Advanced Learning Algorithm 3: Tensorflow Implementation

brandon·2023년 8월 15일


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1. Inference in Code

  • Dense to create a layer.

2. Data in Tensorflow

  • row x column = 2D array / 2D Matrix
  • 2 columns for each feature.
  • 3 units makes 1 x 3 matrix.
  • Tensor is a data type that represents an output matrix from the layer.
    • Can be converted to array with a1.numpy().

3. Building a Neural Network

  • Sequential(Dense(), Dense(), ...) to group together the layers.
  • model.compile() defines a loss function and specifies a compile optimization.
  • runs gradient descent and fits the weights to the data.
  • model.predict(): to inference the values according to the model.

4. Forward Prop in a Single Layer

  • 1D array for x because only 1 training set data is used here.
  • The size of w vector is the same as the number of columns of w.

5. General Implementation of Forward Propagation

  • W are in 2 x 1 matrices added together to form 2 x 3 matrices:
    • Mathematical Intution: (1 x 2)(inputs) x (2 x 3)(W) -> (1 x 3)(Output matrix)
    • So the number of rows of W matrix must be the same as the number of columns of activation values.
  • W.shape[1] is the same as the num of the columns.
everything happens for a reason

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