Image classification 1 & Annotation data efficient learning

Andrew·2021년 3월 8일


1) Image classification 1
2) Annotation data efficient learning

Image classification 1

  • 우리는 오감 중 특히 시각에 의존하여 사물을 바라보고 이해하며 살아가고 있다
  • 동일한 프로세스를 컴퓨터에 적용한 컴퓨터 비전이다
  • 여기에서는 컴퓨터 비전 (CV)의 첫 시간으로 CV에 대해 짧게 소개하고, CV에서 가장 기본적인 task, image clasiification을 소개한다
  • Image Classification은 사진이 주어졌을 때 특정 카테고리로 분류하는 task이다
  • 이번에는 먼저 기존의 머신러닝과 구분되는 딥러닝을 사용한 Image classification의 특징에 대해서 배운다
  • 다음으로 대표적인 CNN 모델인 AlexNet을 배우고 이에 대한 실습을 진행한다
  • 끝으로 가장 유명한 classification 모델 중 하나인 VGGNet에 대해 배운다

Further Reading

Course overview

Why is visual perception important?

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

    • 사람의 지능을 computer system으로 구현 하는 것
    • 지능 : 인지능력, 지각능력, 기억과 이해 및 사고 능력까지 포함
  • Perception to system (지각능력)

    • 시스템에서 입력과 출력 데이터에 관련된 것
    • As humans grow, we learn about the world by interacting with it
    • We gather informative signals from multi-modal association
    • Developing machine perception is still an open research area
  • 시각지각 능력이 가장 중요하다

    • 왜냐하면 다른 오감에 비해서 압도적으로 시각에 많이 의지해서 살아가기 때문이다

What is computer vision?

  • 사람이 정면을 이해하는 과정
  • 컴퓨터가 정면을 이해하는 과정
  • rendering : 정보를 통해서 2d 이미지를 drawing 하는 테크닉
  • Visual perception & intelligence
    • Input : visual data (image or video)
  • Class of visual perception
    • Color perception
    • Motion perception
    • 3D perception
    • Semantic-level perception
    • Social perception (emotion perception)
    • Visuomotor perception, etc.
  • Also, computer vision includes understanding human visual perception capability!
  • Our visual perception is imperfect
    • to develop machine visual perception,
      - we need to understand the good and bad of our visual perception
      - we need to come up with how to compensate for the imperfection
  • How to implement?

what you will learn in this course

  • Fundamental image tasks
    • deep learning based tasks
  • Data augmentation and knowledge distillation
  • Multi-modal learning (vision + {text, sound, 3D, etc.})
  • Conditional generative model
  • Neural network analysis by visualization
    • 딥러닝을 디버깅하고 이해하기 위한 visualization tool들도 배운다

What is Classification

  • Classifier: A mapping f(.) that maps an image to a category level
    • 어떤 물체가 영상속에 들어있는지 분류
    • 입력 : 영상
    • 출력 : 영상이 해당하는 카테코리(클래스)

An ideal approach for image recognition

  • What is we could memorize all the data in the world?
    • All the classification problems could be solved by k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
  • k Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
    • classifies a query data point according to reference points closest to the query
  • All the classification problems could be solved by k-NN!
  • Is it realizable?
    • 정말 많은 데이터가 있다면
      • 검색하는데 걸리는 시간이 데이터 수에 비례해서 증가하게 되고
      • 메모리 용량도 데이터 수에 비례해서 증가한다
    • 따라서 아무리 컴퓨터가 빨라져도 이세상에 모든 데이터를 담기에는 부족하다

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

  • Compress all the data we have into the neural network
    • 데이터가 너무 많으면 시스템 복잡도가 올라가서 실현할 수 없다
    • 방대한 데이터를 제한된 복잡도의 시스템(neural networks)에 압축해서 녹여놓는거라고 볼수 있다
  • let's look at a simple model(singal layer neural network aka. fully connected layer), perceptron, that takes every pixel of an image as input
  • But, is this model suitable for solving the image classification problem?
  • Visualization of single fully connected layer networks
    • 문제 1) layer가 한층이라 단순해서 평균 이미지들 같으거 이외에는 표현이 안된다
  • A problem of single fully conneceted layer networks
  • 문제 2) 적용시점(test time)때의 문제
    • 학습시에는 영상이 가득찬 하나에 물체에 대해 학습해서 그 클래스에 대한 대표적인 패턴을 학습했다고 볼 수 있다
    • 적용시점에 조금이라도 다른 패턴을 적용할 경우 학습동안에 본적이 없기 때문에 조금이라도 템플릿에 위치나 스케일에 맞지 않으면 굉장히 다른 결과나 해석을 내놓는다
  • 위 문제점들을 해결하기 위해서 cnn 이 등장한다
  • 하나의 특징을 뽑기위해서 모든 픽셀을 고려하는 fully connected layer 대신에 하나의 특징을 영상의 공간적인 특성을 고려해서 국부적인 영역들만 connection을 고려한 layer(locally connected layer) 사용
    • 필요한 parameter 가 획기적으로 줄어든다
    • 더 적은 파라미터로도 효과적인 특징을 추출할 수 있고 또한 overfitting도 방지한다
  • Convolution neural networks are locally connected neural networks
    • local feature learning
    • parameter sharing
  • CNN is used as a backbone of many CV tasks
  • in this lecture, we will focus on image-level classification

CNN architectures for image classification 1

Brief History


  • LeNet-5
    • A very simple CNN architecture introduced by Yann LeCun in 1998
      - overal architecture: Conv - Pool - Conv - Pool - FC - FC
      - Convolution: 5 x 5 filters with stride 1
      - Pooling: 2 x 2 max pooling with stride 2
  • Similar with LeNet-5, But
    • Bigger (7 hidden layers, 605k neurons, 60 million parameters)
    • Trained with ImageNet (large amount of data, 1.2 millions)
    • Using better activation function (ReLU) and regularization technique (dropout)
  • Overal architecture
    • Conv - Pool - LRN - Conv - Pool - LRN - Conv - Conv - Conv - Pool - FC - FC - FC
    • network path 가 2개로 나뉘어져 있다
      - 이때 당시에는 GPU 메모리가 모자라서 network를 절반씩 나누어서 각각 2개의 GPU에 올렸다
      - 위 구조에서 살펴보면 중간에 몇번 activation map이 서로 cross 한다
      - 이것이 GPU 2개간의 모든 부분에서 cross communication이 일어나면 느리기 때문에 일부에서만 교환하도록 설계한 것이다
    • max pooing 된 2d activation map이 linear layer로 가기 위해선 3d 구조에서 2d 구조로 벡터화를 해야한다
    • 벡터화 옵션:
      • average pooling
      • flatten
    • 위에 그림에서 눈여겨 볼것은 fc layer 의 dimension 이 여기서는 4096이다
      • gpu용량 부족 문제로 그 당시에 학습할 때는 절반씩 각각 gpu에 올려서 학습했기 때문에 two stream 그림에서는 2048로 적혀있었던 것이다

AlexNet(deprecated components)

  • local response normalization(LRN)
    • activation map 에서 명암을 normalization하는 역할을 한다
    • Lateral inhibition : the capacity of an excited neuron to subdue its neighbors
    • LRN normalizes around the local neighborhood of the excited neuron
    • Excited neuron becomes even more sensitive as compared to its neighbors
    • 지금은 LRN 보다는 Batch normalization을 활용한다
  • 11 x 11 convolution filter
    • The filter size is increased, as the input size of the image has increased
      • input size of LeNet: 28x28
      • input size of AlexNet: 227x227
    • Larger size filters are used to cover a wider range of the input image
    • 최신 네트워크 구조에서는 큰 filter size 를 사용하지 않는다


  • __Receptive field in CNN
    • The region in the input space that a particular CNN feature is looking at
    • suppose K x K convolution filters with stride 1, and a pooling layer of size P x P,
      - then a value of each unit in the pooling layer depends on an input patch of size : (P + K - 1) x (P + K - 1)


  • Deeper architecture
    • 16 and 19 layers
  • simpler architecture
    • no local response normalization
    • only 3x3 conv filters blocks, 2x2 max pooling
  • better performance
    • significant performance improvement over AlexNet(second in ILSVRC14)
  • better generalization
    • final features generalizing well to other taks even without fine-tuning
  • summarize
    • deeper architecture
    • simpler architecture
    • better performance
    • better generalization

overall architecture

  • 작은 convolution layer들도 stack을 많이 쌓으면 큰 receptive field size를 얻을 수 있다
    • 큰 receptive field size를 input 단에서 얻었다는 의미는
    • 이미지 영역에 많은 부분들을 고려해서 결론을 냈다는 의미와 동일하다

Annotation data(label data) efficient learning

  • 컴퓨터 비전 문제를 푸는 딥러닝 모델은 supervised learning으로 학습하는 것이 유리하다는 사실은 알려져 있다
  • 하지만, 딥러닝 모델을 학습할 수 있을 만큼 고품질의 데이터를 많이 확보하는 것은 보통 불가능하거나 그 비용이 매우 크다
  • 여기에서는 Data Augmentation, Knowledge Distillation, Transfer learning, Learning without Forgetting, Semi-supervised learning 및 Self-training 등 주어진 데이터셋의 분포를 실제 데이터 분포와 최대한 유사하게 만들거나, 이미 학습된 정보를 이용해 새 데이터셋에 대해 보다 잘 학습하거나,
    label이 없는 데이터셋까지 이용해 학습하는 등 주어진 데이터셋을 최대한 효율적으로 이용해 딥러닝 모델을 학습하는 방법을 소개한다

Further Reading

Data Augmentation

Learning representation of dataset

  • learning representation from a dataset
    • neural networks learn compact features(information) of a dataset
  • Dataset is (almost) always biased
    • Images taken by camera(training data) \ne real data
  • The training dataset is sparse samples of real data
    • The training dataset contains only fractional part of real data
  • The training dataset and real data always have a gap
    • Suppose a training dataset has only bright images
    • during test time, if a dark image is fed as input, the trained model may be confused
    • problem : datasets do not fully represent real data distribution
  • Augmenting data to fill more space and to close the gap
  • examples of augmentations to make a dataset denser

Data Augmentation

  • image data augmentation
    • applying various image transformations to the dataset
      • crop, shear, brightness, perspective, rotate, etc.
    • OpenCV and Numpy have various methods useful for data augmentation
    • Goal: make training dataset's distribution similar with real data distribution

Various data augmentation methods

  • brightness adjustment
    • various brightness in dataset
    • brightness adjustment (brightening) using numpy
def brightness_augmentation(img):
   # numpy array img has RGB value(0~255) for each pixel
   img[:, :,0] = img[:, :,0] + 100 # add 100 to R value
   img[:, :,0] = img[:, :,1] + 100 # add 100 to G value
   img[:, :,0] = img[:, :,2] + 100 # add 100 to B value
   img[:, :,0][img[:, :,0] > 255] = 255 # clip R values over 255
   img[:, :,1][img[:, :,1] > 255] = 255 # clip G values over 255
   img[:, :,2][img[:, :,2] > 255] = 255 # clip B values over 255
   return img
  • Rotate, flip
    • Diverse angles in dataset
    • Rotating (flipping) image using OpenCV
img_rotated = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE)
img_flipped = cv2.rotate(image, cv2.ROTATE_180)

  • crop
    • learning with only part of images
    • cropping image using numpy
y_start = 500     # y pixel to start cropping
crop_y_size = 400 # cropped image's height
x_start = 300     # x pixel to start cropping
crop_x_size = 800 # cropped image's width
img_cropped = image[y_start : y_start + crop_y_size, x_start : x_start + crop_x_size, :]

  • Affine transformation
    • preserve 'line', 'length ratio', and 'parallelism' in image
    • for example, transforming a rectangle into a parallelogram
      • see the shear transform example below
    • Affine transformation (shear) using OpenCV
rows, cols, ch = image.shape
pts1 = np.float32([[50,50], [200,50], [50,200]])
pts2 = np.float32([[10,100], [200,50], [100,250]])
M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
shear_img = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (cols, rows))

Model augmentation techniques

  • CutMix
    • 'Cut' and 'Mix training example to help model better localize objects
  • Generating new training image
    • mixing both images and labels
      • 의미있는 수준의 성능 향상과 동시에 물체의 위치를 더 정교하게 catch 할수 있게끔 학습한다
  • RandAugment
    • 여러가지 영상 처리 기능들을 조화해서 전혀 다른 데이터를 생성한다
    • many augmentation methods exist. Hard to find best augmentations to apply
    • automatically finding the best sequence of augmentations to apply
    • Random sample, apply, and evaluate augmentations
      • 랜덤하게 augmentation기법들을 sampling해서 수행하고 성능이 잘 나오는 것을 활용
  • example of augmented images in RandAug
    • Augmentation policy has two parameters
      • which augmentation to apply
      • magnitude of augmentation to apply (how much to augment)
    • parameters used in the above example
      • which augmentations to apply : 'shearX' & 'AutoContrast'
      • Magnitude of augmentations to apply : 9
  • Randomly testing augmentations policies
    • finding the best augmentations policy
      • sample a policy : Policy = {N augmentations to apply} by random sampling
      • train with a sampled policy, and evaluate the accuracy
  • Augmentation helps model learning
    • Higher test accuracy than training w/o augmentation

Leveraging pre-trained information

Transfer learning

  • The high-quality dataset is expensive and hard to obtain
    • supervised learning requires a very large-scale dataset for training
    • annotating data is very expensive, and its quality is not ensured
    • transfer learning : A practical training method with a small dataset
  • Benefits when using transfer learning
    • by transfer learning, we can easily adapt to a new task by leveraging pre-trained knowledge(feature)!
  • Motivational observation : similar datasets share common information
    • 한 데이터셋에서 배운 지식을 다른 데이터셋에서 활용하는 기술
    • E.g., 4 distinct datasets with similar images
    • knowledge learned from one dataset can be applied to other datasets
  • Approach 1: Transfer knowledge from a pre-trained task to a new task
    • Given a model pre-trained on a 10-class dataset,
    • Chop off the final layer of the pre-trained model, add and only re-train a new FC layer
    • Extracted features preserve all the knowledge from pre-training
    • 새로운 task에 대응하도록 학습이 된게된다
      - 이렇게 학습된 새로운 fc layer는 적은 데이터로 부터도 잘 작동되게 학습이 된다
      - 몸통 전체를 학습시키지 않아도 되기때문에 학습해야할 파라미터수가 적어졌기 때문이다
  • Approach 2: Fine-tuning the whole model
    • Given a model pre-trained on a dataset
    • Replace the final layer of the pre-trained model to a new one, and re-train the whole model
    • set learning rates differently
      • 아래 그림에서 convolution layer 부분은 learning rate을 낮게 잡고 학습을 같이한다
      • learning rate를 낮게 잡은 부분은 업데이트가 느리게 되는 반면 새로운 fc layer는 높은 learning rate를 통해서 새로운 target task에 빨리 적응하도록 학습이 되게한다

Knowledge distillation

  • passing what model learned to 'another' smaller model(Teacher-student learning)
    • 'Distillate' knowledge of a trained model into another smaller model
    • used for model compression (Mimicking what a larger model knows)
    • Also, used for pseudo-labeling (generating pseudo-labels for an unlabeled dataset)
  • Teacher-student network structure
    • the student network learns what the teacher network knows
    • the student network mimics outputs of the teacher network
      • 두 모델의 output의 차이를 KL div. Loss 를 통해 측정해서 backpropagation을 통해 student model 만 학습한다
    • Unsupervised learning, since training can be done only with unlabeled data
  • knowledge distillation
    • when labeled data is available, can leverage labeled data for training(student loss)
    • Distillation loss to 'predict similar outputs with the teacher model'
    • Semantic information is not considered in distillation
      • teacher에서 나온 output의 각각 dimension이 pre-train 할때 사용되었던 어떤 이전 task class 들과 연관이 되어있다
      • student loss로 학습하는 데이터는 pre-training dataset과 전혀 다른 task 일 수 있다(label 정보가 겹치지 않는)
      • 그래서 중복되는 정보가 없더라도 soft label에서 발생하는 output dimension들 각각의 그 의미가 중요하다기 보다는 전체 output이 추상적인 지식의 형태를 표현하고 있어서 그 행동 자체를 따라하도록 만드는 것이 가장 중요하지 그 내부 각각 element의 semantic information이 중요한건 아니다 라는 의미
  • Hard label vs Soft label
    • Hard label(ground truth, one-hot vector)
      • typically obtained from the dataset
      • indicates whether a class is 'true answer' or not
    • Soft label
      • typical output of the model(=inference result)
      • regard it as 'knowledge'. Useful to observe how the model thinks
  • softmax with temperature(TT)
    • Softmax with temperature: controls difference in output between small & large input values
    • A large TT smoothens large input value differences
      • 극단적으로 0과 1의 값만 있는것 보단 0과 1 사이의 중간 값도 가지면서 입력에 따라 민감하게 변하는 신호를 따라하게 만듬으로서 student가 teacher를 더 따라하게 도와주는 역할
    • Useful to synchronize the student and teacher models' outputs
  • intuition about distillation loss and student loss
    • Distillation loss
      • KLdiv(soft label, soft prediction)
      • Loss = difference between the teacher and student network's inference
      • Learn what teacher network knows by mimicking
    • Student Loss
      • CrossEntropy(hard label, soft prediction)
      • Loss = difference between the student network's inference and tru label
      • Learn the 'right answer'
  • Loss functions in knowledge distillation
    • Weighted sum of 'distillation loss' and 'student loss'

Leveraging unlabeled dataset for training

Semi-supervised learning

  • There are lots of unlabeled data
    • typically, only a small portion of data is labeled
    • is there any way to learn from unlabeled data?
    • Semi-supervised learning : Unsupervised (no label) + Fully supervised (fully labeled)
  • Semi-supervised learning with pseudo labeling
    • pseudo-labeling unlabeled data using a pre-trained model, then use for training


  • Recap : Data efficient learning methods so far
    • Data Augmentation
      • Augment a dataset to make the dataset closer to real data distribution
    • knowledge distillation
      • train a student network to imitate a teacher network
      • transfer the teacher network's knowledge to the student network
    • semi-supervised learning (Pseudo label-based method)
      • Pseudo-label an unlabeled dataset using a pre-trained model, then use for training
      • Leveraging an unlabeled dataset for training
  • self-training
    • Augmentation + teacher-student networks + semi-supervised learning
    • SOTA ImageNet Classification, 2019
  • self-training with noisy student
  • iteratively training noisy student network using teacher network
  • brief overview of self-training
    • Train initial teacher model with labeled data
    • pseudo-label unlabeled data using teacher model
    • train student model with both labeled and unlabeled data with augmentation
    • set the student model as a new teacher, and set new model(bigger) as a new student
    • repeat 2~4 with new teacher/student models


  • Data augmentation
    • Yun et al.,CutMix:Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers with Localizable Features,ICCV2019
    • Cubuk et al.,Randaugment:Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space,CVPRW 2020
  • Leveraging pre-trained information
    • Ahmed et al.,Fusion of local and global features for effective image extraction, Applied Intelligence 2017
    • Oquab et al.,Learning and Transferring Mid- Level Image Representations using Convolutional Neural Networks, CVPR 2015
    • Hinton et al.,Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network, NIPS deep learning workshop 2015
    • Li & Hoiem, Learning without Forgetting, TPAMI 2018
  • Leveraging unlabeled dataset for training
    • Lee,Pseudo-label: The simple and Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Deep Neural Networks, ICML Workshop 2013
    • Xie et al., Self-training with Noisy Student improves ImageNet classification, CVPR 2020

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