Spotting LLMs with Binoculars: Zero-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text

임재석·2024년 1월 26일


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1. Introduction

  • Intruducing a method for detecting LLM-generated text using zero-shot setting (No training sample from LLM source)
  • outperforms all models with ChatGPT detection
  • As it is zero-shot nature, it can spot multiple different LLMs with high accuracy
  • Prior research (Turnitin) fixated strongly on ChatGPT
  • More sophisticated actors use a wide range of LLMs beyond just ChatGPT
  • Binoculars works by viewing text through two lenses
    • compute the log perplexity of the text in question using an "observer LLM"
    • compute all the next-token predictions that a "performer LLM" would make and compute their perplexity according to the observer
    • If the string is written by a machine, the perplexities would be similar.

2. The LLM Detection Landscape

  • Spam and Fake news analyzing \rightarrow all benefit from signals that quantify whether text is human or machine-generated

  • Due to the rise of the Transformer models, primitive mechanisms became useless \rightarrow to record or watermark all generated text

  • Post-hoc detection approaches without cooperation from model owners

    • Fine-Tuned pretrained backbone for the binary classification task (adversarial training, absentation)
    • Linear classifier on top of frozen learned features allowing for the inclusion of commercial API outputs
  • Using statistical signatures that are characteristic of machine-generated text

    • requires none or little training data
    • easily adapted to newer model families
    • based on perplexity, perplexity curvature, log rank, intrinsic dimensionality of generated text, n-gram
  • Detection has limitation

    • Fully general-purpose models of language would be, by definition, impossible to detect
    • Given sufficient examples, the text by model close to the optimum is technically detectable
    • In practice, the relative success of detection provides evidence that current language models are imperfect representations of human writing (Detectable!)
  • How do we appropriately and thoroughly evaluate detectors?

    • accuracy on test sets, AUC of classifiers are not well-suited for the highstakes question of detection
    • Only detectors with low false positive truely reduce harm
    • detectors are often only evaluated on relatively easy datasets that are reflexive of their training data

3. Binoculars: How it works

  • perplexity and cross-perplexity (the next token predictions of one model are to another model)

3.1 Background and Notation

  • string ss
  • a list of token indices x\vec{x}
  • tokenizer TT
  • ii-th token ID xix_i
  • vocab V={1,2,...,n}V = \{ 1,2 , ... ,n \}
  • language model M\mathcal{M}
  • number of tokens in ss, LL
    M(T(s))=M(x)=YYij=P(vix0:i1) for all jV\mathcal{M}(T(s)) = \mathcal{M}( \vec{x} ) = Y \\ Y_{ij} = P(v_i | x_{0:i-1}) \text{ for all} \ j \in V
  • Define logPPL as the average negative log-likelihood of all tokens in the given sequence
    logPPLM(s)=1Li=1Llog(Yixi)\log \text{PPL}_{\mathcal{M}(s)} = - {1 \over L} \sum_{i=1} ^{L}\log (Y_{ix_{i}})
  • This logPPL intuitively measures how surprising a string is to a language model
  • As it is used as a loss function, the models are likely to score their own outputs as unsurprising
  • Define Cross-Perplexity as a average per-token cross-entropy between the outputs of two models
    logX-PPLM1,M2(s)=1Li=1LM1(s)i  log(M2(s)i)where  means the dot product\log \text{X-PPL}_{\mathcal{M}_1, \mathcal{M}_2}(s) = - { 1 \over L} \sum_{i=1}^{L} \mathcal{M}_1(s)_i \ \cdot \ \log(\mathcal{M}_2 (s)_i) \\ \text{where } \cdot \text{ means the dot product}

3.2 What makes detection Hard? A primer on the Capybara problem

  • LLM tends to generate text that is unsurprising to an LLM
  • As humans are different from machine, human PPL is higher according to an LLM observer
  • When it faces hand-crafted prompts, this intuition breaks
    • prompt "1, 2, 3, " results in "4, 5, 6" which has very low PPL
    • But the prompt like "Can you wirte a few sentences about a capybara that is an astrophysicist?" will yield a response that seems more strange \rightarrow High PPL ("capybara", "astrophysicist")
    • in the absence of the prompt, LLM detection seems difficult and naive perplexity-based detection fails

3.3 Our Detection Score

  • Binoculars solves the capybara problem by providing a mechanism for estimating the baseline PPL induced by the prompt


  • LM generates Low-PPL text relative to humans \rightarrow PPL Threshold classifier
  • Capybara problem \rightarrow prompt matters \rightarrow Cross-PPL
  • Cross-PPL measures the tokens are surprising relative to the baseline PPL of an LLM acting on the same string
  • Expect the next-token choices of humans to be even higher PPL than those of the machine \rightarrow Normalize the observed PPL by the expected PPL of a machine acting on the same text
    BM1,M2(s)=logPPLM1(s)logX-PPLM1,M2(s)B_{\mathcal{M}_1, \mathcal{M}_2} (s) = { \log \text{PPL}_{\mathcal{M}_1} (s) \over \log \text{X-PPL}_{\mathcal{M}_1, \mathcal{M}_2}(s)}
  • The numerator is simple PPL (how surprising a string is to M1\mathcal{M}_1)
  • The denominator measures how surprising the token predictions of M2\mathcal{M}_2 are when observed by M1\mathcal{M}_1
  • Expect human diverge from M1\mathcal{M}_1 more than M2\mathcal{M}_2 diverges from M1\mathcal{M}_1
  • The Binoculars score BB is a general mechanism that captures a statistical signature of machine text
  • It is also capable of detecting generic machine-text generated by a third model altogether
  • Connection to other approaches
    • Contrastive Decoding : generate high-quality text by maximizing the difference between a weak and a stron gmodel
    • Speculative Decoding : Use weaker models to plan completions
    • Both are working when pairing a strong model with a very seak model
    • But Binoculars works well when pairing very close two models (use Falcon-7B as M1\mathcal{M}_1 and Falcon-7b-instruct as M2\mathcal{M}_2)

4. Accurate Zero-Shot Detection

4.1 Datasets

  • Ghostbuster : Writing Prompts, News, Student Essay datasets (Humans vs ChatGPT)
  • Drew human samples from CCNews, PubMed, CNN and generated machine text by LLaMA-2-7B and Falcon-7B
    • Peel up first 50 tokens of human sample and used it as a prompt to generate up to 512 tokens
    • removed human prompt from the generation
  • Orca dataset to check the reliability of the proposed method for instruction-tuned models

4.2 Metrics

  • Binary classification metrics
    • ROC Curve
    • AUC
  • In high-stakes detection settings, false positive is the most concerning harms (human text is labeled as machine's)
    • TPR (True-Positive rates) at FPR (False-Positive rates)
    • standard FPR threshold of 0.01%
    • when the FPR is below 1%, AUC and TPR@FPR are often uncorrelated

4.3 Benchmark Performances

Ghostbuster (vs ChatGPT)

  • outperforms Ghostbuster in "out-of-domain" settings
  • Ghostbuster and Binoculars both have a property that they are getting stronger given more information
  • Binoculars are clearer in the few-token regime

Open source LMs (vs LLaMA-2 and Falcon)

  • Ghostbuster fails to detect other Open-source models generation

5. Reliability in the Wild

5.1 Varied Text Sources

  • used M4 detection dataset
  • Binoculars generalizes across domains and languages
  • LR GLTR : Logistic Regression over Giant Language Model Test Room
  • NELA : News Landscape Classifiers

5.2 Other Languages

  • Evaluating on Binoculars on samples from languages that are not well represented in Common Crawn data

    • FPR remains low but machine text is classified as human (poor recall)
    • Binoculars is a machine-text detector to detect whtehre text may have been generated from a similar language model
    • for Falcon, it has low capacity with low-resource languages. Then ChatGPT's text is unlikely to be machine-generated according to this score
  • Stronger multilingual pair of models would lead to make Binoculars more effietive to detect ChatGPT generated text in that language

FPR on text written by non-native speakers

  • LLM detectors are inadvertently biased against non-native English speakers classifying their writing as machine-generated
  • Analyzed EssayForum (ESL student's academic writing) to make original essay and grammar-corrected version
  • Binoculars is insensitive to this type of shift

5.3 Memorization

  • Highly memrized examples are classified as machine-generated in PPL based detection (famous quotes)
  • Memorized text is both written by human and machine
  • Both behavior is acceptable (plagiarism detection or removal of LLM-generated text from a training corpus)

5.4 Modified Prompting Strategies

  • For OpenOrca set, Binoculars detects 92% of GPT-3 sampels and 89.57% of GPT-4 samples

  • Simple detection schemes are fooled by this changes of prompt

  • This is not affecting the performance of Binoculars score

5.5 Randomized Data

  • Test arbitrary mistakes, hashcodes, or other kinds of random string
  • Confidently scores them as human
  • LLMs usually don't generate such things

6. Discussion and Limitations

  • a method for detecting LLMs in Zero-Shot case
  • Transferable detector words in zero-shot setting
  • This transferability cames from the similarity between modern LLMs (Transformer!)
  • Due to VRAM, they didn't check larger models (30B+)
  • Didn't consider explicit efforts to bypass detection
  • Non-conversational text domains are not included

7. Comment

단순 PPL이 아닌 Cross-PPL을 이용해 상대적으로 모델의 생성을 체크하는 방법. 그런데 모델 두 개를 올리려면 리소스 사용량이 꽤 많이 필요할듯.

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