Sentiment Classification
- 네이버에서 영화평을 가지고 positive/negative인지 구분해보자.
- 데이터 불러오기를 제외한 딥러닝 트레이닝 과정을 직접 구현해보는 것이 목표 입니다.
- Naver sentiment movie corpus v1.0
Base code
- Dataset: train, val, test로 split
- Input data shape: (batch_size, max_sequence_length)
- Output data shape: (batch_size, 1)
- Training
- Evaluation
Try some techniques
- Training-epochs 조절
- Change model architectures (Custom model)
- Use another cells (LSTM, GRU, etc.)
- Use dropout layers
- Embedding size 조절
- Number of words in the vocabulary 변화
- pad 옵션 변화
- Data augmentation (if possible)
Import modules
from google.colab import drive
!pip install sentencepiece
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import time
import shutil
import tarfile
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import clear_output
import urllib.request
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
import sentencepiece as spm
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
Load Data
- ratings_train.txt: 훈련용으로 사용되는 15만 개의 리뷰
- ratings_test.txt: 테스트용으로 보류된 5만 개의 리뷰
- 모든 리뷰는 140자 이내입니다
- 각 감정 클래스는 동등하게 샘플링되었습니다 (즉, 무작위 추측은 50%의 정확도를 보입니다)
- 10만 개의 부정적 리뷰 (원래 1-4점의 리뷰)
- 10만 개의 긍정적 리뷰 (원래 9-10점의 리뷰)
- 중립적 리뷰 (원래 5-8점의 리뷰)는 제외되었습니다
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", filename="ratings_train.txt")
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", filename="ratings_test.txt")
train_data = pd.read_table('ratings_train.txt')
train_data = train_data.dropna()
test_data = pd.read_table('ratings_test.txt')
test_data = test_data.dropna()


sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
def tokenizer(text):
return sp.encode_as_pieces(
for i, (line) in enumerate(
if i == 5:
아 더빙.. 진짜 짜증나네요 목소리
['▁아', '▁더빙', '..', '▁진짜', '▁짜증나', '네요', '▁목소리']
[14, 1226, 7, 88, 2990, 55, 2393]
흠...포스터보고 초딩영화줄....오버연기조차 가볍지 않구나
['▁흠', '...', '포스터', '보고', '▁초딩', '영화', '줄', '....', '오', '버', '연기', '조차', '▁가볍', '지', '▁않', '구나']
[1949, 16, 5829, 233, 1469, 10, 6601, 47, 6454, 6564, 355, 2103, 2338, 6387, 108, 508]
['▁너무', '재', '밓', '었다', '그래서', '보는', '것을', '추천', '한다']
[39, 6416, 1, 164, 4556, 515, 1409, 2176, 367]
교도소 이야기구먼 ..솔직히 재미는 없다..평점 조정
['▁교', '도', '소', '▁이야기', '구', '먼', '▁..', '솔직히', '▁재미는', '▁없다', '..', '평점', '▁조', '정']
[729, 6392, 6487, 372, 6478, 6879, 516, 5346, 1686, 309, 7, 1187, 188, 6424]
사이몬페그의 익살스런 연기가 돋보였던 영화!스파이더맨에서 늙어보이기만 했던 커스틴 던스트가 너무나도 이뻐보였다
['▁사이', '몬', '페', '그', '의', '▁익', '살', '스런', '▁연기가', '▁돋보', '였던', '▁영화', '!', '스', '파이', '더', '맨', '에서', '▁늙', '어', '보이', '기만', '▁했던', '▁커', '스', '틴', '▁던', '스트', '가', '▁너무나도', '▁이뻐', '보', '였다']
[2855, 7223, 6958, 6415, 6400, 3665, 6598, 2275, 776, 1967, 2639, 11, 6409, 6418, 2182, 6470, 6720, 62, 2895, 6399, 2780, 1375, 3042, 1299, 6418, 7124, 3527, 692, 6391, 2677, 3827, 6398, 475]
막 걸음마 뗀 3세부터 초등학교 1학년생인 8살용영화.ㅋㅋㅋ...별반개도 아까움.
['▁막', '▁걸', '음', '마', '▁', '뗀', '▁3', '세', '부터', '▁초등', '학교', '▁1', '학년', '생', '인', '▁8', '살', '용', '영화', '.', 'ᄏᄏᄏ', '...', '별', '반', '개도', '▁아까움', '.']
[419, 519, 6436, 6427, 6371, 1, 34, 6512, 340, 2325, 979, 8, 3847, 6460, 6414, 15, 6598, 6510, 10, 6372, 472, 16, 6551, 6534, 1521, 2060, 6372]
eos_token = '[SEP]'
eos_id = sp.piece_to_id(eos_token)
print(f"토큰 '{eos_token}'의 ID: {eos_id}")
[[4379, 7127, 6566, 6866, 7344]]
train_text = []
for i, line in enumerate(
train_text.append(tf.convert_to_tensor(sp.encode_as_ids(line), dtype=tf.int32))
test_text = []
for i, line in enumerate(
test_text.append(tf.convert_to_tensor(sp.encode_as_ids(line), dtype=tf.int32))
print(len(train_text), len(test_text))
Padding and truncating data using pad sequences
batch_size = 32
max_seq_length = 256
train_data_pad = pad_sequences(
test_data_pad = pad_sequences(
print(train_data_pad.shape, test_data_pad.shape)
Dataset 구성
batch_size = 32
train_dataset =
train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(10000).repeat().batch(batch_size=batch_size)
test_dataset =
test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(batch_size=batch_size)
Build the model
Setup hyper-parameters
kargs = {'model_name': 'BERT',
'input_vocab_size': sp.get_piece_size(),
'target_vocab_size': sp.get_piece_size(),
'segment_encoding': 2,
'end_token_idx': sp.piece_to_id('[EOS]'),
'rate': 0.1
def get_angles(pos, i, d_model):
angle_rates = 1 / np.power(10000, (2 * i//2) / np.float32(d_model))
return pos * angle_rates
def positional_encoding(position, d_model):
angle_rads = get_angles(np.arange(position)[:, np.newaxis],
np.arange(d_model)[np.newaxis, :],
angle_rads[:, 0::2] = np.sin(angle_rads[:, 0::2])
angle_rads[:, 1::2] = np.cos(angle_rads[:, 1::2])
pos_encoding = angle_rads[np.newaxis, ...]
return tf.cast(pos_encoding, dtype=tf.float32)
def scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, mask):
"""Calculate the attention weights.
q, k, v must have matching leading dimensions.
k, v must have matching penultimate dimension, i.e.: seq_len_k = seq_len_v.
The mask has different shapes depending on its type(padding or look ahead)
but it must be broadcastable for addition.
q: query shape == (..., seq_len_q, depth)
k: key shape == (..., seq_len_k, depth)
v: value shape == (..., seq_len_v, depth_v)
mask: Float tensor with shape broadcastable
to (..., seq_len_q, seq_len_k). Defaults to None.
output, attention_weights
matmul_qk = tf.matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True)
dk = tf.cast(tf.shape(k)[-1], tf.float32)
scaled_attention_logits = matmul_qk / tf.math.sqrt(dk)
if mask is not None:
scaled_attention_logits += (mask * -1e9)
attention_weights = tf.nn.softmax(scaled_attention_logits, axis=-1)
output = tf.matmul(attention_weights, v)
return output, attention_weights
class MultiHeadAttention(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, **kargs):
super(MultiHeadAttention, self).__init__()
self.num_heads = kargs['num_heads']
self.d_model = kargs['d_model']
assert self.d_model % self.num_heads == 0
self.depth = self.d_model // self.num_heads
self.wq = tf.keras.layers.Dense(kargs['d_model'])
self.wk = tf.keras.layers.Dense(kargs['d_model'])
self.wv = tf.keras.layers.Dense(kargs['d_model'])
self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(kargs['d_model'])
def split_heads(self, x, batch_size):
"""Split the last dimension into (num_heads, depth).
Transpose the result such that the shape is (batch_size, num_heads, seq_len, depth)
x = tf.reshape(x, (batch_size, -1, self.num_heads, self.depth))
return tf.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
def call(self, v, k, q, mask):
batch_size = tf.shape(q)[0]
q = self.wq(q)
k = self.wk(k)
v = self.wv(v)
q = self.split_heads(q, batch_size)
k = self.split_heads(k, batch_size)
v = self.split_heads(v, batch_size)
scaled_attention, attention_weights = scaled_dot_product_attention(
q, k, v, mask)
scaled_attention = tf.transpose(scaled_attention, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
concat_attention = tf.reshape(scaled_attention,
(batch_size, -1, self.d_model))
output = self.dense(concat_attention)
return output, attention_weights
def point_wise_feed_forward_network(**kargs):
return tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(kargs['dff'], 1, activation='relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Conv1D(kargs['d_model'], 1)
class EncoderLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, **kargs):
super(EncoderLayer, self).__init__()
self.mha = MultiHeadAttention(**kargs)
self.ffn = point_wise_feed_forward_network(**kargs)
self.layernorm1 = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6)
self.layernorm2 = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=1e-6)
self.dropout1 = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(kargs['rate'])
self.dropout2 = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(kargs['rate'])
def call(self, x, mask):
attn_output, _ = self.mha(x, x, x, mask)
attn_output = self.dropout1(attn_output)
out1 = self.layernorm1(x + attn_output)
ffn_output = self.ffn(out1)
ffn_output = self.dropout2(ffn_output)
out2 = self.layernorm2(out1 + ffn_output)
return out2, attn_output
class Encoder(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, **kargs):
super(Encoder, self).__init__()
self.d_model = kargs['d_model']
self.num_layers = kargs['num_layers']
self.embedding = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(kargs['input_vocab_size'],
self.seg_encoding = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(kargs['segment_encoding'],
self.pos_encoding = positional_encoding(kargs['maximum_position_encoding'],
self.enc_layers = [EncoderLayer(**kargs)
for _ in range(self.num_layers)]
self.dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(kargs['rate'])
def get_seg_data(self, data, token_id=4):
token_found = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(data == token_id, tf.int32), axis=1)
modified_data = tf.cast(token_found >= 1, tf.int32)
return modified_data
def call(self, x, mask):
attn = None
seq_len = tf.shape(x)[1]
seg_data = self.get_seg_data(x)
x = self.embedding(x)
x *= tf.math.sqrt(tf.cast(self.d_model, tf.float32))
x += self.pos_encoding[:, :seq_len, :]
x += self.seg_encoding(seg_data)
x = self.dropout(x)
for i in range(self.num_layers):
x, attn = self.enc_layers[i](x, mask)
return x, attn
class BERT(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, **kargs):
super(BERT, self).__init__(name=kargs['model_name'])
self.end_token_idx = kargs['end_token_idx']
self.encoder = Encoder(**kargs)
self.outputs_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(kargs['d_model'],
self.final_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)
def create_padding_mask(self, seq):
seq = tf.cast(tf.math.equal(seq, 0), tf.float32)
return seq[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :]
def call(self, x):
inp = x
mask = self.create_padding_mask(inp)
enc_output, attn = self.encoder(inp, mask)
enc_output = self.outputs_layer(enc_output)
enc_output = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(enc_output)
final_output = self.final_layer(enc_output)
return final_output
model = BERT(**kargs)
Train the model
loss_object = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(
from_logits=True, reduction='none')
train_accuracy = tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy(name='accuracy')
def loss(real, pred):
mask = tf.math.logical_not(tf.math.equal(real, 0))
loss_ = loss_object(real, pred)
mask = tf.cast(mask, dtype=loss_.dtype)
loss_ *= mask
return tf.reduce_mean(loss_)
def accuracy(real, pred):
mask = tf.math.logical_not(tf.math.equal(real, 0))
mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(mask, dtype=pred.dtype), axis=-1)
pred *= mask
acc = train_accuracy(real, pred)
return tf.reduce_mean(acc)
early_stopping_cb = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience=10,
history =,
steps_per_epoch=len(train_data_pad) // batch_size,
validation_steps=len(test_data_pad) // batch_size,
Epoch 1/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1636s 339ms/step - loss: 0.3489 - accuracy: 0.8337 - val_loss: 0.3489 - val_accuracy: 0.9038
Epoch 2/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1599s 341ms/step - loss: 0.3457 - accuracy: 0.9247 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9436
Epoch 3/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1597s 341ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9546 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9623
Epoch 4/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1607s 343ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9671 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9712
Epoch 5/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1577s 337ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9743 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9769
Epoch 6/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1612s 344ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9790 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9807
Epoch 7/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1607s 343ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9822 - val_loss: 0.3486 - val_accuracy: 0.9835
Epoch 8/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1570s 335ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9846 - val_loss: 0.3486 - val_accuracy: 0.9855
Epoch 9/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1602s 342ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9863 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9871
Epoch 10/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1570s 335ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9878 - val_loss: 0.3486 - val_accuracy: 0.9884
Epoch 11/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1600s 341ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9890 - val_loss: 0.3486 - val_accuracy: 0.9895
Epoch 12/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1605s 342ms/step - loss: 0.3455 - accuracy: 0.9899 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9903
Epoch 13/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1569s 335ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9907 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9911
Epoch 14/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1601s 341ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9914 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9917
Epoch 15/100
4687/4687 [==============================] - 1577s 336ms/step - loss: 0.3456 - accuracy: 0.9920 - val_loss: 0.3487 - val_accuracy: 0.9923
Epoch 16/100
4358/4687 [==========================>...] - ETA: 1:38 - loss: 0.3457 - accuracy: 0.9925
Test the model
results = model.evaluate(test_dataset)
print("loss value: {:.3f}".format(results[0]))
print("accuracy value: {:.3f}".format(results[1]))