the answer

    • longer decoding paths more likely contain CoT
    • general applicability is limited
    • Normalize the probability score by length \rightarrow intruduces a length bias (when the decoding paths are of similar lengths, its effectiveness diminishes)

Identifying the answer spans

  • for math tasks, one can extract the last numerical value

    • less precise when there are distractive numbers/options and open-ended responses
  • extending the model's output with the prompt "So the answer is"

    • only token ids are needed
    • suitable for encompassing mathematical and natural language reasoning
    • crucial to calculate Δ\Delta over the answer spans from the original decoding path, not those following "So the answer is"
  • When answer is more open-ended, modify the Δ\Delta calculation

    • If the options are defined, aggregating the probability mass over "yes" and compute the probability differences between the aggregated mass on "yes" and "no"
    • addressing this limitation is left for further research

Branching at other decoding steps

  • Is branching viable at later decoding stages?

  • Early branching significantly enhances the diversity of potential paths

  • Optiman branching point may vary with the task

    • for year parity task, mid-path branching can effectively yield correct CoT paths

Aggregation of the decoding paths

  • Aggregate the answers over all those paths like self-consistency without CoT prompting

    • to mitigate sensitivity to small differences in the model's logits particularly when relying solely on the path with the maximum Δ\Delta
  • Majority answer may not be correct

  • weighted aggregation method

    • take the answer that maximizes Δ~a=kΔk,a\tilde{\Delta}_a = \sum_k \Delta_{k, a}
    • Δk,a\Delta_{k, a} means the kk-th decoding path whose answer is aa
    • this enhances the stability of the results

Sampling under the standard QA format

  • Can sampling achieve a similar effect and unveil the CoT reasoning paths?

  • althouth sampling works well under few-shot CoT prompting, it doesn't exhibit the desired behaviour when the model is queried with the standard QA format

  • less than 30% of the sampled responses contain a correct CoT path

  • the model tends to provide a direct answer as the first token is sampled based on the model's probability distribution reflecting the model's tendency to output direct answer

  • the rest of the tokens lead to incorrect final answers

3. Experiments

  • Used standard QA format (Q: (question)\nA:)
  • k=10k=10 as default
  • PaLM-2 with different scales
  • Mistral-7B
  • last numerical numbers or the available options for Mistral
  • extend the output with "So the answer is" for PaLM-2

3.1 Mathematical Reasoning Tasks

  • GSM8K (grade-school math problems)
  • MultiArith (multi-step arithmetic dataset)

  • CoT Decoding significantly enhances models' reasoning ability

  • CoT Decoding partially closes the gap between the pre-trained model and instruction-tuned model

  • Instruction Tuning with sufficient CoT data can also be partially achieved by CoT Decoding

  • As instruction-tuning contains the CoT annotations, the model is expected to generate inherently generate CoT paths

  • Even after instruction-tuning, the model occasionally attempts to directly address a question

Scaling results and choice of kk

  • higher kk typically result in improved model performance

    • correct CoT paths are often ranked lower
  • for IT models, the effect of kk is not significant

    • instruction-tuning brings forth the majority of CoT-paths to the first few paths

3.2 Natural Language Reasoning Tasks

  • year parity task : Was (person) born in an even or odd year?
  • Even SoTA models like GPT-4 achieves at-chance accuracy (~50%) when prompted directly
    • SoTA LLMs are perfect for retrieving the year or judging the parity given the correct year
    • the limitation lies in the model's ability in knowledge manipulation
  • 100 celeb names and their birth years

  • When the model is small, the model becomes incapable to determine the parity even given the correct year
    • the performance doesn't vary significantly for model sizes below "Small" size

3.3 Symbolic Reasoning Tasks

  • Coin Flip with 2, 3, 4 rounds of potential flip

  • two tasks from Big-Bench-Hard

  • Web of lies with 3, 4, 5 truth/lie statements

  • Multi-step arithmetic with variuous depth and length (generated)

  • existing dataset from (Suzgun et al., 2022)

  • Sports understanding and Object Counting from Big-Bench

The presense of correct CoT paths depends on the taks prominence in the pre-training distribution

  • CoT-Decoding gain is decreasing when the task complexity increases

  • When task is highly synthetic, the model cannot generate correct CoT paths

    • tasks that lack significant representation in the pre-training distribution
    • tasks that require accurate state tracking (Coin-Flip and Web-of-Lies) \rightarrow easily lose track of the states as the task became more complex
    • Multi-step Arithmetic and Object counting
    • CoT prompting based techniques can 'teach' how to solve tasks like above

Compared to CoT Prompting

  • the aggregated path approach significantly improves the accuracy compare to taking the maximum path only

  • the aggregated path results in a similar performance to few-shot CoT

    • model possesses intrinsic abilities in solving this task effectively
  • CoT prompting takes the intrinsic CoT path to the top-1 path

  • CoT Decoding exhibits a more 'free-form' generation in comparison to alternative CoT prompting

    • encourage the diversity at the initial decoding step
    • absence of explicit constraints imposed by prompt
  • CoT Decoding can reveal what LLMs' intrinsic strategy in solving a problem without being influenced by the prompts

    • Few shot CoT follows the standard method of solving this task (profession - evaluation)
    • influenced vby the few-shot prompt

3.4 Results across Model Families

  • CoT path emerges too

  • consistent improvements across model families

4. Conclusion

  • inherent capabilities of LLMs in generating CoT paths

  • exploring alternative top-k tokens reveals the natural existence of reasoning paths

  • presence of a CoT path correlates with increased model confidence in decoding its final answer

  • additional computational costs

    • future work may leverage the CoT paths to fine-tune the model
  • focused on branching at the first token

    • one can explore branching at any token and find best possible paths
    • how to reliably identify the best token during the search

5. Comment

확률이 가장 높은 토큰이 아니라 나머지 Top-k 중에 자연적인 CoT가 적용되어 정답을 찾는 Path가 있을 것이라는 굉장히 발상적인 아이디어. 계산량을 제외하고 봤을때 가장 참신한 아이디어였던 것 같음. 항상 Greedy가 옳은가에 대해 돌아볼 수 있는 논문.

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