Today class consists of three things.
1-1. We will make graph by using networx libary.
1-2. by using Adjacency Matrix, Node index and Node embedding vector from graph, We will follow the aggregation and combination step in Graph Convolution Equation.
1-3. Finally We will make GCN layer
2-1. Cora dataset Information
2-2. Implement GCN model with Cora dataset
2-3. Visualize node embedding
3-1. I will introduce some brief information about the code and pytorch geometric.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask
!pip install ipdb
Looking in indexes:,
Collecting ipdb
Downloading ipdb-0.13.13-py3-none-any.whl (12 kB)
Collecting ipython>=7.31.1
Downloading ipython-8.11.0-py3-none-any.whl (793 kB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m793.3/793.3 KB[0m [31m11.7 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25hRequirement already satisfied: tomli in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipdb) (2.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: decorator in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipdb) (4.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (0.7.5)
Collecting prompt-toolkit!=3.0.37,<3.1.0,>=3.0.30
Downloading prompt_toolkit-3.0.38-py3-none-any.whl (385 kB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m385.8/385.8 KB[0m [31m25.9 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25hCollecting jedi>=0.16
Downloading jedi-0.18.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.6 MB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m1.6/1.6 MB[0m [31m46.9 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25hRequirement already satisfied: backcall in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (0.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments>=2.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (2.14.0)
Collecting stack-data
Downloading stack_data-0.6.2-py3-none-any.whl (24 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: pexpect>4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (4.8.0)
Collecting matplotlib-inline
Downloading matplotlib_inline-0.1.6-py3-none-any.whl (9.4 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (5.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: parso<0.9.0,>=0.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from jedi>=0.16->ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (0.8.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ptyprocess>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from pexpect>4.3->ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (0.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.37,<3.1.0,>=3.0.30->ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (0.2.6)
Collecting asttokens>=2.1.0
Downloading asttokens-2.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
Collecting executing>=1.2.0
Downloading executing-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (24 kB)
Collecting pure-eval
Downloading pure_eval-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from asttokens>=2.1.0->stack-data->ipython>=7.31.1->ipdb) (1.16.0)
Installing collected packages: pure-eval, executing, prompt-toolkit, matplotlib-inline, jedi, asttokens, stack-data, ipython, ipdb
Attempting uninstall: prompt-toolkit
Found existing installation: prompt-toolkit 2.0.10
Uninstalling prompt-toolkit-2.0.10:
Successfully uninstalled prompt-toolkit-2.0.10
Attempting uninstall: ipython
Found existing installation: ipython 7.9.0
Uninstalling ipython-7.9.0:
Successfully uninstalled ipython-7.9.0
[31mERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
google-colab 1.0.0 requires ipython~=7.9.0, but you have ipython 8.11.0 which is incompatible.[0m[31m
[0mSuccessfully installed asttokens-2.2.1 executing-1.2.0 ipdb-0.13.13 ipython-8.11.0 jedi-0.18.2 matplotlib-inline-0.1.6 prompt-toolkit-3.0.38 pure-eval-0.2.2 stack-data-0.6.2
!pip install networkx
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (3.0)
import ipdb
import torch
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import fractional_matrix_power
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
By using networkx library, you can do research in graph or network easily.
So, in the Graph Convolution Equation, I'll use networkx libary.
#1. Initialize the graph
G = nx.Graph(name='G')
<networkx.classes.graph.Graph at 0x7fa9bc302e20>
#2. Create nodes
#In this class, we will make graph that consist of 6 nodes.
#Each node is assigned node feature which corresponds to the node name
for i in range(1,7):
G.add_node(i, name=i)
#Define the edges and the edges to the graph
edges = [(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (2,5), (3,4), (3,6) ]
#Inspect the node features
print('\nGraph Nodes: ',
Graph Nodes: [(1, {'name': 1}), (2, {'name': 2}), (3, {'name': 3}), (4, {'name': 4}), (5, {'name': 5}), (6, {'name': 6})]
#Plot the graph
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold')
# Adjacency Matrix
nx.attr_matrix(G, node_attr='name')
(array([[0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.],
[1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1.],
[0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]]), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
#Get the Adjacency Matrix (A) and Node Features Matrix (X) as numpy array
A = np.array(nx.attr_matrix(G, node_attr='name')[0]) # Converting for getting numpy Adjacency Matrix (A)
X = np.array(nx.attr_matrix(G, node_attr='name')[1]) # Converting for getting numpy Node Features Matrix (X)
X = np.expand_dims(X,axis=1) # Make [6, 1] numpy Node Features Matrix (X)
print('Shape of A: ', A.shape) # [6, 6] matrix
Shape of A: (6, 6)
print('\nShape of X: ', X.shape) # [6, 1] matrix
Shape of X: (6, 1)
print('\nAdjacency Matrix (A):\n', A)
Adjacency Matrix (A):
[[0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.]
[1. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0.]
[1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1.]
[0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0.]]
print('\nNode Features Matrix (X):\n', X)
Node Features Matrix (X):
#Dot product Adjacency Matrix (A) and Node Features (X)
AX =,X) # AX
print("Dot product of A and X (AX):\n", AX)
Dot product of A and X (AX):
[[ 5.]
[ 5.]
[ 2.]
[ 3.]]
A' = A + I
#Add Self Loops
G_self_loops = G.copy() # A'
self_loops = []
for i in range(1, 1+ G.number_of_nodes()):
G_self_loops.add_edges_from(self_loops) # A' = A + I
#Check the edges of G_self_loops after adding the self loops
print('Edges of G with self-loops:\n', G_self_loops.edges)
Edges of G with self-loops:
[(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 1), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 2), (3, 4), (3, 6), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6)]
#Get the Adjacency Matrix (A) and Node Features Matrix (X) of added self-lopps graph
A_hat = np.array(nx.attr_matrix(G_self_loops, node_attr='name')[0]) # A' numpy Matrix
print('Adjacency Matrix of added self-loops G (A_hat):\n', A_hat)
Adjacency Matrix of added self-loops G (A_hat):
[[1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0.]
[1. 1. 0. 1. 1. 0.]
[1. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1.]
[0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.]]
#Calculate the dot product of A_hat and X (AX)
A_hatX =, X)
print('A_hatX:\n', A_hatX)
[[ 6.]
[ 9.]
[ 7.]
[ 9.]]
#Get the Degree Matrix of the added self-loops graph
edge_List = G_self_loops.edges()
Deg_Mat = [[i, 0] for i in G_self_loops.nodes()]
for element in edge_List:
if element[0] != element[1]:
Deg_Mat[element[0] - 1][1] += 1
Deg_Mat[element[1] - 1][1] += 1
else :
Deg_Mat[element[0] - 1][1] += 1
[[1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 4], [4, 3], [5, 2], [6, 2]]
#Convert the Degree Matrix to a N x N matrix where N is the number of nodes
D = np.diag([deg for [n,deg] in Deg_Mat]) # Get degree matrix
print('Degree Matrix of added self-loops G as numpy array (D):\n', D)
Degree Matrix of added self-loops G as numpy array (D):
[[3 0 0 0 0 0]
[0 4 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 4 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 3 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 2 0]
[0 0 0 0 0 2]]
#Get the inverse of Degree Matrix (D)
D_inv = np.linalg.inv(D)
print('Inverse of D:\n', D_inv)
Inverse of D:
[[0.33333333 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[0. 0.25 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[0. 0. 0.25 0. 0. 0. ]
[0. 0. 0. 0.33333333 0. 0. ]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0.5 0. ]
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.5 ]]
array([[1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0.],
[1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1.],
[0., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1.]])
D_invA =, A_hat)
[[0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333 0. 0. 0. ]
[0.25 0.25 0. 0.25 0.25 0. ]
[0.25 0. 0.25 0.25 0. 0.25 ]
[0. 0.33333333 0.33333333 0.33333333 0. 0. ]
[0. 0.5 0. 0. 0.5 0. ]
[0. 0. 0.5 0. 0. 0.5 ]]
#Dot product of D and AX for normalization
DAX =,X)
print('DAXW:\n', DAX)
[[2. ]
[3. ]
[3. ]
#Initialize the weights
n_h = 4 #number of neurons in the hidden layer
n_y = 2 #number of neurons in the output layer
W0 = np.random.randn(X.shape[1],n_h) * 0.01
W1 = np.random.randn(n_h,n_y) * 0.01
print('W0 weight:\n', W0)
print('W1 weight:\n', W1)
W0 weight:
[[-0.00204708 0.00478943 -0.00519439 -0.0055573 ]]
W1 weight:
[[ 0.01965781 0.01393406]
[ 0.00092908 0.00281746]
[ 0.00769023 0.01246435]
[ 0.01007189 -0.01296221]]
#Implement ReLu as activation function,
#Originally, non-linear activation needed, but when I searched some material, relu is used for activate function generally.
def relu(x):
return np.maximum(0,x)
#Build GCN layer
#In this function, we implement numpy to simplify
def gcn(A,H,W):
# Make a GCN Layer using the Graph Convolution Equation process so far.
# You can use np.diag, np.sum, np.linalg.inv,
I = np.identity(A.shape[0]) # create Identity Matrix of A
A_hat = A + I # add self-loop to A
D = np.diag(np.sum(A_hat, axis=0)) # create Degree Matrix of A
D_inv = np.linalg.inv(D)
D_invA =, A_hat)
DAXW =, H).dot(W)
return relu(DAXW)
#Do forward propagation
H1 = gcn(A,X,W0)
sys.settrace() should not be used when the debugger is being used.
This may cause the debugger to stop working correctly.
If this is needed, please check:
to see how to restore the debug tracing back correctly.
Call Location:
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 334, in set_trace
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(12)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 11 [0;31m [0;31m# You can use np.diag, np.sum, np.linalg.inv,[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 12 [0;31m [0mI[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0midentity[0m[0;34m([0m[0mA[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mshape[0m[0;34m[[0m[0;36m0[0m[0;34m][0m[0;34m)[0m [0;31m# create Identity Matrix of A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 13 [0;31m [0mA_hat[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mA[0m [0;34m+[0m [0mI[0m [0;31m# add self-loop to A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> n
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(13)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 12 [0;31m [0mI[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0midentity[0m[0;34m([0m[0mA[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mshape[0m[0;34m[[0m[0;36m0[0m[0;34m][0m[0;34m)[0m [0;31m# create Identity Matrix of A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 13 [0;31m [0mA_hat[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mA[0m [0;34m+[0m [0mI[0m [0;31m# add self-loop to A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 14 [0;31m [0mD[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdiag[0m[0;34m([0m[0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0msum[0m[0;34m([0m[0mA_hat[0m[0;34m,[0m [0maxis[0m[0;34m=[0m[0;36m0[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m)[0m [0;31m# create Degree Matrix of A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> I
array([[1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.]])
ipdb> n
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(14)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 13 [0;31m [0mA_hat[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mA[0m [0;34m+[0m [0mI[0m [0;31m# add self-loop to A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 14 [0;31m [0mD[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdiag[0m[0;34m([0m[0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0msum[0m[0;34m([0m[0mA_hat[0m[0;34m,[0m [0maxis[0m[0;34m=[0m[0;36m0[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m)[0m [0;31m# create Degree Matrix of A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 15 [0;31m [0mD_inv[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mlinalg[0m[0;34m.[0m[0minv[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> A
array([[0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.],
[1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 1.],
[0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.]])
ipdb> A_hat
array([[1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 0.],
[1., 0., 1., 1., 0., 1.],
[0., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1.]])
ipdb> n
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(15)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 14 [0;31m [0mD[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdiag[0m[0;34m([0m[0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0msum[0m[0;34m([0m[0mA_hat[0m[0;34m,[0m [0maxis[0m[0;34m=[0m[0;36m0[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m)[0m [0;31m# create Degree Matrix of A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 15 [0;31m [0mD_inv[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mlinalg[0m[0;34m.[0m[0minv[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 16 [0;31m [0mD_invA[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_inv[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mA_hat[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> n
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(16)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 15 [0;31m [0mD_inv[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mlinalg[0m[0;34m.[0m[0minv[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 16 [0;31m [0mD_invA[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_inv[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mA_hat[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 17 [0;31m [0mDAXW[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_invA[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mH[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> n
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(17)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 16 [0;31m [0mD_invA[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_inv[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mA_hat[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 17 [0;31m [0mDAXW[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_invA[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mH[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 18 [0;31m [0;32mreturn[0m [0mrelu[0m[0;34m([0m[0mDAXW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> D_invA
array([[0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0. , 0. ,
0. ],
[0.25 , 0.25 , 0. , 0.25 , 0.25 ,
0. ],
[0.25 , 0. , 0.25 , 0.25 , 0. ,
0.25 ],
[0. , 0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0.33333333, 0. ,
0. ],
[0. , 0.5 , 0. , 0. , 0.5 ,
0. ],
[0. , 0. , 0.5 , 0. , 0. ,
0.5 ]])
ipdb> n
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(18)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 16 [0;31m [0mD_invA[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_inv[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mA_hat[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 17 [0;31m [0mDAXW[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_invA[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mH[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 18 [0;31m [0;32mreturn[0m [0mrelu[0m[0;34m([0m[0mDAXW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> DAXW
array([[-0.00409415, 0.00957887, -0.01038877, -0.01111461],
[-0.00614123, 0.0143683 , -0.01558316, -0.01667191],
[-0.00716477, 0.01676302, -0.01818036, -0.01945056],
[-0.00614123, 0.0143683 , -0.01558316, -0.01667191],
[-0.00716477, 0.01676302, -0.01818036, -0.01945056],
[-0.00921184, 0.02155245, -0.02337474, -0.02500786]])
ipdb> n
array([[0. ... 0. ]])
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(18)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 16 [0;31m [0mD_invA[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_inv[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mA_hat[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 17 [0;31m [0mDAXW[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mD_invA[0m[0;34m,[0m [0mH[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mdot[0m[0;34m([0m[0mW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 18 [0;31m [0;32mreturn[0m [0mrelu[0m[0;34m([0m[0mDAXW[0m[0;34m)[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> c
sys.settrace() should not be used when the debugger is being used.
This may cause the debugger to stop working correctly.
If this is needed, please check:
to see how to restore the debug tracing back correctly.
Call Location:
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/", line 345, in set_continue
array([[0. , 0.00957887, 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.0143683 , 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.01676302, 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.0143683 , 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.01676302, 0. , 0. ],
[0. , 0.02155245, 0. , 0. ]])
H2 = gcn(A,H1,W1)
print('Node Embedding from GCN output:\n', H2)
> [0;32m<ipython-input-28-275b688f615f>[0m(12)[0;36mgcn[0;34m()[0m
[0;32m 11 [0;31m [0;31m# You can use np.diag, np.sum, np.linalg.inv,[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m---> 12 [0;31m [0mI[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mnp[0m[0;34m.[0m[0midentity[0m[0;34m([0m[0mA[0m[0;34m.[0m[0mshape[0m[0;34m[[0m[0;36m0[0m[0;34m][0m[0;34m)[0m [0;31m# create Identity Matrix of A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
[0m[0;32m 13 [0;31m [0mA_hat[0m [0;34m=[0m [0mA[0m [0;34m+[0m [0mI[0m [0;31m# add self-loop to A[0m[0;34m[0m[0;34m[0m[0m
ipdb> c
Node Embedding from GCN output:
[[1.26076558e-05 3.82331255e-05]
[1.27930625e-05 3.87953773e-05]
[1.44617228e-05 4.38556439e-05]
[1.40909094e-05 4.27311403e-05]
[1.44617228e-05 4.38556439e-05]
[1.77990434e-05 5.39761772e-05]]
Node representation
def visualize(h, color):
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.xlim([np.min(h[:,0])*0.9, np.max(h[:,0])*1.1])
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')
plt.scatter(h[:, 0], h[:, 1], s=140, c=color, cmap="Set2")
visualize(H2, color=range(6)) # node3 and node 5 have same embedding, So Two nodes overlap on the screen.
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from torch.nn.modules.module import Module
import torch.optim as optim
import time
Dataset link :
The Cora dataset consists of 2708 scientific publications classified into one of seven classes. The citation network consists of 5429 links. Each publication in the dataset is described by a 0/1-valued word vector indicating the absence/presence of the corresponding word from the dictionary. The dictionary consists of 1433 unique words.
--2023-03-29 04:33:24--
Resolving (, 2620:100:601d:18::a27d:512
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: /s/raw/fl9mvrio3hah4on/cora.content [following]
--2023-03-29 04:33:24--
Reusing existing connection to
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2023-03-29 04:33:25--
Resolving (, 2620:100:601d:15::a27d:50f
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7823427 (7.5M) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘cora.content’
cora.content 100%[===================>] 7.46M 26.6MB/s in 0.3s
2023-03-29 04:33:25 (26.6 MB/s) - ‘cora.content’ saved [7823427/7823427]
--2023-03-29 04:33:25--
Resolving (, 2620:100:601d:18::a27d:512
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: /s/raw/l829sldp7xqrt0h/cora.cites [following]
--2023-03-29 04:33:26--
Reusing existing connection to
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2023-03-29 04:33:26--
Resolving (, 2620:100:601d:15::a27d:50f
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 69928 (68K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘cora.cites’
cora.cites 100%[===================>] 68.29K --.-KB/s in 0.03s
2023-03-29 04:33:26 (1.94 MB/s) - ‘cora.cites’ saved [69928/69928]
import pandas as pd
import os
edgelist = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("./", "cora.cites"), sep='\t', header=None, names=["target", "source"]) # it has graph
edgelist["label"] = "cites"
edgelist.sample(frac=1).head(5) # <ID of cited paper node> <ID of citing paper node>, by doing this, you can see the edge information
target | source | label | |
4294 | 152731 | 1109392 | cites |
2625 | 28385 | 118558 | cites |
4255 | 144408 | 219446 | cites |
3696 | 78555 | 78557 | cites |
437 | 1365 | 188318 | cites |
<svg xmlns="" height="24px"viewBox="0 0 24 24"
const buttonEl =
document.querySelector('#df-61e82418-b31c-44c8-8f8f-4b3517da82c7 button.colab-df-convert'); =
google.colab.kernel.accessAllowed ? 'block' : 'none';
async function convertToInteractive(key) {
const element = document.querySelector('#df-61e82418-b31c-44c8-8f8f-4b3517da82c7');
const dataTable =
await google.colab.kernel.invokeFunction('convertToInteractive',
[key], {});
if (!dataTable) return;
const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
'<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
+ ' to learn more about interactive tables.';
element.innerHTML = '';
dataTable['output_type'] = 'display_data';
await google.colab.output.renderOutput(dataTable, element);
const docLink = document.createElement('div');
docLink.innerHTML = docLinkHtml;
Gnx = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(edgelist, edge_attr="label")
nx.set_node_attributes(Gnx, "paper", "label")
print(Gnx.nodes) # from edgelist, by using from_pandas_edgelist() function, we can extract node list from edgelist
Gnx.nodes[12210] ## by type this, we can see the node feature
[1033, 35, 103482, 103515, 1050679, 1103960, 1103985, 1109199, 1112911, 1113438, 1113831, 1114331, 1117476, 1119505, 1119708, 1120431, 1123756, 1125386, 1127430, 1127913, 1128204, 1128227, 1128314, 1128453, 1128945, 1128959, 1128985, 1129018, 1129027, 1129573, 1129683, 1129778, 1130847, 1130856, 1131116, 1131360, 1131557, 1131752, 1133196, 1133338, 1136814, 1137466, 1152421, 1152508, 1153065, 1153280, 1153577, 1153853, 1153943, 1154176, 1154459, 116552, 12576, 128540, 132806, 135130, 141342, 141347, 148170, 15670, 1688, 175291, 178727, 18582, 190697, 190706, 1956, 197054, 198443, 198653, 206371, 210871, 229635, 231249, 248425, 249421, 254923, 259701, 259702, 263279, 263498, 265203, 273152, 27510, 28290, 286500, 287787, 28851, 289779, 289780, 289781, 307015, 335733, 33904, 33907, 35061, 38205, 387795, 415693, 41714, 427606, 44368, 45599, 46079, 46431, 486840, 48766, 503883, 503893, 513189, 54129, 54131, 56119, 561238, 568857, 573964, 573978, 574009, 574264, 574462, 575077, 575292, 575331, 576725, 576795, 577227, 578780, 579008, 592973, 593091, 593105, 593240, 593260, 593813, 594047, 594543, 594649, 594900, 608326, 634902, 634904, 634938, 634975, 640617, 646809, 646837, 647408, 647447, 66556, 66563, 66805, 69284, 69296, 694759, 735303, 78511, 787016, 801170, 81722, 82098, 84021, 85352, 86359, 8865, 887, 97645, 98698, 1109017, 40, 1114442, 1103315, 114, 1105394, 1106112, 1106172, 1106406, 1107455, 1111052, 1114125, 1117942, 1118245, 1118332, 1120170, 1126029, 124064, 128, 130, 136665, 191404, 193742, 23258, 28227, 28287, 28350, 28387, 28471, 28485, 341188, 38480, 39403, 434, 55968, 58540, 6155, 6170, 6196, 6220, 64484, 7432, 755217, 8213, 91975, 976334, 1109581, 117, 149669, 17476, 189708, 206259, 28202, 28278, 32872, 33013, 6214, 75674, 20526, 13960, 345340, 1118092, 288, 36167, 1135125, 424, 218666, 47684, 267003, 58454, 463, 1102364, 504, 1112650, 506, 89416, 1106546, 10796, 1105033, 1111304, 1113614, 114308, 134128, 161221, 170798, 19045, 20972, 28456, 299195, 299197, 334153, 35490, 595056, 6151, 6213, 6215, 64519, 87363, 1103979, 906, 1105344, 1114352, 1136397, 1140040, 34355, 910, 1104379, 1105530, 1108834, 1110520, 1114118, 1116569, 1118848, 1120858, 1122460, 1126044, 1129111, 1135137, 1152194, 12439, 12946, 131042, 13136, 160705, 227286, 242637, 31043, 340075, 340078, 35905, 42847, 436796, 48550, 5462, 576257, 58552, 5869, 636511, 67292, 675649, 684372, 94953, 1107010, 936, 1111899, 129558, 207395, 3084, 3828, 38845, 20180, 940, 28265, 941, 1152896, 943, 91852, 1034, 1026, 1102550, 1105231, 1129798, 1153945, 1107062, 1035, 1110515, 1154525, 1213, 409725, 8766, 102938, 1237, 1102400, 143676, 1246, 1104007, 42207, 57764, 6125, 1102625, 1272, 1108167, 1120962, 112378, 1123867, 1128256, 1129208, 1135358, 157805, 18615, 192734, 20593, 27230, 284414, 30895, 30901, 444240, 520471, 52835, 552469, 560936, 591016, 636098, 65653, 6917, 6923, 85452, 85688, 93923, 97892, 1031453, 1365, 1102407, 1105062, 1106287, 1108050, 1110494, 1110998, 1113995, 1114153, 1114388, 1114605, 1116347, 1116594, 1117653, 1119140, 1120211, 1120866, 1128839, 1129443, 1130600, 1131647, 1131745, 1131748, 1132922, 1132968, 1135368, 1136422, 1136442, 1152143, 1152821, 1154169, 120084, 139865, 157401, 171225, 184918, 188318, 188471, 22835, 23448, 23502, 23507, 237521, 26850, 330148, 340299, 39904, 49482, 562123, 628500, 648232, 649731, 69392, 7276, 7297, 77758, 782486, 83826, 85299, 853150, 90888, 93555, 948299, 948846, 949318, 949511, 950052, 950305, 1102567, 1481, 1106052, 1108267, 1111614, 1113934, 1114864, 1117184, 1119295, 1120563, 1153891, 200480, 399173, 4878, 521207, 521269, 1134022, 152483, 1694, 39474, 647413, 1115291, 1717, 1116336, 1135108, 50381, 733167, 35797, 1786, 1114502, 1817, 1108389, 1919, 129042, 1949, 3101, 3095, 1951, 1107215, 1952, 1153166, 1953, 1153724, 1153728, 110163, 1955, 1110390, 101143, 1118302, 1153101, 1153150, 263486, 83449, 1959, 3097, 310530, 38839, 73327, 82664, 1102442, 1997, 1108551, 1109439, 1109542, 129897, 154982, 3233, 49811, 7032, 1999, 1123068, 1131471, 39126, 6771, 10186, 2354, 1107140, 1113852, 1130539, 154134, 40151, 74749, 1000012, 2440, 1061127, 1106388, 1107095, 1110426, 1114512, 1117786, 1120650, 1127619, 1153254, 136766, 136768, 151430, 212777, 23546, 49843, 49844, 49847, 582343, 591017, 63931, 72908, 102406, 2653, 107177, 1104055, 1116268, 1116842, 1118764, 1119751, 1152075, 167656, 197783, 28641, 321861, 350362, 4660, 59045, 65650, 1104851, 2654, 1106630, 1107861, 1110438, 1121867, 1123926, 211906, 27250, 463825, 52784, 1115375, 2658, 1130676, 1130808, 1131607, 1132948, 1135899, 1140230, 230884, 236759, 282700, 395540, 578347, 696342, 696345, 696346, 751408, 99023, 1119671, 2663, 1105574, 2665, 1113035, 1122704, 1132486, 205192, 237489, 43639, 578306, 578309, 578337, 582139, 630817, 631052, 763009, 1108169, 2695, 1120197, 2698, 342802, 2696, 1114192, 1118083, 1123239, 1133004, 256106, 469504, 5348, 99025, 1120777, 2702, 12330, 395553, 72056, 1107171, 255233, 33303, 15889, 3085, 221302, 30973, 395725, 5062, 110162, 218682, 1106236, 129045, 110164, 70441, 103529, 3112, 1152564, 470511, 77826, 77829, 1110000, 3187, 129896, 280876, 5086, 105865, 3191, 1106789, 1127530, 1131267, 137873, 162664, 308920, 310742, 3192, 423463, 561364, 642827, 3217, 167670, 238099, 86840, 1106492, 3218, 1119987, 1120169, 1152290, 1153264, 187354, 277263, 35070, 417017, 6639, 66782, 6767, 6941, 1115677, 3220, 1125992, 1128430, 1130634, 1131728, 1132706, 120039, 145215, 346243, 36620, 39124, 40922, 429805, 654177, 69397, 8832, 1103737, 3222, 1114222, 1131137, 1132157, 964248, 3223, 100197, 3229, 1105718, 1106568, 1108209, 1109392, 1112767, 1125082, 1125895, 1126037, 1128868, 1130915, 1130927, 1130931, 1132418, 1140289, 1152277, 1152673, 1154251, 118559, 133550, 16461, 189577, 25181, 25184, 27174, 27631, 31769, 33412, 35343, 35863, 35922, 390922, 396412, 444191, 447250, 52515, 62347, 641976, 654326, 7022, 72101, 82087, 919885, 92065, 96335, 104840, 3231, 1102761, 1106330, 1106370, 1107067, 1113926, 1115471, 1128536, 1153169, 180399, 20850, 259126, 3237, 328370, 49660, 6334, 63477, 63486, 66594, 68463, 8699, 8821, 3232, 20942, 521251, 1125467, 192850, 272720, 509379, 976284, 3235, 3236, 601561, 1110531, 3240, 39130, 1103610, 3243, 1110947, 1113739, 307336, 31932, 368431, 854434, 5075, 3932, 1105428, 4274, 1114664, 1119078, 105899, 4329, 1110768, 28254, 395547, 46468, 510718, 1103676, 4330, 1104449, 11093, 1112929, 1132459, 1132461, 1136393, 1152917, 118436, 119956, 120013, 151708, 168410, 32688, 37884, 390889, 428610, 684986, 69418, 753265, 949217, 1104300, 4335, 1121254, 1136310, 1140547, 116790, 239800, 32698, 62274, 62417, 755082, 95718, 1102548, 4553, 4584, 1120020, 1130567, 13885, 13917, 293285, 6184, 6210, 628815, 164, 4637, 1105887, 4649, 1127851, 135765, 135766, 411092, 449841, 8703, 429781, 5038, 102884, 4804, 1108175, 1112574, 1153262, 12182, 12210, 157761, 25805, 45189, 68505, 77515, 989397, 7867, 4983, 5055, 28026, 5064, 5069, 1121176, 1129106, 272345, 385067, 109323, 1105698, 137849, 354004, 440815, 79809, 1152714, 5194, 133563, 133566, 140569, 139547, 75695, 911198, 5454, 1128425, 1130680, 1022969, 5600, 1117833, 5959, 152226, 545647, 582511, 5966, 1107572, 12211, 27612, 385251, 6130, 1154123, 1154124, 671269, 675847, 1106547, 1107355, 1385, 6152, 1106966, 6163, 20534, 96847, 6169, 1114629, 170338, 7419, 10981, 1120731, 13686, 399339, 1153056, 81350, 1108329, 6209, 118259, 118260, 181782, 212930, 8875, 95579, 1105764, 1109957, 1111230, 1113182, 1113459, 1117760, 1122425, 1123553, 1128267, 1129096, 1129243, 13193, 153598, 17208, 195361, 218410, 23774, 241133, 293271, 353541, 6224, 628667, 628668, 672064, 1115886, 1152740, 28447, 6378, 93320, 95589, 6216, 230300, 10793, 6238, 1123991, 1130356, 84459, 6311, 235776, 1108656, 6318, 1121057, 20833, 1152307, 1152448, 1152975, 1153703, 6343, 141868, 359067, 521252, 1112665, 6344, 1106103, 6346, 1112075, 28473, 1103162, 6385, 682666, 892139, 1102646, 6539, 116084, 178209, 568045, 1130637, 6741, 1153160, 348437, 49895, 51909, 83725, 9708, 1120444, 6925, 1111240, 6775, 350319, 6782, 100961, 6784, 1116629, 60170, 6786, 714975, 1117348, 6814, 1125469, 158172, 293974, 300071, 315266, 390896, 445938, 1105531, 6818, 50336, 50337, 1123188, 6898, 124224, 12631, 431206, 6910, 78994, 1117219, 1132083, 1152150, 1154103, 169279, 263553, 662416, 1105011, 6913, 1131230, 703953, 1153811, 1155073, 20857, 308003, 1114526, 1118658, 372862, 57922, 57948, 6935, 101660, 1115670, 1116922, 6939, 323128, 52847, 1120880, 7041, 1135082, 7047, 14549, 54844, 1136446, 7272, 763181, 7296, 763010, 1107312, 1153287, 7430, 95586, 1121603, 7532, 1153097, 141171, 314459, 7537, 80515, 1113534, 1131348, 409255, 1138027, 315789, 105057, 8079, 1108728, 8224, 1111788, 1128531, 1132815, 11342, 1153148, 1153866, 133615, 22431, 22563, 23738, 55403, 601567, 62389, 97377, 1120059, 8581, 75691, 8591, 137956, 167205, 709113, 1132809, 8594, 180187, 232605, 58268, 8617, 12359, 36145, 8619, 1102751, 8687, 38000, 8696, 101145, 173884, 27535, 308232, 502574, 51866, 59244, 89335, 1129570, 395075, 608292, 785678, 1104647, 8872, 1125092, 1152761, 1153860, 1120643, 8874, 1153816, 1152676, 8961, 1133390, 102879, 9513, 9515, 1102794, 9559, 252725, 1130780, 9581, 633585, 1120138, 9586, 33818, 1153003, 9716, 28674, 10169, 114189, 158614, 17798, 211875, 39131, 711598, 10174, 10177, 12197, 12198, 124734, 15429, 249858, 27606, 67415, 68495, 10183, 10430, 1114336, 1120713, 259772, 47570, 54550, 1103394, 10435, 208345, 22566, 41417, 1102850, 10531, 1107567, 1129442, 194617, 31336, 31349, 31353, 43698, 686532, 180373, 31097, 46536, 6217, 10798, 1154500, 18619, 20193, 252715, 1102873, 39199, 1129835, 11148, 1131719, 193354, 25413, 11339, 11326, 1127657, 11335, 11325, 217139, 11337, 211432, 44017, 45061, 1126350, 12155, 12199, 12158, 148399, 12165, 1112099, 1119471, 12169, 1059953, 1106418, 1117249, 1153183, 155736, 219239, 28632, 28640, 309476, 94713, 27199, 12194, 1107319, 12195, 1131611, 1132285, 38722, 51180, 111866, 95225, 12247, 101263, 12238, 107569, 1152490, 1153861, 156977, 213279, 400356, 12337, 16451, 16470, 16474, 12347, 101811, 12350, 152227, 20601, 20602, 1131634, 1071981, 1104999, 1105221, 1107674, 127033, 416455, 56112, 56709, 574710, 575795, 62718, 63832, 12638, 119761, 899119, 13024, 13195, 1105148, 13205, 13208, 131318, 13212, 214472, 358884, 411005, 13213, 13269, 13654, 13652, 13656, 83746, 1115959, 119686, 987188, 13658, 294239, 13717, 37998, 13966, 1126050, 13972, 34979, 13982, 14062, 1152358, 646836, 97390, 98693, 1103016, 14083, 14090, 643069, 1103031, 14428, 1103969, 14429, 14431, 34082, 73119, 1119216, 14430, 1103038, 14529, 239829, 14531, 1105932, 1152308, 56167, 592830, 60682, 14545, 14807, 264347, 25702, 15076, 708945, 175576, 210309, 217115, 35854, 41666, 89547, 15431, 12558, 1110024, 1118388, 15892, 175909, 1116146, 158098, 15984, 15987, 523394, 653441, 714289, 16008, 1131165, 189571, 189572, 152219, 16437, 430329, 51831, 1105603, 1129621, 1104787, 16471, 1114992, 273949, 1123087, 16476, 105856, 16485, 1109891, 1120049, 1131167, 16819, 1131236, 1131274, 1131312, 126793, 643003, 643221, 644093, 644334, 646195, 646286, 1152259, 16843, 1152991, 17201, 1126012, 184157, 95435, 1152633, 17242, 17363, 17477, 17488, 1107136, 17811, 245955, 17821, 18251, 18313, 86923, 18532, 1106854, 18536, 424540, 1153091, 28964, 18770, 531348, 531351, 18773, 88356, 73146, 18774, 103537, 18777, 1112686, 173863, 66794, 79817, 18781, 18785, 1106401, 18811, 20920, 18812, 510715, 18815, 18832, 18833, 18834, 1152944, 593210, 593328, 593329, 19231, 1153736, 12960, 30934, 686061, 19621, 1128846, 1131464, 123825, 240791, 628888, 649730, 649739, 66990, 853116, 948147, 19697, 40124, 38829, 20178, 64271, 91853, 20179, 95188, 1108597, 1114777, 1116397, 1116839, 1119180, 112813, 1130653, 1130657, 1138091, 1152244, 1153877, 1153879, 1153889, 144330, 566488, 566653, 566664, 20528, 70442, 1106849, 20584, 1118823, 20592, 389715, 1118209, 1121537, 20821, 1127863, 1115701, 20923, 1116530, 20924, 289885, 294030, 1116181, 1103383, 22229, 1107418, 1128369, 144701, 22241, 243483, 459216, 595193, 22386, 1128407, 38846, 107251, 107252, 1121459, 22564, 36140, 63915, 94229, 1110563, 22876, 22869, 22874, 22875, 22883, 1107367, 22886, 23070, 23069, 74700, 1116044, 134307, 134316, 74698, 87915, 1105433, 23116, 1111978, 152731, 217852, 101662, 1153064, 189574, 27249, 84020, 1111265, 24043, 928873, 1103499, 24476, 1153024, 24530, 24966, 1106671, 1123576, 1131149, 1154042, 124828, 145134, 145176, 197452, 202639, 27627, 63549, 65212, 671293, 95719, 1104258, 24974, 1112723, 34315, 40125, 285675, 385572, 1153897, 147870, 1104769, 25772, 1122580, 1126503, 641956, 25791, 45212, 25794, 1110028, 1121063, 248119, 27203, 23545, 27241, 27243, 27246, 1128990, 27514, 27530, 1128542, 27531, 592826, 1112026, 34961, 27543, 27623, 1104182, 27632, 686015, 686030, 116021, 27895, 325497, 28230, 28249, 1152436, 28267, 308529, 567005, 108047, 28336, 28359, 28385, 118558, 28389, 28412, 194645, 28487, 28489, 1152910, 28491, 1139928, 28504, 131315, 365294, 28542, 32260, 28649, 155738, 578669, 595157, 28957, 159897, 1125402, 1125944, 1112426, 29492, 1122574, 131117, 144408, 29708, 400473, 29723, 155277, 29738, 30817, 144679, 31055, 31083, 48066, 1105672, 31105, 1063773, 1124844, 1129608, 1135746, 1152162, 1152272, 1152904, 286562, 31927, 686559, 31479, 39165, 31483, 118682, 31489, 40583, 40605, 632796, 632874, 632935, 633721, 67245, 67246, 358894, 31863, 91581, 1129572, 32083, 1153933, 200630, 346292, 45605, 688361, 32276, 174418, 636500, 84695, 33231, 1132887, 33301, 1110256, 33325, 124296, 34708, 78549, 78552, 78557, 1119004, 33823, 33895, 1110546, 1106771, 34257, 1111186, 1114398, 1115456, 1116974, 1122642, 192870, 34263, 34266, 368605, 87482, 90655, 503871, 682815, 168958, 35335, 59772, 1104031, 1116410, 108962, 35778, 108983, 519318, 1128974, 399370, 60169, 627024, 35852, 41732, 134060, 1105116, 194223, 390894, 66982, 36131, 77438, 350373, 46500, 36162, 189620, 36802, 189856, 37888, 589923, 590022, 37483, 37541, 260979, 37879, 1128997, 1129610, 1153942, 117316, 592975, 592986, 593060, 606647, 61069, 1131270, 38537, 1131277, 137868, 153063, 642847, 1104191, 38771, 1110579, 39127, 1128881, 1128927, 1128935, 116081, 116087, 195150, 46476, 75972, 39210, 66986, 1123689, 39890, 1154229, 1154232, 1154233, 242663, 51045, 521855, 559804, 714256, 118079, 40131, 40135, 1104261, 884094, 40886, 41216, 1113551, 128383, 943087, 144212, 182094, 44455, 42156, 1118120, 1152179, 42209, 42221, 42848, 1116835, 1131195, 43165, 1135894, 43186, 206524, 48075, 1104435, 44121, 227178, 44514, 253971, 606479, 1131266, 45052, 1130929, 45188, 1105450, 1132385, 1104495, 45533, 45603, 1131639, 975567, 1152569, 46452, 46470, 46491, 137380, 46547, 51834, 1153275, 46501, 46887, 1153106, 1125393, 47682, 47683, 1124837, 47839, 48555, 48764, 48768, 48781, 1134865, 397488, 423816, 1112369, 217984, 49753, 49720, 683355, 123556, 50354, 289088, 1104749, 50807, 50838, 73972, 50980, 1134320, 51049, 51052, 51879, 51934, 1104809, 52000, 52007, 52003, 1112194, 300806, 446271, 53942, 1128291, 1128319, 1136791, 117315, 578645, 578646, 578649, 593022, 1128982, 141324, 459213, 459214, 593859, 593942, 59715, 54132, 593921, 594387, 62634, 1104946, 55770, 55801, 56115, 1119178, 239810, 56708, 57119, 1132731, 711527, 1154524, 57773, 235670, 57932, 1114239, 58436, 87417, 58453, 1113828, 248395, 58758, 1128208, 576973, 59626, 96845, 59798, 60159, 61073, 61312, 1106764, 61417, 94416, 1131565, 62329, 195792, 251756, 593155, 650834, 62333, 1107325, 1107558, 294145, 62607, 62676, 312409, 83461, 1105360, 63812, 63835, 64319, 1125909, 65057, 519353, 1110209, 65074, 1117920, 142268, 714748, 1112319, 1123530, 66564, 362926, 66596, 1135750, 66751, 1138043, 573535, 693143, 695284, 1105505, 1153031, 509315, 82090, 66809, 1117501, 171954, 1127558, 67584, 1127566, 562067, 67633, 68115, 68224, 231198, 69198, 70281, 70444, 70520, 70970, 593068, 71336, 71736, 71904, 1135122, 1118347, 72406, 899085, 72805, 954315, 73162, 1134348, 189774, 714260, 714879, 1105810, 73323, 73712, 74427, 1120252, 74821, 1131150, 1105877, 74920, 74921, 74937, 1107041, 74975, 75121, 103430, 75318, 1121569, 75693, 75694, 75969, 1128856, 75983, 1115790, 77108, 77112, 106590, 1129994, 1129907, 613409, 78508, 575402, 78555, 662279, 662572, 1121659, 1131466, 358866, 80491, 80656, 81714, 82666, 82920, 1125492, 1128198, 1129367, 576691, 83847, 1130678, 1106298, 1133047, 509233, 85324, 628751, 577086, 85449, 86258, 1133469, 1114184, 1153786, 89308, 103528, 137130, 1116328, 1152379, 237376, 90470, 91038, 92589, 93273, 93318, 1152958, 143801, 284023, 284025, 93755, 1111733, 94639, 94641, 116553, 95198, 95588, 95594, 95597, 95642, 990075, 594025, 96851, 100935, 99030, 193931, 100701, 596075, 101261, 102061, 102939, 1154074, 1113742, 246618, 103531, 656048, 126912, 103543, 126927, 289085, 193932, 1095507, 1107385, 1153899, 578898, 108963, 310653, 108974, 1133417, 683404, 110041, 111676, 1119623, 111770, 112099, 112787, 1125258, 114966, 1107728, 115188, 1107808, 116512, 116528, 116545, 1115166, 117328, 118424, 118435, 1121739, 1109566, 118873, 119712, 1140543, 1109873, 120817, 1152394, 121792, 141160, 1154276, 1119742, 124952, 1126011, 189721, 1108258, 126867, 126868, 126909, 126920, 645897, 126926, 1114364, 127940, 243274, 128202, 128203, 1108363, 1121313, 907845, 129287, 131122, 131317, 132821, 133553, 133567, 1108570, 133628, 481073, 134199, 164885, 447224, 134219, 134314, 134315, 134320, 135464, 1135589, 135798, 136767, 137359, 1118286, 137790, 1131300, 1154068, 139738, 1108841, 140005, 1131345, 917493, 503877, 608191, 141596, 143323, 143476, 1131549, 219446, 1128975, 1136342, 595063, 294126, 145315, 649944, 145384, 1109185, 1132434, 1109208, 148341, 1123215, 149139, 1120786, 987197, 583318, 1131223, 561568, 561581, 561593, 561595, 561610, 561613, 645084, 1112106, 154023, 1133846, 154047, 1130934, 1133028, 397590, 155158, 156794, 1118017, 1127812, 158812, 1152711, 159084, 159085, 241821, 1128853, 160732, 1153922, 1109830, 162075, 162080, 737204, 1135345, 739707, 163235, 166420, 166825, 166989, 168332, 169280, 656231, 1138755, 820662, 174425, 175256, 175548, 689152, 753070, 177115, 177993, 177998, 178718, 179180, 179702, 1152859, 179706, 1110628, 180301, 1120084, 182093, 1131550, 650814, 1110950, 187260, 1153014, 189566, 189623, 189655, 1129518, 1134346, 190698, 191216, 191222, 193347, 612306, 193352, 193918, 194609, 1154520, 126128, 215912, 563613, 248823, 377303, 198866, 199571, 643734, 202520, 202522, 643597, 203646, 205196, 1130568, 1130586, 628764, 628766, 815096, 950986, 1128151, 1129629, 210872, 1112071, 212097, 212107, 213246, 1117618, 216877, 216878, 1152663, 1112417, 219218, 567018, 219976, 220420, 226698, 1122304, 1128946, 228992, 228990, 230879, 1133428, 696343, 851968, 1153195, 232606, 1113084, 232860, 12275, 233106, 630890, 235678, 235679, 689439, 235683, 238401, 240321, 1113541, 245288, 1121398, 248431, 250566, 253762, 255628, 258259, 260121, 261040, 262108, 262121, 262178, 1138968, 263069, 263482, 264556, 335042, 267824, 270456, 1114838, 270600, 278394, 278403, 1152959, 285687, 286513, 288107, 1153784, 289945, 578845, 292277, 1133010, 1152858, 302545, 1131198, 643199, 307656, 270085, 1139195, 318071, 318187, 1117049, 321004, 1117089, 325314, 330208, 337766, 348305, 1118546, 358887, 360028, 1119211, 367312, 746058, 400455, 368657, 370366, 375605, 375825, 1119654, 376704, 379288, 60560, 380341, 1120019, 384428, 390693, 684972, 1135115, 1154173, 408885, 416867, 416964, 421481, 1105622, 430574, 1132416, 430711, 671052, 645571, 446610, 1123093, 1123493, 458439, 459206, 466170, 1128977, 467383, 1131374, 1154076, 577331, 646913, 1125597, 1125906, 1125953, 521183, 1125993, 1132864, 522338, 683360, 523010, 523574, 1126315, 529165, 561582, 646440, 561611, 1127541, 561674, 1127551, 561789, 561809, 562940, 1127810, 573553, 1138970, 593544, 608190, 1131734, 576362, 1128201, 578365, 1153900, 578650, 1128943, 1128978, 593559, 593560, 579108, 1128437, 582349, 592993, 592996, 593248, 1129015, 593104, 593201, 593209, 1153896, 594011, 594039, 1129021, 594119, 1129040, 594483, 594511, 601462, 1129368, 1129369, 1129494, 604073, 1153946, 610529, 616336, 1130069, 617378, 1130080, 617575, 1130243, 621555, 1130454, 626530, 1154012, 626531, 626574, 626999, 628459, 628458, 631015, 633031, 633030, 633081, 672070, 672071, 1131163, 642593, 1131164, 642621, 1131258, 642641, 642681, 644441, 1131172, 642798, 644470, 1131180, 642894, 1131301, 1131335, 643239, 643485, 645046, 645870, 646334, 646357, 1131184, 642920, 642930, 1131189, 1131192, 1131257, 1131305, 1131334, 644448, 644577, 643695, 643777, 643735, 645016, 644361, 644363, 644427, 1131314, 644494, 644843, 1154071, 645088, 645452, 646289, 1131330, 646412, 1131359, 646900, 647315, 1131421, 648106, 648112, 1131420, 648121, 1131414, 648369, 650807, 1133930, 653628, 1131741, 654339, 1131754, 654519, 1131828, 1132073, 662250, 1132406, 1132443, 1132505, 675756, 1132857, 682508, 683294, 684531, 687401, 1133008, 688824, 688849, 1134031, 1134056, 709518, 1134197, 711994, 714208, 1154230, 733534, 733576, 734406, 735311, 1135455, 738941, 739280, 739816, 1140548, 1135955, 752684, 1136631, 753047, 1136634, 753264, 767763, 1136040, 754594, 1136110, 756061, 1136447, 762980, 1136449, 1137140, 779960, 1138619, 814836, 815073, 820661, 817774, 1139009, 824245, 1140231, 853114, 853155, 853115, 853118]
{'label': 'paper'}
feature_names = ["word_{}".format(ii) for ii in range(1433)]
column_names = feature_names + ["subject"]
node_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join("/content/", "cora.content"), sep='\t', header=None, names=column_names)
node_data.head(5) # <paper node id> <word_attributes>+ <node label>
word_0 | word_1 | word_2 | word_3 | word_4 | word_5 | word_6 | word_7 | word_8 | word_9 | ... | word_1424 | word_1425 | word_1426 | word_1427 | word_1428 | word_1429 | word_1430 | word_1431 | word_1432 | subject | |
31336 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Neural_Networks |
1061127 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Rule_Learning |
1106406 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Reinforcement_Learning |
13195 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Reinforcement_Learning |
37879 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Probabilistic_Methods |
5 rows × 1434 columns
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if (!dataTable) return;
const docLinkHtml = 'Like what you see? Visit the ' +
'<a target="_blank" href=>data table notebook</a>'
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set(node_data["subject"]) # node class type
In the class, we will predict the subject of a paper (node) on the basis of the surrounding node data and the structure of the graph.
EPOCH = 200
SEED = 42
dropout_rate = 0.5
learning_rate = 0.01
weight_decay = 5e-4
def encode_onehot(labels): # we will make all class(subject) to one-hot vector for training.
classes = set(labels) # {'Case_Based', 'Genetic_Algorithms', 'Neural_Networks', 'Probabilistic_Methods', 'Reinforcement_Learning', 'Rule_Learning', 'Theory'}
classes_dict = {c: np.identity(len(classes))[i, :] for i, c in enumerate(classes)}
labels_onehot = np.array(list(map(classes_dict.get, labels)), dtype=np.int32)
return labels_onehot
def normalize(mx): # This part is similar to the normalization process implemented earlier.
rowsum = np.array(mx.sum(1))
r_inv = np.power(rowsum, -1).flatten()
r_inv[np.isinf(r_inv)] = 0.
r_mat_inv = sp.diags(r_inv)
mx =
return mx
def sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(sparse_mx): # Convert a scipy sparse matrix to a torch sparse tensor.
sparse_mx = sparse_mx.tocoo().astype(np.float32)
indices = torch.from_numpy(np.vstack((sparse_mx.row, sparse_mx.col)).astype(np.int64))
values = torch.from_numpy(
shape = torch.Size(sparse_mx.shape)
return torch.sparse.FloatTensor(indices, values, shape)
def load_data(path="./", dataset="cora"):
# In the function, by using above 3 function,
print('Loading {} dataset...'.format(dataset))
idx_features_labels = np.genfromtxt("{}{}.content".format(path, dataset), dtype=np.dtype(str)) # load all tables
features = sp.csr_matrix(idx_features_labels[:, 1:-1], dtype=np.float32) # Compress sparse matrix
labels = encode_onehot(idx_features_labels[:, -1]) # Label onehot encoding
# build graph
idx = np.array(idx_features_labels[:, 0], dtype=np.int32) # node list, size : total number of publication
idx_map = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(idx)}
edges_unordered = np.genfromtxt("{}{}.cites".format(path, dataset),dtype=np.int32)
edges = np.array(list(map(idx_map.get, edges_unordered.flatten())), dtype=np.int32).reshape(edges_unordered.shape)
adj = sp.coo_matrix((np.ones(edges.shape[0]), (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])), shape=(labels.shape[0], labels.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
# build adjacency matrix
adj = adj + adj.T.multiply(adj.T > adj) - adj.multiply(adj.T > adj)
features = normalize(features)
adj = normalize(adj + sp.eye(adj.shape[0]))
# split all nodes to train/valid/test for node classification
idx_train = range(140)
idx_val = range(200, 500)
idx_test = range(500, 1500)
features = torch.FloatTensor(np.array(features.todense()))
labels = torch.LongTensor(np.where(labels)[1])
adj = sparse_mx_to_torch_sparse_tensor(adj)
idx_train = torch.LongTensor(idx_train)
idx_val = torch.LongTensor(idx_val)
idx_test = torch.LongTensor(idx_test)
return adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test
def accuracy(output, labels):
preds = output.max(1)[1].type_as(labels)
correct = preds.eq(labels).double()
correct = correct.sum()
return correct / len(labels)
class GraphConvolution(Module):
#Simple GCN layer, similar to
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):
super(GraphConvolution, self).__init__()
# initialize weight by using reset_parameters() function
self.in_features = in_features
self.out_features = out_features
# Random initialization of weight
self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_features, out_features))
# Change random initialization as uniform distribution
def reset_parameters(self):
stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(1)), stdv)
def forward(self, input, adj):
# You can use
support =, self.weight) # Make XW weight = W
output =, support) # Make AXW adj = A
return output
class GCN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, nfeat, nhid, nclass, dropout):
super(GCN, self).__init__()
self.gc1 = GraphConvolution(nfeat, nhid)
self.gc2 = GraphConvolution(nhid, nclass)
self.dropout = dropout
def forward(self, x, adj):
# Obtain Node embedding
# Make forward propagation by referencing Section 1 (Graph Convolution Equation's forward propagation).
x = self.gc1(x, adj) # Fisrt GraphConvlution Layer
x = F.relu(x) # relu
x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout, # dropout
x = self.gc2(x, adj) # Second Graph Convolution Layer
x = F.log_softmax(x, dim=1) # log(softmax(x))
return x
# Fixing some seed
# Load data
adj, features, labels, idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = load_data() # adj -> adjacency matrix, same ax A, features -> node feature matrix, same as X
Loading cora dataset...
CPU times: user 3.73 s, sys: 338 ms, total: 4.07 s
Wall time: 4.09 s
tensor(indices=tensor([[ 0, 8, 14, ..., 1389, 2344, 2707],
[ 0, 0, 0, ..., 2707, 2707, 2707]]),
values=tensor([0.1667, 0.1667, 0.0500, ..., 0.2000, 0.5000, 0.2500]),
size=(2708, 2708), nnz=13264, layout=torch.sparse_coo)
features.shape # (Number of publications) X (word vectors + subject)
torch.Size([2708, 1433])
# 0이 아닌 것이 subject attribute
features[:, -10:]
tensor([[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0588, ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0526, 0.0000, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000],
[0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]])
tensor([0, 6, 3, ..., 4, 1, 0])
# Model and optimizer
model = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], # [2708, 1433] -> [1433] for matrix multiplication of X and W
nclass=labels.max().item() + 1,
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, weight_decay=weight_decay)
features = features.cuda()
adj = adj.cuda()
labels = labels.cuda()
idx_train = idx_train.cuda()
idx_val = idx_val.cuda()
idx_test = idx_test.cuda()
In the train() function, We train GCN by using nll_loss objective function and Adam Optimizer.
By using train and validation index, We get output in model result.
def train(epoch):
t = time.time()
output = model(features, adj)
loss_train = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train])
acc_train = accuracy(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train])
# Evaluate validation set performance separately,
# deactivates dropout during validation run.
output = model(features, adj)
loss_val = F.nll_loss(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val])
acc_val = accuracy(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val])
print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch+1),
'loss_train: {:.4f}'.format(loss_train.item()),
'acc_train: {:.4f}'.format(acc_train.item()),
'loss_val: {:.4f}'.format(loss_val.item()),
'acc_val: {:.4f}'.format(acc_val.item()))
In the test() function, we test trained model with node embedding visualization (T-SNE).
# Visualize
def visualize(h, label, idx):
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.xlabel('Dimension 0')
plt.ylabel('Dimension 1')
h_ = h[idx]
color = [ label[i] for i in idx ]
print(f'Embedding shape: {list(h_.shape)}')
z = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(h_.detach().cpu().numpy())
plt.scatter(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], s=70, c=color, cmap="Set2")
def test(): # get loss and accuracy with node embedding visualization
output = model(features, adj)
visualize(output, labels.detach().cpu(), idx_test)
loss_test = F.nll_loss(output[idx_test], labels[idx_test])
acc_test = accuracy(output[idx_test], labels[idx_test])
print("Test set results:",
"loss= {:.4f}".format(loss_test.item()),
"accuracy= {:.4f}".format(acc_test.item()))
When I measure time for traing, About 1.35 sec
# Train model
t_total = time.time()
for epoch in range(EPOCH):
print("Optimization Finished!")
print("Total time elapsed: {:.4f}s".format(time.time() - t_total))
Epoch: 0001 loss_train: 1.9490 acc_train: 0.2429 loss_val: 1.9475 acc_val: 0.2067
Epoch: 0002 loss_train: 1.9440 acc_train: 0.2500 loss_val: 1.9430 acc_val: 0.2433
Epoch: 0003 loss_train: 1.9367 acc_train: 0.3357 loss_val: 1.9388 acc_val: 0.2300
Epoch: 0004 loss_train: 1.9317 acc_train: 0.3071 loss_val: 1.9347 acc_val: 0.2200
Epoch: 0005 loss_train: 1.9264 acc_train: 0.3214 loss_val: 1.9304 acc_val: 0.2267
Epoch: 0006 loss_train: 1.9215 acc_train: 0.2929 loss_val: 1.9259 acc_val: 0.2367
Epoch: 0007 loss_train: 1.9153 acc_train: 0.3214 loss_val: 1.9210 acc_val: 0.2500
Epoch: 0008 loss_train: 1.9058 acc_train: 0.3214 loss_val: 1.9155 acc_val: 0.2500
Epoch: 0009 loss_train: 1.9011 acc_train: 0.3357 loss_val: 1.9097 acc_val: 0.2600
Epoch: 0010 loss_train: 1.8911 acc_train: 0.3071 loss_val: 1.9034 acc_val: 0.2600
Epoch: 0011 loss_train: 1.8827 acc_train: 0.3286 loss_val: 1.8966 acc_val: 0.2600
Epoch: 0012 loss_train: 1.8713 acc_train: 0.3143 loss_val: 1.8892 acc_val: 0.2600
Epoch: 0013 loss_train: 1.8622 acc_train: 0.2786 loss_val: 1.8813 acc_val: 0.2633
Epoch: 0014 loss_train: 1.8533 acc_train: 0.3500 loss_val: 1.8730 acc_val: 0.2700
Epoch: 0015 loss_train: 1.8385 acc_train: 0.3500 loss_val: 1.8641 acc_val: 0.2767
Epoch: 0016 loss_train: 1.8272 acc_train: 0.3714 loss_val: 1.8546 acc_val: 0.2967
Epoch: 0017 loss_train: 1.8142 acc_train: 0.3429 loss_val: 1.8446 acc_val: 0.3233
Epoch: 0018 loss_train: 1.7981 acc_train: 0.3857 loss_val: 1.8340 acc_val: 0.3567
Epoch: 0019 loss_train: 1.7861 acc_train: 0.4000 loss_val: 1.8231 acc_val: 0.3767
Epoch: 0020 loss_train: 1.7784 acc_train: 0.3857 loss_val: 1.8117 acc_val: 0.3867
Epoch: 0021 loss_train: 1.7477 acc_train: 0.4357 loss_val: 1.7999 acc_val: 0.4133
Epoch: 0022 loss_train: 1.7493 acc_train: 0.4071 loss_val: 1.7878 acc_val: 0.4267
Epoch: 0023 loss_train: 1.7209 acc_train: 0.4286 loss_val: 1.7751 acc_val: 0.4333
Epoch: 0024 loss_train: 1.7052 acc_train: 0.4643 loss_val: 1.7620 acc_val: 0.4533
Epoch: 0025 loss_train: 1.6924 acc_train: 0.4643 loss_val: 1.7485 acc_val: 0.4600
Epoch: 0026 loss_train: 1.6710 acc_train: 0.4857 loss_val: 1.7347 acc_val: 0.4700
Epoch: 0027 loss_train: 1.6416 acc_train: 0.4714 loss_val: 1.7205 acc_val: 0.4733
Epoch: 0028 loss_train: 1.6360 acc_train: 0.4929 loss_val: 1.7060 acc_val: 0.4800
Epoch: 0029 loss_train: 1.6070 acc_train: 0.5000 loss_val: 1.6913 acc_val: 0.4900
Epoch: 0030 loss_train: 1.5961 acc_train: 0.5357 loss_val: 1.6762 acc_val: 0.5000
Epoch: 0031 loss_train: 1.5766 acc_train: 0.5071 loss_val: 1.6610 acc_val: 0.5067
Epoch: 0032 loss_train: 1.5607 acc_train: 0.5429 loss_val: 1.6457 acc_val: 0.5100
Epoch: 0033 loss_train: 1.5345 acc_train: 0.5571 loss_val: 1.6302 acc_val: 0.5233
Epoch: 0034 loss_train: 1.5062 acc_train: 0.6143 loss_val: 1.6146 acc_val: 0.5267
Epoch: 0035 loss_train: 1.4915 acc_train: 0.5643 loss_val: 1.5989 acc_val: 0.5267
Epoch: 0036 loss_train: 1.5025 acc_train: 0.6143 loss_val: 1.5832 acc_val: 0.5367
Epoch: 0037 loss_train: 1.4599 acc_train: 0.6214 loss_val: 1.5675 acc_val: 0.5433
Epoch: 0038 loss_train: 1.4581 acc_train: 0.5929 loss_val: 1.5519 acc_val: 0.5533
Epoch: 0039 loss_train: 1.4309 acc_train: 0.6429 loss_val: 1.5363 acc_val: 0.5667
Epoch: 0040 loss_train: 1.3725 acc_train: 0.6429 loss_val: 1.5206 acc_val: 0.5700
Epoch: 0041 loss_train: 1.3793 acc_train: 0.6357 loss_val: 1.5049 acc_val: 0.5767
Epoch: 0042 loss_train: 1.3352 acc_train: 0.6500 loss_val: 1.4891 acc_val: 0.5800
Epoch: 0043 loss_train: 1.3562 acc_train: 0.6786 loss_val: 1.4733 acc_val: 0.5833
Epoch: 0044 loss_train: 1.3076 acc_train: 0.6929 loss_val: 1.4576 acc_val: 0.5933
Epoch: 0045 loss_train: 1.2951 acc_train: 0.6786 loss_val: 1.4419 acc_val: 0.6000
Epoch: 0046 loss_train: 1.2654 acc_train: 0.6857 loss_val: 1.4263 acc_val: 0.6067
Epoch: 0047 loss_train: 1.2657 acc_train: 0.7071 loss_val: 1.4108 acc_val: 0.6100
Epoch: 0048 loss_train: 1.2517 acc_train: 0.7500 loss_val: 1.3954 acc_val: 0.6100
Epoch: 0049 loss_train: 1.2049 acc_train: 0.7071 loss_val: 1.3802 acc_val: 0.6267
Epoch: 0050 loss_train: 1.2129 acc_train: 0.7000 loss_val: 1.3651 acc_val: 0.6367
Epoch: 0051 loss_train: 1.1661 acc_train: 0.7357 loss_val: 1.3500 acc_val: 0.6500
Epoch: 0052 loss_train: 1.2001 acc_train: 0.7071 loss_val: 1.3351 acc_val: 0.6533
Epoch: 0053 loss_train: 1.1581 acc_train: 0.7714 loss_val: 1.3204 acc_val: 0.6567
Epoch: 0054 loss_train: 1.1501 acc_train: 0.7714 loss_val: 1.3059 acc_val: 0.6600
Epoch: 0055 loss_train: 1.1119 acc_train: 0.7714 loss_val: 1.2915 acc_val: 0.6633
Epoch: 0056 loss_train: 1.1154 acc_train: 0.8000 loss_val: 1.2774 acc_val: 0.6733
Epoch: 0057 loss_train: 1.0678 acc_train: 0.8143 loss_val: 1.2634 acc_val: 0.6800
Epoch: 0058 loss_train: 1.0512 acc_train: 0.7857 loss_val: 1.2496 acc_val: 0.6833
Epoch: 0059 loss_train: 1.0376 acc_train: 0.8214 loss_val: 1.2359 acc_val: 0.6900
Epoch: 0060 loss_train: 1.0373 acc_train: 0.8214 loss_val: 1.2225 acc_val: 0.7033
Epoch: 0061 loss_train: 1.0335 acc_train: 0.8071 loss_val: 1.2094 acc_val: 0.7167
Epoch: 0062 loss_train: 1.0095 acc_train: 0.8000 loss_val: 1.1965 acc_val: 0.7200
Epoch: 0063 loss_train: 0.9977 acc_train: 0.8000 loss_val: 1.1840 acc_val: 0.7267
Epoch: 0064 loss_train: 0.9484 acc_train: 0.8357 loss_val: 1.1717 acc_val: 0.7267
Epoch: 0065 loss_train: 0.9430 acc_train: 0.8000 loss_val: 1.1596 acc_val: 0.7300
Epoch: 0066 loss_train: 0.9460 acc_train: 0.8214 loss_val: 1.1478 acc_val: 0.7367
Epoch: 0067 loss_train: 0.9307 acc_train: 0.8286 loss_val: 1.1366 acc_val: 0.7333
Epoch: 0068 loss_train: 0.8884 acc_train: 0.8286 loss_val: 1.1257 acc_val: 0.7400
Epoch: 0069 loss_train: 0.9236 acc_train: 0.8357 loss_val: 1.1149 acc_val: 0.7400
Epoch: 0070 loss_train: 0.8896 acc_train: 0.8357 loss_val: 1.1045 acc_val: 0.7467
Epoch: 0071 loss_train: 0.8333 acc_train: 0.8643 loss_val: 1.0943 acc_val: 0.7600
Epoch: 0072 loss_train: 0.8907 acc_train: 0.8643 loss_val: 1.0844 acc_val: 0.7600
Epoch: 0073 loss_train: 0.8249 acc_train: 0.8643 loss_val: 1.0748 acc_val: 0.7633
Epoch: 0074 loss_train: 0.8501 acc_train: 0.8500 loss_val: 1.0654 acc_val: 0.7633
Epoch: 0075 loss_train: 0.8271 acc_train: 0.8571 loss_val: 1.0563 acc_val: 0.7633
Epoch: 0076 loss_train: 0.8333 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 1.0474 acc_val: 0.7633
Epoch: 0077 loss_train: 0.7798 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 1.0386 acc_val: 0.7667
Epoch: 0078 loss_train: 0.7881 acc_train: 0.8643 loss_val: 1.0303 acc_val: 0.7667
Epoch: 0079 loss_train: 0.7975 acc_train: 0.8571 loss_val: 1.0223 acc_val: 0.7667
Epoch: 0080 loss_train: 0.7892 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 1.0146 acc_val: 0.7733
Epoch: 0081 loss_train: 0.7624 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 1.0071 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0082 loss_train: 0.7459 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.9996 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0083 loss_train: 0.7435 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 0.9925 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0084 loss_train: 0.7274 acc_train: 0.8857 loss_val: 0.9856 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0085 loss_train: 0.6996 acc_train: 0.8857 loss_val: 0.9791 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0086 loss_train: 0.7249 acc_train: 0.8857 loss_val: 0.9729 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0087 loss_train: 0.7449 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.9669 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0088 loss_train: 0.7044 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.9610 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0089 loss_train: 0.7135 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.9551 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0090 loss_train: 0.6792 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.9494 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0091 loss_train: 0.7334 acc_train: 0.8500 loss_val: 0.9438 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0092 loss_train: 0.6932 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.9386 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0093 loss_train: 0.6891 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.9337 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0094 loss_train: 0.6501 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.9289 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0095 loss_train: 0.6511 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 0.9241 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0096 loss_train: 0.6786 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.9195 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0097 loss_train: 0.6553 acc_train: 0.8714 loss_val: 0.9149 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0098 loss_train: 0.6299 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.9108 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0099 loss_train: 0.6283 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.9068 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0100 loss_train: 0.6411 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.9028 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0101 loss_train: 0.6216 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8986 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0102 loss_train: 0.6309 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.8946 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0103 loss_train: 0.6211 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 0.8908 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0104 loss_train: 0.5940 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.8870 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0105 loss_train: 0.6268 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8831 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0106 loss_train: 0.5906 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.8793 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0107 loss_train: 0.5937 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.8754 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0108 loss_train: 0.5637 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8717 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0109 loss_train: 0.5805 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8681 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0110 loss_train: 0.5983 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 0.8647 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0111 loss_train: 0.5719 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8613 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0112 loss_train: 0.5894 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.8579 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0113 loss_train: 0.5635 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.8547 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0114 loss_train: 0.6131 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.8516 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0115 loss_train: 0.5426 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8483 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0116 loss_train: 0.5330 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8449 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0117 loss_train: 0.5570 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8416 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0118 loss_train: 0.5509 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.8386 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0119 loss_train: 0.5752 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.8356 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0120 loss_train: 0.5703 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8328 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0121 loss_train: 0.5391 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.8299 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0122 loss_train: 0.5385 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.8274 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0123 loss_train: 0.5392 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8250 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0124 loss_train: 0.5267 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.8230 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0125 loss_train: 0.5205 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8210 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0126 loss_train: 0.5583 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8189 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0127 loss_train: 0.5233 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.8168 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0128 loss_train: 0.5294 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8145 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0129 loss_train: 0.5298 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.8116 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0130 loss_train: 0.5261 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.8086 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0131 loss_train: 0.5282 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.8056 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0132 loss_train: 0.5312 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.8029 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0133 loss_train: 0.5154 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.8004 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0134 loss_train: 0.5126 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7979 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0135 loss_train: 0.5036 acc_train: 0.9000 loss_val: 0.7957 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0136 loss_train: 0.4925 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7935 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0137 loss_train: 0.5123 acc_train: 0.8786 loss_val: 0.7915 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0138 loss_train: 0.5016 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7894 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0139 loss_train: 0.5007 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7875 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0140 loss_train: 0.5032 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7855 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0141 loss_train: 0.4719 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.7838 acc_val: 0.7833
Epoch: 0142 loss_train: 0.4737 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7822 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0143 loss_train: 0.4898 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7809 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0144 loss_train: 0.4710 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7797 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0145 loss_train: 0.4852 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7782 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0146 loss_train: 0.4303 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7767 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0147 loss_train: 0.4668 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7752 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0148 loss_train: 0.4971 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.7736 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0149 loss_train: 0.4710 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.7721 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0150 loss_train: 0.4713 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7706 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0151 loss_train: 0.4826 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7692 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0152 loss_train: 0.4402 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7677 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0153 loss_train: 0.4601 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.7663 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0154 loss_train: 0.4625 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7645 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0155 loss_train: 0.4578 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7629 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0156 loss_train: 0.4636 acc_train: 0.9071 loss_val: 0.7613 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0157 loss_train: 0.4710 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7597 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0158 loss_train: 0.4791 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7581 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0159 loss_train: 0.4814 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7564 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0160 loss_train: 0.4818 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.7547 acc_val: 0.7767
Epoch: 0161 loss_train: 0.4525 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7535 acc_val: 0.7800
Epoch: 0162 loss_train: 0.4120 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7521 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0163 loss_train: 0.4675 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7505 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0164 loss_train: 0.4444 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7487 acc_val: 0.7900
Epoch: 0165 loss_train: 0.4293 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7469 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0166 loss_train: 0.4124 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7456 acc_val: 0.7867
Epoch: 0167 loss_train: 0.4526 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7442 acc_val: 0.7900
Epoch: 0168 loss_train: 0.4110 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7427 acc_val: 0.7900
Epoch: 0169 loss_train: 0.4323 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7411 acc_val: 0.7900
Epoch: 0170 loss_train: 0.4613 acc_train: 0.9143 loss_val: 0.7394 acc_val: 0.7933
Epoch: 0171 loss_train: 0.3700 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7381 acc_val: 0.7900
Epoch: 0172 loss_train: 0.4179 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7370 acc_val: 0.7933
Epoch: 0173 loss_train: 0.4309 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7356 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0174 loss_train: 0.4136 acc_train: 0.8929 loss_val: 0.7343 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0175 loss_train: 0.3838 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7331 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0176 loss_train: 0.4168 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7324 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0177 loss_train: 0.4039 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7320 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0178 loss_train: 0.4021 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7312 acc_val: 0.7933
Epoch: 0179 loss_train: 0.4318 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7302 acc_val: 0.7933
Epoch: 0180 loss_train: 0.3904 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7293 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0181 loss_train: 0.4072 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.7286 acc_val: 0.7933
Epoch: 0182 loss_train: 0.3995 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7276 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0183 loss_train: 0.4138 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7268 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0184 loss_train: 0.4128 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7257 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0185 loss_train: 0.4114 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7244 acc_val: 0.8033
Epoch: 0186 loss_train: 0.4140 acc_train: 0.9286 loss_val: 0.7236 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0187 loss_train: 0.4249 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.7223 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0188 loss_train: 0.4085 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7212 acc_val: 0.7967
Epoch: 0189 loss_train: 0.3959 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7201 acc_val: 0.8033
Epoch: 0190 loss_train: 0.3834 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7192 acc_val: 0.8033
Epoch: 0191 loss_train: 0.3958 acc_train: 0.9714 loss_val: 0.7182 acc_val: 0.8033
Epoch: 0192 loss_train: 0.3717 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.7171 acc_val: 0.8000
Epoch: 0193 loss_train: 0.4009 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7163 acc_val: 0.8000
Epoch: 0194 loss_train: 0.3830 acc_train: 0.9357 loss_val: 0.7156 acc_val: 0.8033
Epoch: 0195 loss_train: 0.3970 acc_train: 0.9214 loss_val: 0.7148 acc_val: 0.8067
Epoch: 0196 loss_train: 0.3925 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7140 acc_val: 0.8067
Epoch: 0197 loss_train: 0.3775 acc_train: 0.9643 loss_val: 0.7128 acc_val: 0.8100
Epoch: 0198 loss_train: 0.4060 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7114 acc_val: 0.8133
Epoch: 0199 loss_train: 0.3697 acc_train: 0.9429 loss_val: 0.7106 acc_val: 0.8133
Epoch: 0200 loss_train: 0.3809 acc_train: 0.9500 loss_val: 0.7094 acc_val: 0.8167
Optimization Finished!
Total time elapsed: 4.2290s
CPU times: user 1.64 s, sys: 369 ms, total: 2.01 s
Wall time: 4.23 s
When I measure test time, About 6.79 sec
# Testing
Embedding shape: [1000, 7]
Test set results: loss= 0.7287 accuracy= 0.8240
CPU times: user 8.25 s, sys: 402 ms, total: 8.65 s
Wall time: 4.21 s
Collab Dataset
it is a large dataset containing many graphs and graph labels.
This dataset is mainly used for graph classification.
COLLAB is a scientific collaboration dataset. A graph corresponds to a researcher’s ego network,
i.e., the researcher and its collaborators are nodes and an edge indicates collaboration between two researchers.
The code is made on pytorch_geometric library.
Why do I use?
pytorch_geometric is very fast despite working on sparse data.
Compared to the Deep GraphLibrary (DGL) 0.1.3, pytorch_geometric trains models up to 15 times faster.
So, I recommend running the code and studying the library.
Reference :
pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric -f
Looking in indexes:,
Looking in links:
Collecting torch-scatter
Downloading torch_scatter-2.1.1.tar.gz (107 kB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m107.6/107.6 KB[0m [31m3.7 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25h Preparing metadata ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Collecting torch-sparse
Downloading torch_sparse-0.6.17.tar.gz (209 kB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m209.2/209.2 KB[0m [31m10.4 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25h Preparing metadata ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Collecting torch-cluster
Downloading torch_cluster-1.6.1.tar.gz (53 kB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m53.8/53.8 KB[0m [31m1.9 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25h Preparing metadata ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Collecting torch-spline-conv
Downloading torch_spline_conv-1.2.2.tar.gz (25 kB)
Preparing metadata ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Collecting torch-geometric
Downloading torch_geometric-2.3.0.tar.gz (616 kB)
[2K [90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[0m [32m616.2/616.2 KB[0m [31m25.8 MB/s[0m eta [36m0:00:00[0m
[?25h Installing build dependencies ... [?25l[?25hdone
Getting requirements to build wheel ... [?25l[?25hdone
Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... [?25l[?25hdone
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-sparse) (1.10.1)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (2.27.1)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil>=5.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (5.9.4)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (1.2.2)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (4.65.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from torch-geometric) (1.22.4)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from jinja2->torch-geometric) (2.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from requests->torch-geometric) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from requests->torch-geometric) (1.26.15)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from requests->torch-geometric) (2022.12.7)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from requests->torch-geometric) (2.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.1.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from scikit-learn->torch-geometric) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages (from scikit-learn->torch-geometric) (3.1.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: torch-scatter, torch-sparse, torch-cluster, torch-spline-conv, torch-geometric
Building wheel for torch-scatter ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Created wheel for torch-scatter: filename=torch_scatter-2.1.1-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=3507043 sha256=c2f0bf45642a83726394a5594e9145f782017baff4117ac6a0a26ecdc38ce660
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/d5/0c/18/11b4cf31446c5d460543b0fff930fcac3a3f8a785e5c73fb15
Building wheel for torch-sparse ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Created wheel for torch-sparse: filename=torch_sparse-0.6.17-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=2746513 sha256=dc5b149df8731c80cb9b8a62f78492502e7788f3d4d6b24745588c74b20ae3c1
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/f8/43/54/bcb8acdd1109bd1e4c71106747af298d0315cdf3f090b2ae43
Building wheel for torch-cluster ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Created wheel for torch-cluster: filename=torch_cluster-1.6.1-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=2077653 sha256=60ccdbefbf1a98a82eeac9797ba687f1e71304af83d41eecf6b030ead8ca57f2
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/77/5a/b9/b61ba7d7a2e314173db70b38be991ddedc0225a4812bed2dc7
Building wheel for torch-spline-conv ( ... [?25l[?25hdone
Created wheel for torch-spline-conv: filename=torch_spline_conv-1.2.2-cp39-cp39-linux_x86_64.whl size=523110 sha256=1bc0fc8169a38b61e1da5d10c120f35d63bf2c2c34b30372baa450b41c5f4e51
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/58/f8/af/928307700e029de11dd581e4a466b4c906bb0764d2d4b591f0
Building wheel for torch-geometric (pyproject.toml) ... [?25l[?25hdone
Created wheel for torch-geometric: filename=torch_geometric-2.3.0-py3-none-any.whl size=909897 sha256=0d7a32ab127edd9c76f32b7dcecd54bf9737c44353daec674686170ecb6acd74
Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/cd/7d/6b/17150450b80b4a3656a84330e22709ccd8dc0f8f4773ba4133
Successfully built torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric
Installing collected packages: torch-spline-conv, torch-scatter, torch-sparse, torch-cluster, torch-geometric
Successfully installed torch-cluster-1.6.1 torch-geometric-2.3.0 torch-scatter-2.1.1 torch-sparse-0.6.17 torch-spline-conv-1.2.2
from torch_geometric.datasets import TUDataset
from torch_geometric.utils import to_networkx
import torch_geometric.transforms as T
from torch_geometric.utils import degree
def create_one_hot_transform(dataset): # Since the collab dataset does not have a node feature, So I make a node feature using the max_degree value.
max_degree = 0 # I reference that in
degs = []
for data in dataset:
degs += [degree(data.edge_index[0], dtype=torch.long)]
max_degree = max(max_degree, degs[-1].max().item())
return T.OneHotDegree(max_degree)
def load_dataset():
dataset = TUDataset(root='/tmp/COLLAB', name="COLLAB")
dataset.transform = create_one_hot_transform(dataset)
return dataset
dataset = load_dataset()
Extracting /tmp/COLLAB/COLLAB/
CPU times: user 1min 33s, sys: 11.4 s, total: 1min 44s
Wall time: 1min 44s
print(f'Dataset: {dataset}:')
print(f'Number of graphs: {len(dataset)}')
print(f'Number of classes: {dataset.num_classes}')
print(f'Number of features: {dataset.num_features}')
###### One graph #####
data = dataset[0] # Get the first graph object.
# Gather some statistics about the first graph.
print(f'Number of nodes: {data.num_nodes}')
print(f'Number of edges: {data.num_edges}')
print(f'Average node degree: {data.num_edges / data.num_nodes:.2f}')
print(f'Contains isolated nodes: {data.contains_isolated_nodes()}')
print(f'Contains self-loops: {data.contains_self_loops()}')
print(f'Is undirected: {data.is_undirected()}')
Dataset: COLLAB(5000):
Number of graphs: 5000
Number of classes: 3
Number of features: 492
Data(edge_index=[2, 1980], y=[1], num_nodes=45, x=[45, 492])
Number of nodes: 45
Number of edges: 1980
Average node degree: 44.00
Contains isolated nodes: False
Contains self-loops: False
Is undirected: True
# One graph edges
tensor([[ 0, 0, 0, ..., 44, 44, 44],
[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 41, 42, 43]])
from torch_geometric.utils import to_networkx
G = to_networkx(data, to_undirected=True)
#It shows one graph of Collab dataset.
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos=nx.spring_layout(G, seed=42), with_labels=True, cmap="Set2", width=0.5, node_size=500, node_color='yellow')
dataset = dataset.shuffle() # Label data are sequentially located. (0, 1, 2)
# train / valid
train_dataset = dataset[:4000]
valid_dataset = dataset[4000:]
print(f'Number of training graphs: {len(train_dataset)}')
print(f'Number of test graphs: {len(valid_dataset)}')
Number of training graphs: 4000
Number of test graphs: 1000
from import DataLoader
# Unlike CV and NLP, in graph, DataLoader aggregates node_feature, weight and edge_index from different samples/ graphs into Batches
# So The GNN model needs this “batch” information to know which nodes belong to the same graph within a batch to perform computation.
# Reference :
# Reference :
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)
valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=False)
from torch.nn import Linear
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv
from torch_geometric.nn import global_mean_pool
class GCN(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_channels):
super(GCN, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = GCNConv(dataset.num_node_features, hidden_channels)
self.conv2 = GCNConv(hidden_channels, hidden_channels)
self.conv3 = GCNConv(hidden_channels, hidden_channels) # When I used one more GCNConv, the performance came out better.
self.lin = Linear(hidden_channels, dataset.num_classes)
def forward(self, x, edge_index, batch):
# 1. Obtain node embeddings
x = self.conv1(x, edge_index)
x = x.relu()
x = self.conv2(x, edge_index)
x = x.relu()
x = self.conv3(x, edge_index)
# 2. Readout layer
x = global_mean_pool(x, batch) # [batch_size, hidden_channels] , for graph classsification
h = x.clone().detach() # for making graph embedding
# 3. Apply a final classifier
x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5,
x = self.lin(x)
return x , h
model = GCN(hidden_channels=64)
model =
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
def train(epoch=None):
for data in train_loader: # Iterate in batches over the training dataset.
data =
out, _ = model(data.x, data.edge_index, data.batch) # Perform a single forward pass.
loss = criterion(out, data.y) # Compute the loss.
loss.backward() # Derive gradients.
optimizer.step() # Update parameters based on gradients.
optimizer.zero_grad() # Clear gradients.
print(f'Epoch: {epoch:03d}, Train loss: {loss:.4f}')
def test(loader, visual=False):
correct = 0
for data in loader: # Iterate in batches over the training/test dataset.
data =
out, h = model(data.x, data.edge_index, data.batch)
pred = out.argmax(dim=1) # Use the class with highest probability.
correct += int((pred == data.y).sum()) # Check against ground-truth labels.
if visual == True:
colors = ['#3A3120', '#535D8E', '#BD3430']
color = [ colors[i] for i in data.y.detach().cpu()]
z = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(h.detach().cpu().numpy())
print(f'Embedding shape: {list(h.shape)}')
plt.scatter(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], s=70, c=color, cmap="Set2")
return correct / len(loader.dataset) # Derive ratio of correct predictions.
for epoch in range(1, 31):
test_acc = test(valid_loader)
if epoch % 5 == 0:
print(f'Epoch: {epoch:03d}, Test Acc: {test_acc:.4f}')
Epoch: 001, Train loss: 0.7195
Epoch: 002, Train loss: 0.4161
Epoch: 003, Train loss: 0.4312
Epoch: 004, Train loss: 0.4805
Epoch: 005, Train loss: 0.3761
Epoch: 005, Test Acc: 0.7810
Epoch: 006, Train loss: 0.6026
Epoch: 007, Train loss: 0.3423
Epoch: 008, Train loss: 0.4011
Epoch: 009, Train loss: 0.3502
Epoch: 010, Train loss: 0.3265
Epoch: 010, Test Acc: 0.7960
Epoch: 011, Train loss: 0.3840
Epoch: 012, Train loss: 0.5217
Epoch: 013, Train loss: 0.4022
Epoch: 014, Train loss: 0.3394
Epoch: 015, Train loss: 0.3952
Epoch: 015, Test Acc: 0.8010
Epoch: 016, Train loss: 0.3260
Epoch: 017, Train loss: 0.5382
Epoch: 018, Train loss: 0.4368
Epoch: 019, Train loss: 0.2666
Epoch: 020, Train loss: 0.2966
Epoch: 020, Test Acc: 0.7890
Epoch: 021, Train loss: 0.3952
Epoch: 022, Train loss: 0.2110
Epoch: 023, Train loss: 0.2415
Epoch: 024, Train loss: 0.1759
Epoch: 025, Train loss: 0.2747
Epoch: 025, Test Acc: 0.8190
Epoch: 026, Train loss: 0.2576
Epoch: 027, Train loss: 0.3284
Epoch: 028, Train loss: 0.4078
Epoch: 029, Train loss: 0.2570
Epoch: 030, Train loss: 0.2867
Epoch: 030, Test Acc: 0.8110
CPU times: user 2min, sys: 345 ms, total: 2min
Wall time: 1min 3s
test(valid_loader, visual=True) # t-SNE
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [64, 64]
Embedding shape: [40, 64]
Thomas N. Kipf, Max Welling, Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks (ICLR 2017)
- AI504: Programming for AI Lecture at KAIST AI